1. PrivateEye
    • premium
    • 888 kudos
  2. PrivateEye
    • premium
    • 888 kudos
    v6 is out!

    Check the log for changes (there's a bunch)

    Mod page has been updated. It's a lot of text, but it should cover everything you need to know.
    Check the FAQ. I added a lot of info there too.
    And check the compatibility section regarding patches and requirments.
  3. PrivateEye
    • premium
    • 888 kudos
    Make sure to check the FAQ section on the mod description before posting questions here.

    Additionally, here are some more solution to common issues:

    - CTD at start up
    Happens on game version below 1.6.1130. You'll have to install Backported Extended ESL Support.

    - LOOT error warns that CCOR patch is missing
    This is an outdated LOOT warning. In Heavy Armory V6, the CCOR and WACCF patches have been merged into a single WACCF patch, that also supports CCOR if installed. Ignore the warning.
  4. HeZijie
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is a GREAT mod! Thank you! I didn't expect it to be compatible with many MCO animation modules.
    Below are links to mods that are compatible with this mod under MCO environment.

    For Short Spear with shield: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/112874?tab=posts
    For Long Spear or Short Spear in Onehand: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/74564?tab=description
    For Dual Short Spear: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93897
    For quarterstaff: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/112109
    For Halberd: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87281?tab=description
    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      This is awesome! Thanks for providing a list.
      Will pin this comment so other will find it.
  5. jpgoodie
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    whoops wrong mod
  6. JamesHugh
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Hey guys, how would I do if I wanted to delete one weapon category for the mod ? For instance I'd like to remove shortspears and katanas from the mod entirely, what do I do ?
    1. DrMonops
      • premium
      • 365 kudos
      You'd need to use SSEEdit to remove those weapons from any leveled lists they appear in and disable the crafting recipes for them; this could either be done to the mod itself or as a patch (the latter is generally better, so if the mod updates you don't have to redo your changes). When you select a weapon record in SSEEdit (or any record, really), you will see a "Referenced By" tab on the bottom of the right pane; this will list every other record referencing it, including leveled lists and recipes. Ctrl-right clicking on an entry will take you to the record; the < arrow at the top of the page will take you back to the list. You can right-click on a record and select "Copy as override into..." to copy it into a patch. As far as leveled lists go, you can remove the entries you don't want directly from the list, but in the case of recipes the normal way to disable them is to add an impossible condition to them, but I prefer creating a dummy workbench keyword and replacing the Workbench field with it.

      Hope that helps!
    2. JamesHugh
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks alot for the message, I'll follow your guide ^^
  7. EvilLloyd3
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    is there a way to make this work with smelting mods?
    1. DrMonops
      • premium
      • 365 kudos
      Crafting Recipe Distributor can dynamically generate smelting recipes for it. To my knowledge, every other mod that includes smelting works by adding a recipe specifically for the item be smelted, so a patch would be required for each of those mods.
  8. xybolt
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Missing master when installing one of the Heavy Armory patches provided by the mod!

    For those that have selected CC Fishing (does not matter which option you pick), the plugin provided by Heavy Armory is looking for CC-Fishing_WACCF_Patch.esp as a master. This one can be found at kryptopyr's Patch Hub

    Had to search around a bit ...
    1. dogdog357
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just giving this a bump. Not sure why it ain't pinned or in the description somewhere...
  9. TheNorthlander
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Couldn't get the animations to work. Tried disabling Injected Animated Armoury, just in case, didn't work. Tried re-installing Heavy with the loose files, didn't work.

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong, could be a load order issue.

    (I'll note that I don't have regular Animated Armoury installed.)

    (Update: Also mods that use animations with Injected Animatied Armoury work fine, it's just this mod that doesn't use the animations for some reason.)
    1. DrMonops
      • premium
      • 365 kudos
      That's bizarre. The animation and OAR config files used by Heavy Armory and IAA are the same for the weapons they both cover, so load order shouldn't be an issue between them, at least. My best guess would be that you either have other animation mods taking precedence over HA/IAA's configs or you have an outdated HA patch which is removing the injected keywords from HA's weapons. Have a look through your load order and see if anything stands out in those regards; otherwise, feel free to share your load order (either linking to an external post or using spoiler tags), and I can have a look and see if anything stands out to me.
    2. TheNorthlander
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I figured it out, and it makes sense in retrospective. 😅

      It was "SkyUI Weapon Icon Patches" , it's heavy armory patch changed some files so that the "SkyUI Weapons Pack SE" mod would give the new weapons their appropiate icons.

      My bad, I should have figured this out earlier. Your reply did help me figure it out though, so I appreciate it.
  10. BarkinW
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, I have an issue that I am almost certain is a 'me' mistake.

    I've just noticed, halberds and spears. In 3rd person they look great. But in first person, my character is gripping the blade of the weapon with their left hand.

    What have I done wrong? I don't *think* I have anything that would conflict, but I have...more than a few mods installed.

    1. PrivateEye
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Are you using an older version of the mod by chance? It's an issue that's been fixed for some time.
    2. BarkinW
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      No, I was using the most recent. However, installing the loose files version by accident seems to have fixed the issue. I am going to guess it was some weird conflict with a weapon retexture. Thank you! Your mod is awesome btw :)

      Edit: It was a weapon retexture messing with your mod. I'm dumb, and I apologise.
  11. Mrigaya
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Amazing mod! I have been having a lot of fun with this one!

    I was wondering whether some of the weapons don't have the sound that plays when you bash with a 2-handed weapon like the long-maces, halberds and spears. There is a high possibility that the issue might be on my end as I have a couple of audio mods running.
    1. DrMonops
      • premium
      • 365 kudos
      They use vanilla bash sounds. Does bashing with vanilla weapons play a sound? Spears and halberds use the same bash sounds as daggers, greatswords, and swords.
  12. Stet709
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I come back to Skyrim and this mod to find it has its own polearms animations now.

    If I'm understanding and reading the description correctly, would this mean the Animated Armory patch for Heavy armory is redundant?
    1. DrMonops
      • premium
      • 365 kudos
      That's correct; that patch is no longer required. The HA installer does include its own Animated Armoury patch, but it's purely to resolve leveled list conflicts.
  13. I played an older port of this mod on Xbox and it’s still by far a great addition. It’s quite popular on the consoles and inspired me to work with mods as well. Was quite surprised by all the steps needed to create something like this and am still learning more. Amazing work!
  14. CourierSixOG
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Nice weapon designs. Im ok with not having the animations, but will it cause any issues if I do not use OAR with this?
    1. DrMonops
      • premium
      • 365 kudos
      No issues, that's entirely fine. OAR is only required for the animations.
    2. CourierSixOG
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Thank you for the reply, I wanted to be certain.