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  1. Tenz81
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Thanks to reddit I was able to find out about this! Most vanillaish skin for UNP I was able to find so far, thanks!!
  2. MercuryLamp666
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Really nice textures for a close to vanilla style! 

    I was wondering, how do you change the vanilla underwear textures like on the 3rd screenshot for example? Mine is still the yellow-ish vanilla one.
    1. Novelyst
      • premium
      • 367 kudos
      Clothing textures! This one's Rustic Clothing.
  3. Chikaws
    • supporter
    • 132 kudos
    This is absolutely perfect! Just what I was looking for.

    Thank you so much!
  4. Morek01
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Bravo! This is the only CBBE compatible skin mod I've found that actually looks like vanilla. After spending all day testing other ones, I was starting to get really sick of looking at soulless dead-eyed sex dolls.
  5. Romiigames2
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Long time searching a vanilla like skin texture, and this is the one!!!
  6. yoshiki61
    • supporter
    • 42 kudos
    I took the liberty of posting a picture of Serana earlier.
    Once again, this is a really nice mod.
    I like the vanilla Selana look, so I added about five skin textures and compared them.
    This Lucid Skin is the best, it really brings out the best in her. Thank you.
  7. henryslim
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    NUDE version!!!!
    Amazing and realistic mod similar to vanilla textures and it's non nude. :(
    1. Novelyst
      • premium
      • 367 kudos
      use a body mod
    2. henryslim
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      I'm using the CBBE mod but with your textures the femenine parts are grey and not showing.
      Is there any option to use your texture mod but nude??
      Or I'm doing something wrong????
    3. Novelyst
      • premium
      • 367 kudos
      if you installed this mod with the compatibility option for CBBE, that is the default option. Nothing in this mod censors characters and I genuinely have no idea what you could mean.
    4. henryslim
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      It was that. I had installed the Vanilla option and not CBBE.
      Thank you so much.
  8. BourbonStl
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    love this mod, thanks, but I was hoping you could give some recommendations. One, it seems the edges around lips are all jagged. Is that something that can be fixed?

    As per the description page, I took your recommendation and downloaded "xenius character enhancement", which I kinda like, but I notice it adds this weird greenish-yellowish tinge to the area around the characters' nose. If I remove the mod, it disappears. What's going on here?
    1. Novelyst
      • premium
      • 367 kudos
      Are you overwriting this mod with XCE?
    2. BourbonStl
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i was, yes
    3. Novelyst
      • premium
      • 367 kudos
      You shouldn't. That was causing the issues you mentioned
    4. BourbonStl
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      wow, can't believe I didn't even try moving the load order haha. Thanks for the quick response!
    5. Novelyst
      • premium
      • 367 kudos
      No problem!
  9. Thijmen2017
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    A shame this introduces neckseam. Would be my favorite skin texture if it wasn't for that.
  10. Liseralla
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Any chance you could modify these to replace vanilla children skin textures?
    1. Novelyst
      • premium
      • 367 kudos
      Ehh, not really. Vanilla children's skin textures are an entirely different UV and I'd be better off starting from scratch. You might be interested in Rustic Children though.