if you wanna try to edit the body closer to the manga lemme share few race menu body scale edit i used. because i felt the face already cool as fuk but the body looks like a dwarf, remember how tall guts actually is lol. i tried to mimic his body from the manga panel where guts stand in front of schierke and kinda held her hat. pair this preset with immersive berserker armor mod, cannon arm from smooth animation creator, and berserker animation mod plus arm repeater crossbow mod
height 1.12 weapon back 1.2 upper arm length 1.9 fore arm length 1.9 spine midde 0.85 left&right thigh 0.97 left&right calf 0.84 calf&thigh length 3
How do i open his eye like on the screenshot? When I load the RaceMenu open eyed preset, his face is deformed and i have to apply the head sculptor mesh. However, when i load the head, his eye closes.
EDIT: I've reinstalled the High Poly Head and know it's working alright. Great mod :)
Anyway, good job!!!
>> Picture of the character
Edit : i fixed it , it turned out that i downloaded an old version of high poly .
i tried to mimic his body from the manga panel where guts stand in front of schierke and kinda held her hat.
pair this preset with immersive berserker armor mod, cannon arm from smooth animation creator, and berserker animation mod plus arm repeater crossbow mod
height 1.12
weapon back 1.2
upper arm length 1.9
fore arm length 1.9
spine midde 0.85
left&right thigh 0.97
left&right calf 0.84
calf&thigh length 3
EDIT: I've reinstalled the High Poly Head and know it's working alright. Great mod :)