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  1. jkrojmal
    • premium
    • 9,128 kudos


    Welcome to my
    Jorrvaskr overhaulNow go explore, there's a little more to see than shown in the images!
    The ESP have been cleaned with the SSEEdit auto clean feature and flagged as an ESL, so it doesn't count towards the ESP limit.
    Big kudos to Teabag86, DrMonops, Janquel and Czasior for testing and fixes.
  2. jkrojmal
    • premium
    • 9,128 kudos
    Regarding an All in one file

    There’s no plans at the moment for a merged all in one file. With the exception of The Blue Palace and The College of Winterhold all of the interior files are ESL flagged so don't count towards your mod limit. Being modular, you can pick and choose the interiors as you like.

    Please understand that the additional workload involved would most likely kill off this series. Any patches, updates, bugfixes would need to be redone.

    So please enjoy the flexibility of modular files to pick and choose what you want and any compatibility patches Janquel makes. If you want an AIO you can merge them all yourself, there’s good tutorials on Youtube about how to do it, I recommend the one made by GamerPoets, but please be aware that you won't even gain an esp slot in the process.

    We understand that VR doesn't have the benefit of ESL support, but that none of us have headsets to test with so we can't officially support VR. So unfortunately, end user merging will be necessary in that case. I hope this information helps.
  3. Janquel
    • premium
    • 1,343 kudos
    If You Are Having Trouble With The Basement Door, Read This Article
    (It's a new one, less tongue in cheek. Old article still available in spoiler)
    All future posts about the door being in the wrong place will be hid
  4. reaperssorrow
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    regarding the hidden door, i have discovered that the Immersive Citizens - Open Cities patch (named "Immersive Citizens - OCS Patch" in files) ends up loading after everything else when using LOOT based load order and uses the vanilla door location
    loading JKs Jorrvaskr - Immersive Citizens Patch after the aforementioned ICAIO - OCS patch will fix the location load order.

    if using vortex:
    find the plugins in the plugins tab and drag the dependencies icon on the right from the "Immersive Citizens - OCS Patch" to the "JKs Jorrvaskr - Immersive Citizens Patch" 
    add the rule that "Immersive Citizens - OCS Patch" must load after "JKs Jorrvaskr - Immersive Citizens Patch" and this should fix it.

    if the door still isn't fixed try either the save unbaker mod here :
    or the the commands  "prid 77fa2" and then "recycleactor" to reset the door
    1. reaperssorrow
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Update : doing just that put Jorrvaskr into the vanilla Whiterun load area, it seems that JKs Skyrim Opens_Cities patch must load after the ICAIO - OCS patch but before JKs Jorrvaskr - ICAIO patch. will update if i find anything else
  5. Rvinbowxxkitty
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    In the harbingers bedroom i'm getting the occlusion issue where things and walls disappear when I move the camera around. Is this an issue with the room marker thing like in jk's understone keep? If so, that would just be a fix is SSEEdit correct?
    Edit: The elfx patch available on the interiors patch page fixes the issue. I only had the ELFX shadows patch but having both isn't causing issues. If I wasn't so invested in my save I'd make the switch to Lux :(
  6. FlowyJerm745
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If the door is not showing up try using this mod suggested by a commenter by the name of MibuK
    Worked for me so i hope it works for you,
    Now if you'll excuse me i have to go do the companions questline for the 3rd time this year and Millionth time over the past decade...
    1. JoshitoxD
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I wish he had done it for me, but the door is still not in its new place :(
    2. mary3815
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks. Worked for me.
    3. WeirdSpaghetti
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It worked for me! thank you so so much
  7. VickyVernando01
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You Have Door Problem?? i dunno how but i just did this and it's worked!!!
    Download this JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community
    and this Save Unbaker at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community
    Disabled "Ai Overhaul for SE Only 1.8.6"
    load this mod JK's Guild HQ Interiors Patch Collection at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community
    Enabled "Ai Overhaul for SE Only 1.8.6"
    And Last Load This Save Unbaker at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community
    I'm Using Vortex.
    I'm Not Using Console Command too Dumb for That.
    If This Still Not Works then I dunno anymore. thx
  8. redgamma
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't understand why the loose items added by the JK's mods aren't considered "owned" in my playthrough. For example, I can just yoink the glass warhammer from this mod without it being considered stolen. Does anyone else have this issue or know of a patch/fix?
    1. Teabag86
      • premium
      • 513 kudos
      You must have something else going on your game. All items are owned when you start. Of course once you progress through the questline and become Harbinger everything is yours for the taking which is vanilla behavior. It's the same for all the other Faction questlines.
    2. redgamma
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the reply! Yea I did some testing on a new game, the items are owned at the start, but after joining the sparring with Vilkas they become free for the taking. Definitely some other mod, maybe not accounting for the high quality items this one adds.
      Could be At Your Own Pace which touches companions questline.
      I'll just have to exercise restraint haha
  9. sollystones
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Don't download this mod. Requires a bit of work you don't wanna do to go into the barracks, plain and simple. Don't ban me for my opinion you commie, I love your other mods UWU
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 696 kudos
      If you don't want to use the mod, don't use it. But don't advise others not to download the mod just because you're too lazy to install the necessary patches and arrange the plugins accordingly.
    2. ziyx7
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      This guy is mad wtf
    3. MrNerx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm using Vortex so the mods order themselves and so do the plugins if there are patches can you provide links? I do wanna use the is mod but reordering things isn't an option for me
      Thanks in advance

