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  1. M300
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i have a problem i cant run the game because of this error: rel/relocation.h(479) failed to obtain module handle for SkyrimVR.cdx
    can you please help?
    1. alandtse
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Cracked games are not supported. 
  2. BeedyKH
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Do all Po3 mods require a VR port? How do we know what mods work with VR natively and what mods need a port?
    Thank you alandtse
  3. ShadowsJack
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    To the people that cannot get it to working, im using only the old and last VR version on the original page "Splashes of the Skyrim" and it works.
    Version 1.2.1
  4. M300
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i have a question about this mod, when i shoot a fireball the splash happens but with firebolt of lightning bolt there's nothing why?
  5. nsfwstuff
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    So I have run into an issue. Arrow splash work fine, but the spell splashes I have tested don't work. Flames does not make bubbles like it does in desktop and firebolt doesn't make a splash. Nothing happens.
    1. Jayombie
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      I suddenly found this to, fire has stopped making the bubbles. I wonder if its dependent on how the magic mods tag the spell in question for this to pick up and identify as a spell that would make the bubbles.

      I switched over to Mysticism Magic recently..
    2. nsfwstuff
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Except I don't have any magic mods installed yet (other than the VR Magic Fix).
    3. Jayombie
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      This has defiantly broke along the way some how. I been testing and disabling other SKSE mods and stuff but to no avail...

      I beg to wonder if its to do with the updated VR Address Library..

       alandtse any idea or reasoning why this has stopped working for some of us ?
    4. alandtse
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Still works for me so no idea why it'd stop unless you installed something that hooked the magic effect functions elsewhere. VR Address library doesn't remove addresses so it wouldn't have any impact as everything is backwards compatible. I mainly test with spell siphon fireballs so have no idea if other magic mods work.
    5. Jayombie
      • member
      • 28 kudos
      Came back to re-try mod.

      [info] po3_SplashesOfSkyrim v1.4.0.1
      [info] Game version : 1-4-15-1
      [info] Installed class Splashes::ProjectileManager<class RE::MissileProjectile,0>
      [info] Installed class Splashes::ProjectileManager<class RE::FlameProjectile,1>
      [info] Installed class Splashes::ProjectileManager<class RE::ConeProjectile,2>
      [info] Installed class Splashes::ProjectileManager<class RE::ArrowProjectile,3>
      [info] Installed class Splashes::ProjectileManager<class RE::BeamProjectile,4>
      [info] Installed class Splashes::ExplosionManager
      [info] Patching 123 water records to use displacement

      Seems to be loading in okay, but alas still not working. So it must be the magic mod I am using I guess ?

      Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul ....

      This is the second magic mod I used and no luck, have you got a list of magic mods that work with this mod please ?
    6. L44keri
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I'm having same issue with Mysticism.
  6. SweetspotSeeker
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This mod (togehter with the base mod) simply doesnt work for me. I use the latest versions of all three requirements. I also copied the .dll only from this mod over the base mod. No effect in the game. My only water mod is SkyVRaan, could it be related to this? 
  7. Bonez2200
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hey i was wondering if you would or could port the new p03s splashes of storms to vr !!?
  8. Ashok0
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    Thanks for maintaining VR support!  I've been playing Enderal VR using Splashes of Skyrim VR v1.2.1 with no issues.  Just updated the DLL with v1.5.0 and the mod no longer works, I get no water effects in game.  Reverting the DLL to v1.2.1 fixes everything.  
    1. alandtse
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Make sure you have all dependencies. There's another library you need to make it work.
    2. Ashok0
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      I tried installing "Splashes of Skyrim - VR" v1.2.1 + the updated v1.5.0 DLL with Enderal VR.  I tested the mod with both "VR Address Library for SKSEVR" and "Address Library for SKSE Plugins".  In both cases, the mod fails to work and I get no water effects.  But reverting the DLL to v1.2.1 fixes the mod and all the water effects work as expected.
    3. alandtse
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Address Library won't make any difference. Only VR Address Library.
      You need to make sure you have (overwrite anything before):

