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Mr Dave

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Mr. Dave

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  1. Mr. Dave
    Mr. Dave
    • premium
    • 520 kudos
    For those curious about the newer DX DDS file formats and SSE, please see this article that Dimitrisgrr linked.

    There is now a set for True Eyes users. If you are using the True Eyes mod, please use either the Main version for True Eyes, or the Optional BC7 version for True Eyes.
    You do not need to download the original for the True Eyes versions to work. They are completely independent.
  2. OrionDakota
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Okay I feel like an idiot but perhaps someone can explain this to me. Eyes are not concave so isnt this mod making the game more unrealistic? I think im missing the point but the first picture the vanilla reflection looks normal and the modded one looks like their eye is concave. Light doesnt reflect off the iris it reflects off the cornea. Perhaps this is fixing some sort of issue created with lighting mods?

    It has so many endorsements im feeling like I am really missing something here!
    1. Fizz508
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      think of you iris and pupil as a crater with a dome on top of it
    2. OrionDakota
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Right, what I think im confused about is that the light reflecting is coming off the top of the cornea. Unless this mod or another adds a SEPERATE reflection for the iris then it doesnt make sense to me. The cornea is convex and the reflection is showing in vanilla Skyrim, the iris is concave (or flat maybe?) but has no reflection in vanilla. Changing the single reflection to a concave just makes it look unrealistic. If you were going to add a second reflection for the iris then it would have to only reflect off the disc shape of the iris and would have to go away in the pupil which has no surface to reflect light.
    3. LeelooMinai
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      No, you are indeed correct. As much as I love this mod for introducing ways to play with the normal mapping of the actual iris, it's an optical illusion that does only work semi optimal with just one eye mesh.

      For it to work one needs a mesh for the iris/eyeball and the cornea/glass corpus. This is just a way of trying to solve having only one mesh. 

      A more elegant way to apply texture illusion would be a normal map that perfectly imitates the reflection of the cornea and apply depth and structure to the iris via the defuse by e.g. emboss and multiply. 

      So no you aren't crazy x'D or don't get it. It's just a mod that is around since a very long time (a lot of time to collect endorsis) and provides an illusion of something people would love to have in their Skyrim. 
    4. kundrun
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      OrionDakota, thank you for saving my sanity! This was giving me serious uncanny valley vibes. But I found no one else thinking the same thing.

      Ideally, the reflection should be in 3 parts:

      • The white of the eye is convex (domes outwards).
      • The iris (coloured outer ring) of the eye is also convex (domes outwards).
      • The pupil (dark inner circle) of the eye is concave (pits inwards).
    5. TheSaltStorm37
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I think you're right that most realistically it would have to have two reflection layers, one for the cornea and one for the iris. But I don't think modeling the iris as concave is that unrealistic, because yeah in reality it's not (it's donut shaped, so slightly convex), but optically it makes sense. The cornea refracts the light in such a way that makes the iris appear more concave than it actually is by spreading the light out more and more as it travels through the cornea. The effect is that the portion of the iris that is nearer to the light source has a smaller surface area for the light to hit and reflect off of than the portion opposite to the light source. Here's a picture I found that probably illustrates this better than I can explain it.
  3. SvanlaugVang
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Does this mod have effect on Npcs who use their own eye textures like NPC from bijin series?
    I noticed that there is no in bijin folders so I guess it won't work if I just drag this texture in to bijin mods?
  4. Adacho1331
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    "Eye Normal Map True Eyes" Use only this version if using True Eyes. You mean Natural Eyes SSE, right?
    1. Lampl1ght
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      True eye is
    2. Adacho1331
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Oh, alright. It wasn't available then.
  5. BeingShotAt
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    what eye mod is being used in the screenshots?
  6. PetroniusProwler
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Overwrite eye mods?
    1. MrDave
      • premium
      • 520 kudos
      It doesn't overwrite any eye mod, except for the one or two which illegally reuploaded my texture with their mods. This is an eye normal map replacer only. It won't do anything to the actual eye textures.
    2. nexuskomrad
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      That probably explains it . Eyes Of Beauty has a file  "" with the same name and path as this mod , which brought me here. Sounds like there is nothing to worry about.
    3. lufusol
      • premium
      • 87 kudos
      That mod (Eyes of Beauty) is sketchy as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
      I wrote a big complaint over on the posts page about it. 
      There are clearly mismatched assets taken from different sources.  There are some really beautiful eyes therein which they showcased in the screenshots... and if you look close you can see in those screenshots what a garbage 32x32 eye reflection texture is being used.  The cubemap is also atrocious.  But many more of the eyes contained in that pack are extremely low resolution with lots of artifacts, and just look terrible.  No quality control and possibly stolen assets, I would not accuse without proof, maybe they did get permission but from what Dave said it sounds like they did not.  Should be under review.
  7. lufusol
    • premium
    • 87 kudos
    Very good work Mr. Dave!  But why don't you consider Argonians to be one of the beast races?  As an argonian, I'm hurt.... Because your pack says eyes for humans and beast races but there's nothing for Argonians inside.  ;____;