      Edit: Found the patch 
  10. ElTikol
    • member
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    Kodlak's diary is not in the table where the last fragment of Wuuthrad is.
    1. Teabag86
      • premium
      • 513 kudos
      This mod doesn't edit Kodlak's end table. The journal and fragment are spawned in the end table during the quest Glory of the Dead. It's possible your quest isn't working as intended, either due to a mod that changes the quest or Skyrim just being buggy. I've fully tested this mod (multiple times) and never had an issue with those items spawning.
  11. ziyx7
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I have one question, and it's not about that freaking stupid door (please guys stop speaking only about this LMAO):

    Is there an owned bed and owned safe-chest in the member room ?

    When you become Harbinger, do you own the chests in the harbinger bedrooms too ? Are the containers safe there too ?

    Thanks for your mods <3
  12. Thehaluzer
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i have qustion regard AI overhault and immersive CItizen.
    i have checked jk hq interiot and the all in one interior patch.
    mostly the Ai overhaul and immersive citizen are typed next to eachother.
    does that mean that patches are working for both?
    as i have only installed Ai overhaul. 
    vortex tells me that the patches are missing immersive citizen thought i don't want that i want patches for ai overhaul.
    Affected patches are.
    JKs Temple of the Divines - Immersive Citizens patch.esp
    JKs Jorrvaskr - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp
    1. Czasior
      • premium
      • 696 kudos
      AI Overhaul and Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul are two different mods. So, you need only patches for AI Overhaul, not for Immersive Citizens.
  13. realryco
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    For anybody experiencing the missing basement door problem, there is a patch.
    1. ThatOneDudeK
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      this didn't work for me :(
      the mod p*ss me off. even started a new game and still have that door bug.
    2. realryco
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Did you grab the USSEP patch?
    3. ThatOneDudeK
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      yes, this was one of the first mods i installed. from another comment i guess its another problem, but idk :/ thx anyways for the info!
    4. Philip101456
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      ThatOneDudeK type in console:
      prid 77fa2 
      (press enter)
      enter again and be happy.
    5. ThatOneDudeK
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      hey man, just saw this, but this didnt work for me. anyways, i found out what causes that issue. its immersive citizens. i made a test on a new profile by having IC disabled, started a new game with KK mod and it works. would be cool if there would be a patch, but i think i wont pity much to have IC not installed, as is right now.
    6. ThatOneDudeK
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      @philip101456 but hey, stll thx a lot! though im on a new game without having immersive citizens installed and jorvaskr door being okay, i had an issue with a door in markarth and this console command helped there^^ so again, thx man!
    7. warbooze89
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Didn't work for me either. I just decided to delete JKs Jorrvaskr interior instead for now until I find a fix. I have immersive citizens and have both patches (Immersive Citizens and USSEP) installed and neither fixed the basement door. Not having any issues in other areas so far. Tried the commands in console but kept giving me error message. Thx anyway.
    8. MibuK
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Anyone having trouble with the door use the save unbaker mod:
      It makes the game load the record from the plugin instead of the save. worked for me.
      It also removes NPC weight problems for NPC overhauls as a bonus (neck gap)
    9. Adelice
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yay thank you!! it still works
    10. IgnisLord80
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thx King! Worked for me :D
    11. FlowyJerm745
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