      • VR Address Library
      • Splashes of Skyrim VR v1.2.1
      • This DLL.
      Assuming all of that is there, please review the log files:
      \my games\Skyrim VR\SKSE\sksevr.log and find the line loading the plugin:
      ?plugin E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_SplashesOfSkyrim.dll (00000001 Splashes Of Skyrim 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 37)
      \my games\Skyrim VR\SKSE\po3_SplashesOfSkyrim.log and confirm the lines loading the plugin:
      ?[info] po3_SplashesOfSkyrim v1.5.0.1
      [info] loaded plugin
      [info] Default Trampoline => 0B / 48B (00.00%)
      [info] Installed class ProjectileManager<class RE::MissileProjectile,0>
      [info] Installed class ProjectileManager<class RE::FlameProjectile,1>
      [info] Installed class ProjectileManager<class RE::ConeProjectile,2>
      [info] Installed class ProjectileManager<class RE::ArrowProjectile,3>
      [info] Default Trampoline => 14B / 48B (29.17%)
      [info] Patching 136 water records to use displacement
    4. Ashok0
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      Hi, I have the follow load order with Enderal: Forgotten Stories VR.

      • VR Address Library
      • Splashes of Skyrim VR v1.2.1
      • This DLL (v1.5.0)
      "sksevr.log" shows:
      plugin C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SkyrimVR\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_SplashesOfSkyrim.dll (00000001 Splashes Of Skyrim 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 15)

      "po3_SplashesOfSkyrim.log" shows:
      [info] po3_SplashesOfSkyrim v1.5.0.1
      [info] loaded plugin
      [info] Default Trampoline => 0B / 48B (00.00%)
      [info] Installed class ProjectileManager<class RE::MissileProjectile,0>
      [info] Installed class ProjectileManager<class RE::FlameProjectile,1>
      [info] Installed class ProjectileManager<class RE::ConeProjectile,2>
      [info] Installed class ProjectileManager<class RE::ArrowProjectile,3>
      [info] Default Trampoline => 14B / 48B (29.17%)
      [info] Patching 73 water records to use displacement

      But the plugin doesn't work in-game and the water has no splashes or ripples.  But if I remove this DLL (v1.5.0) so Enderal VR is running off Splashes of Skyrim v1.2.1, the mod works perfect!  It would appear that there is something with the new v1.5.0 DLL which breaks compatibility with Enderal: Forgotten Stories VR. (I'm assuming the new DLL works just fine with vanilla Skyrim VR).
    5. alandtse
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Yah don't know what to tell you. We're hooking the same spots in VR as po3 hooks in SSE. I don't play enderal so to the extent it's changed the exe it wont' work.
    6. Llohr
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm having the same issue (except I'm not playing Enderal), and now I'm confused.

      Are you saying you *need* the old, outdated version, "Splashes of Skyrim VR 1.2.1", which is available from a different page, and is specifically called out with:OUTDATED, grab an updated version at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58104

      Because you say here that you need it.
    7. alandtse
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Yes. You need the base files from the original mod. This only provides a dll to overwrite.

      Edit: you can use the SSE version too. Just overwrite the dll.
  9. Ruthlesswill
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I have the c++ library, I have the vr address library, I've checked logs and they said everything is loaded correctly, I've changed ini to allow dangerous water, I have a bashed patch, Realistic water and Skyvraan. My spells do absolutely nothing to the water surface, my arrow splashes arent line up at all, displacement seems to work. I feel defeated. 
  10. Jayombie
    • member
    • 28 kudos

    Does this take into account spells from say : Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul ?

    I only ask as not sure its my set up but the Flame Darts do not do anything on water...

    1. alandtse
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      That's probably worth asking on the main mod page. I tested with spell siphons firebolt spell. I believe it depends on how the spell is structured on whether it will make a splash.
  11. DerPsychonaut
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    These are Great News for vr users. Thanks for the effort. Now, pretty pretty please, do FEC ;-)
    1. alandtse
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      FEC is why I started looking into helping. The build has a weird crash that I haven't figured out. If I ever do, then I'll definitely release it.