    It's okay, I made my own, just curious.  Also made my own version of the blue tongue mouth that doesn't look like the argonian has been sucking on a popsicle with blue food coloring... retexturing is fun :D
    1. strauler
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Argonians already have that in vanilla if I'm not mistaken
  8. LeaJolniir
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    omg, just reading STEP and see that mod in the list of fixes, i look into the file content and see the brown eyes inside, i checked my mod list and dont see the mod but in nifskope i see them on my main character texture list and can't even find the nif at all in my game, it was this mod??? omg. I reinstall it.
  9. byowag
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Such a small thing that makes a HUGE difference.  GREAT MOD! Endorsed.
  10. lydianduck
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, is this compatible with WICO - Windsong Immersive Character Overhaul?
    1. Mr. Dave
      Mr. Dave
      • premium
      • 520 kudos
      Yes, it's compatible. But... I've always wanted to know... Why do people ask modders if their mod is compatible with something that was released several years after their mod? Did you ask the folks who made the other mod if theirs was compatible with mine? Just curious.
      It is not a modder's responsibility to ascertain compatibility. That is strictly up to the end user. With that said, please read my description and the WICO description again. WICO modifies NPC face data. My mod changes only the eye normal map textures, something that is not touched by WICO.
    2. lued123
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Being a texture replacer, this is essentially compatible with everything. At absolute worst, your other mod uses a different texture path from the default one and this mod does nothing. No crashes, no worries. Just try it out and see (pun intended) if you can spot the difference.
    3. michimatsch
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      When I first started using mods I broke my games a few dozen times. It was utter toast.
      So naturally, I was afraid to do that again. So I just always asked if this or that could break anything.
      I guess it's only natural to always ask when you start because the tutorials are really hard to understand at first.

      Now after a year and a half I might not be a modder but I can modify mods to make them more or less compatible.
      i grasp the concept of the different formats and how mods will interact with each other.
      But I would have never come to that point if I hadn't constantly asked questions.

      I still ask questions though...I am just a curious person.
    4. Mr. Dave
      Mr. Dave
      • premium
      • 520 kudos
      Nothing wrong with asking questions. There are no stupid questions. There are stupid answers however lol. I've seen many over the years.
      But having that same particular question asked hundreds of times over the past decade on every mod released has caused me to feel the need to make snarky responses. Accurate responses, but snarky. Especially when my mods were out years prior to the other mods in question, and that same question was not asked of the other authors.

      I feel ya on the broken game problem. Happened to me with Morrowind 3 times. My Oldrim is broken right now. Has been for over a year. I installed an update for a specific mod to fix something that specific mod broke previously, and the author failed to mention that the update now required SKSE. I attempted to remove it and everything associated with it, since it was all loose files, and it had destroyed the exterior of Solstheim. I can COC to interior locations, but anything having to do with the exterior was and is now still grounds for instant CTDs. I was not amused. Actually removed my endorsement for the first time ever over that fiasco. The author has since updated their description and download pages accordingly, but the damage is done. To fix it, since even extracting the DB BSA and overwriting all failed to cure the issue, so somewhere in my scripts folder is a hosed vanilla script, I now have to uninstall, reinstall and then reassemble 246 mods which were working together perfectly prior to that. 22 of those mods are no longer available in their original forms.
    5. Bouncyfoot779
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Damn, that's the scary part of the modding process. My condolences to your game. 
    6. MrDave
      • premium
      • 520 kudos
      My permanent rule for any mod is to open it and inspect every texture for proper formatting and dimensions, then inspect every mesh for correct skinning and hierarchy. Yeah, it's a hassle, but it definitely pays off in the long run. I have come across a few mods which I opened, looked at and noped right out due to them being "train wreck" status.
  11. Vladimirvl0111
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you~