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  1. Solrac9764
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Follower based on this mod a possibility?
    1. MicroBladeZ9
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Already exists check it out! :)
      Orsha the Dragonlancer
  2. Killerman11
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why is flawns smooth argonians needed? I like my argonians the way they are save for the colour, I don't have a problem changing their colour.
    1. MicroBladeZ9
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Hi sorry I've been barely using nexus lately, its mainly because I created the preset using flawns meshes and texture. It works just fine without flawns mod but you might see some textures issues around the jaw area but it's very light and you may not ever notice.
  3. Metaldead
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Hands down the best Argonian preset I've come across.
  4. IxNUFC
    • supporter
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    for some reason when i use this preset my in game mcm helper some of the mods i have dont show but when i went back to my character they came back? any idea why or how to fix it? as your preset is really good she is sooo cute! :)
  5. Cheeseman973847436
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    everything works fine except the color seems to not change to the one you have set on the preset
  6. MusicMom
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    How do I get this to work without the .nif file for the sculpt???
  7. raspoutiineee
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    Hello ! On the mage screen what is the glowing warpaint ? A mod ? 
    1. MicroBladeZ9
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Yes, its warpaint found in this mod Community Overlay 3 (51- 70) Bodypaints Warpaints and Tattoos at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (
      You can make any warpaint glow using the racemenu mod.
  8. Anclet
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! First off - I adore this preset, it's one of the best looking Argonian faces I've seen for Skyrim. Which makes it all the more unfortunate that I'm encountering some issues.

    It appears that not everything is being loaded correctly, as the hair color defaults to white, and both the hair and scars seem to float above where they need to on the face (harder to see on the second image, but the scars on the eyesocket are floating a few mm above.) I think this means there's some meshes either missing or not being read correctly by Racemenu. 

    I've tried to troubleshoot this on my own to no avail, so this is kind of my last resort. If there's anything either the author or someone kind enough to also puzzle this one out with me could think of or do, I'm eager to hear. I'm running on Skyrim SE 1.5.97 and Racemenu v0.4.16 if that's any help.

    EDIT: Further probing and testing has had me discover that the scar mesh itself is floating above where it should be. On top of that, the hair part also seems to be misaligned, being forwards of where it should be. Unsure what exactly is causing this.

    EDIT2: Upon further inspection, the scar mesh itself seems to not be changing from the default vanilla place, and seems to "detach" itself from the face mesh when loading the new preset's sculpt. Thus generating the floating scars.
    1. MicroBladeZ9
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Hi! Yeah I know about all these issues and some of them are out of my control. I made the head sculpt entirely on racemenu mod and from what I experienced I'm unable sculpt the hair so I can't bring it down to where it's touching the head. The feather color issue is most likely because you require the feather textures from Argonian Enhanced mod (The author took down the original mod page sadly, so I linked another). If you prefer using different textures, I recommend altering the colors yourself to match the images.
      The scar issue was a tough one because when sculpting the head, racemenu mod wouldn't alter facial features. I had to manually realign the meshes but because of the low polygons it was difficult to align it over the brow. Now if you look closely, I just had it hovering over the skin slightly to prevent clipping when the character would make expressions like anger when in combat.
      From my experience altering Skyrim's original facial meshes to this extent can cause some issues that I don't know how to fix yet, but I did my best lol.
    2. anonimous1111
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i faced same problem. It appears I just downloaded flawn patch instead/without flawn main file. Patch just on top of list and it's not too easy to notice sometimes. 
  9. She's gorgeous. Thank you very much!
  10. Tookymods
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Love the preset, any chance of doing a High Poly Head version?
  11. kittierae
    • premium
    • 91 kudos
    I love her! She's so cute <3_<3