StickyGuide for beginners (Greatswords):
- Download, install and enable this mod with your favorite manager (I use Vortex).
- Remove the combat animation mods you had so they don't overwrite this one.
- Look up the animation mods you want (I used the author's mods), and manually download them.
- Unzip the files and keep double clicking until you get to files with names starting with "skysa".
- Copy the files with 2hm_idle and 2hm_turn.
- Go back to Vortex, right click AMR Stance Framework and click "Open in File Manager".
- Double click meshes, then actors, then character, then DynamicAnimationManager, then CustomConditions, then 100112.
- Paste the files you picked there. These are now the 2handed idle/movement animations for NEUTRAL STANCE.
- Do the same thing for the other stances using other animation mods. (100122 is MID Stance, 100132 is LOW Stance, and 100142 is HIGH Stance).
- When you're done, copy the files with 2hm_1, 2hm_2 etc... and power2hm1, etc...
- Paste the files to 100114, 100124, 100134 and 100144 depending on your chosen stance.
- Go back to Vortex, purge and redeploy files.
You're done! You now have 4 different animation sets for Greatswords. - Download, install and enable this mod with your favorite manager (I use Vortex).
I wish if there is a fomod to auto detect the animations and bingo.... next next next install, thats it :(
Does not work. Don't know why its the most overly complex way to install and even at the end it doesn't work, every animation is default vanilla animation. Seemingly made it so you need a PHD to install a mod.
hey just checking is this mod still getting active updates on guides and stuff? I watched the walk through guide, but the fiole structure of the stance mod is different and i'm a bit confused on what i should do.
Hi, the mod missing twinblades folder, how you add them? I want use ADXP I MCO ER Twinblades (SCAR Precision) and mod say replace greatsword animations but I want the twinblade animation to run ONLY when twinblades are equipped otherwise use other greatsword animation. Thank you.
dTry, the example you put in the description is incorrect. You wrote 432 and then went on to describe 423 for the 1H Axe. This might confuse new people.
where can I put dual dagger? if try to place it on dual wield. it overwrites the dual sword move set.
I can't also place it on dagger because I have separate 1h dagger animation.
Edit: Nevermind. I added a separate folder for dual dagger base on the folder number for dagger and dual wield combined. now it works:) -
Hi, I wanted to ask if it is possible to use this mod with stances, for MCO instead of SkySA, and in case that it is posible, how would I have to orgnize the folders or what should I do to make it work?
to make this work you have to add mco movesets into the corresponding folders following by a conditions.txt .if you want to use any SkySa movesets you have to convert them first into MCO .
convertion guide
example :
let's say i downloaded a dagger moveset and want to use it as mid stance one handed dagger.
-1-.if its mco moveset( if skySa convert) i put it in mid dagger folder 100323 with the condition.txt -->
IsEquippedRightType(2) AND
HasPerk("Stances - Dynamic Weapon Movesets SE.esp"|0x00042519)
(2) is dagger. You can check the conditions in Dynamic Animation Replacer mod description
-2-.if i want to use idle anims for this stance i put the idle anims in 100321 folder
-3-if i want to use Tkdodge anims aswell i make a folder in 100321 with name "TkDodge" and put the dodge anims inside
now you have a full one handed dagger moveset in mid stance.
What are the rules for these folders with numbers that end in 6, 7 or 8?
For people using ADXP/MCO, it will work but editing is needed for files to work.
Example: A conditions txt file for the sword file has both greatsword and sword in the conditions. You have to manually delete the greatsowrd condition in the text for it to work properly and maybe add conditions for it to be as specific as possible for the weapon type.
This so that mace animation don't use warhammer animations. Swords don't use greatsword animations or war axes don't use battleaxe animations.
Note as well that dual wield stance conditions doesn't have proper conditions and will play over most one handed animations.-
But how to make Greatsword animations work? Since the stance conditions file comes with the Greatsword condition?
The Dynamic Animation Replacer mod page is easy to read.
Here is an example for the Mid- Stance Greatsword Folder.
The txt file has these conditions.
IsEquippedRightType(5) OR
IsEquippedRightType(1) AND
HasPerk("Stances - Dynamic Weapon Movesets SE.esp"|0x0004251A)
Simply delete "OR
IsEquippedRightType(1) "
You are left with...
IsEquippedRightType(5) AND
HasPerk("Stances - Dynamic Weapon Movesets SE.esp"|0x0004251A)
This makes so that that the conditions recognize only Greatswords with this specific perk.
This works pretty much all the time. If you have to be more specific, simply add NOT to the type of weapon.
IsEquippedRightType(5) AND
HasPerk("Stances - Dynamic Weapon Movesets SE.esp"|0x0004251A) AND
NOT IsEquippedRightType(1)
This makes so that that the conditions recognize only Greatswords with this specific perk and not to identify 1h swords for the animation. -
Hey, you seem knowledgeable, I've a question. Since MCO cannot uses SkySa anims without converting to MCO, and SkySa can't uses MCO anims, so I assume there shouldn't be any real conflict between the two right? If I'm okay with SkySa anims not playing as smooth as/inferior to MCO ones, could I just have SkySa and MCO installed together? Which I'd be able to skip the whole animations conversion process if I wanna use SkySa movesets, am I assuming this correctly? -
No pick one or the other.
Ok this works a little too good. Like out of the box and up and running with perfection good. Someone sold their soul or something.
For anyone who uses controller like I do, i set it up using the arrow keys. I hot keyed my controller to the dpad using the keyboard arrow keys. This allows you to retain menu control, plus hot key stances to arrow keys, and SkyUI equipment keys(normally mapped to F1, F2 etc) to arrow keys as well. That allows you to switch weapons at the same time as switching stances depending on what stance you switched to. If that is what you want.
Edit: After like a week of playing with this mod and it's dependents, I still cannot believe how well it works. And how easy it is to install especially when compared to how much it does, adds to the game. I love the combo effect with weapon swings. Chef's kiss!