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  1. Artistop
    • premium
    • 103 kudos
    This i not working for me, i cant figured out :(
  2. XarisZ
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    If only there was a performance fix version of this
    1. malicious
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      There is, use this - mod. It includes the fixes from this.
  3. carpenihil
    • premium
    • 120 kudos
    How does this work, what is changed on the meshes to define the area without snow?
  4. TheLoneWolf449
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I'm having a very frustrating Issue with gray snow on the roofs of my COTN Dawnstar structures. Issue only seems to be occurring there. Never had the problem, before on previous mod lists with the two mods. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. deleted74338003
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Could I ask why COTN requires a patch and what other mods would also require a patch? Such as the Great Villages series?
    1. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 5,017 kudos
      It doesn't *require* this patch. This removes snow from under roofs
    2. deleted74338003
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      Would it need a separate patch for COTN + JK combo?
    3. Galishai
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      Yes and there is no JK patch for Simplicity of Snow at the moment due to how Simplicity of Snow works and the restrictions around JK assets.
  6. ForgedShadow
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is this a replacement for BDS ?
  7. Kulharin
    • premium
    • 669 kudos

    Simplicity of Snow + Cities of the North - Dawnstar - Vanilla Textures Patch

    If your interested, it just changes the pathing of your meshes to match the vanilla texture paths set by Janquel
    1. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 669 kudos
      You're welcome to add it to the file section here if you want!
    2. jfjb2005
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Same filenames and sizes for COTN Dawnstar as v0.1, however :
      - MO2 doesn't like this change : The content of <data> does not look valid.
      - if "pathing" change, what about Morthal, also in v0.1 ?
    3. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 5,017 kudos
      I just uploaded this zip without checking anything
    4. jfjb2005
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      No worries, only curiosity here
  8. Lukto
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    Do COTN Winterhold need a patch for SoS ? 
  9. Cailan33
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    so this is like no snow under the roof mod and standalone but... more flexible, fit, fresh and new?
    1. crozzbow
      • premium
      • 213 kudos
      it's only for cities of the north Dawnstar and/or Morthal if i read the description correctly
    2. crozzbow
      • premium
      • 213 kudos
       double post sorry
  10. LordPhoenix82nd
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    This looks so so good. Does it make sense to use BDS with your Simplicity of Snow mods?
    1. IcyyBlade
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      No. They both change the snowdiffuse, and will not work together. Honestly, this mod is better since it doesn't require a billion other side mods to make it work properly. It basically combines No Snow Under the Roof and BDS but in its own mod.
    2. LordPhoenix82nd
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      Alright, I'm sold. Switching over now
    3. Thelodonti
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      BDS v3 does not require any patches but it uses parallax (BDS v2 does not use parallax and so has a lot of patches). Neither this mod nor BDS actually replace NSUTR (though both achieve a similar effect). NSUTR uses meshes; this mod and BDS use textures. As a result, BDS cannot be used with this mod (they do the same thing), but both this mod and BDS can be used with NSUTR. NSUTR absolutely requires a lot of patches to work though.

      Just trying to clarify things - all three are good options! 
    4. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 5,017 kudos
      BDS v3 does not require any patches but it uses parallax
      what. Bds breaks parallax when used
    5. LordPhoenix82nd
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      BDS v3 works with the ENB implementation of parallax, but not the SKSE plugin version
    6. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 5,017 kudos
      BDS v3 works with the ENB implementation of parallax
      No it doesn't. both still break
    7. LordPhoenix82nd
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      I've been using BDS V3 with ENB parallax and it works without issue. Maybe I'm just a lucky boi
    8. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 5,017 kudos
      You are simply not using parallax-enabled meshes on snow covered objects
    9. LordPhoenix82nd
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      Hmm, looks like you might be right. I'll have to check out the LO. No matter
    10. Thelodonti
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think there was some miscommunication here, which was probably my fault. What I meant was that BDS 3 uses the vanilla projected diffuse snow textures, which are parallax textures (vanilla SE only uses parallax textures for snow). As a result, BDS 3 is incompatible with any mod that adds parallax textures to anything that is not snow. At least this is my understanding.
    11. wSkeever
      • premium
      • 5,017 kudos
      According to aers, the person who first fixed parallax shader on SSE, there is simply no shader where parallax and single pass snow exists together. Since the game cannot find that shader, it will render the error you see. "Multipass" (I don't know why people insist on calling it this, as it is simply *not singlepass*) snow puts a decal layer on top of the existing geometry, which is why parallax still works, as it is not a shader.