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About this mod
Lux Via is reworking main roads while still focusing on lighting, adding consistent light sources between towns and villages, improving or reworking from scratch many bridges, crossroads and adding a lot of points of interest to make roads a bit more interesting.
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Mod name Notes Lux via - Patch Hub Mods requiring this file
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- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
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File credits
All my patreons for their really helpful support.
InstantKor for his incredible help with most assets improvements and fixes.
AgentW for helping with textures and beheading testing.
Ra2Phoenix for his always valuable expertise and help with many compatibility patches.
WeldingMan and Noah for the incredible amount of bug reports I got while testing the beta version.
wSkeever for indirectly helping with most lanterns ENB lighting.
Antique Statue for Skyrim SE by 3dregenerator uploaded by Tamira:
Oaristys for Modder's resource packs:
Hallgarth for Skyrim Bridges Plus:
sa547 for The Wood Bridge Project:
CDRedProject and Winedave for Witcher Decor HD:
Hrodeberht1 for Windhelm Braziers HD:
EvilEyedKyo for EEK's Resource Repository:
Qwafee Lantern by Qwafee:
SaevaVeritas for HPP Improved Whiterun braziers:
T4gtr34um3r for Happy Little Trees:
MM - Real Lantern by MassiveMaster and zhoulia:
Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim by mathy79:
Old n Dusty Lantern Replacer by SDlutz:
Skyrim Posts Replacer by SDlutz:
Nordic Lantern - Replacer by css0101:
Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous by rudy102:
Static Mesh Improvement Mod by Brumbek:
Jets Resources by jet4571:
Ruins Clutter Improved by raiserfx:
Skeleton Replacer HD by PraedythXVI:
Glass fix for Wearable lanterns SMIM patch by Sthaagg:
Blended Roads by T4gtr34um3r:
Blended Roads Redone by winedave:
Bethesda, for obvious reasonsDonation Points system
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name French Author:GGUNIT (FR - DSD) Lux Via Ukrainian Author:Frozenshtoldts Lux Via (UA - Ukrainian translation) Spanish Author:celiand Lux Via ESPANOL Polish Author:Patriot Lux Via - Polish Translation Turkish Author:pulsadenura Lux Via Turkish Translate Russian Author:Evernayt Lux Via (Russian Translation) Mandarin Author:Vozhuo Lux Via - Simplified Chinese Translation German Author:GGUNIT Lux Via - German v2.2 Portuguese Author:Ninu-Rakaels Lux Via - PTBR Spanish Author:supercento Lux Via - Castellano - Spanish Italian Author:GGUNIT Translated by Tito Lux Via - Traduzione Italiana - 1.7 Russian Author:ForbiddenMagic __OLD__ Lux Via - RUS Italian Author:GGUNIT - Translated by FatalIllusion Lux Via - Traduzione Italiana - Changelogs
Version 2.2
- Tweaked some lantern and brazier resources, fixed missing specular maps, tweaked environmental settings, added some missing environmental maps and improved others, added vertex colours for better shader support
- Added support for new resource refs, mostly dead or snowy lanterns
- Improved Whiterun brazier model LOD mesh
- Fixed Windhelm hanging lantern model bugged candle flame
- Added a few new resources, mostly unlit lanterns for models that had none previously
- Moved all brazier LOD assets to the resource packs instead of Via main BSAs so people not using Via are able to generate brazier LODs
- Added a Xmarker in Lux - Resources plugin to link refs around Solitude so they can be enabled or disabled when using Orbis or not, thus helping with default compatibility
- Reworked all lanterns and posts around solitude to fix discrepancy issues between Via and Orbis.
- Reworked slightly nordic ruin placements on Whiterun tundra bridge to reduce clipping.
- Added an option for more lanterns on roads
- Small update, the more lantern option was a bit obsolete so I updated it in the update section. It's now 2 separate optional files, one for Whiterun and the other for Windhelm.
- Uploaded a new BSA with updated meshes with fixed collisions in the update section.
Version 2.1
- Includes all ninja edits with LOD meshes fixes
- I also switched two brazier LOD models with full models instead cause they were looking too bad and I don't have the time to simplify them
- I tweaked a bit both resources braziers meshes and switched all steel cubemap (not vanilla if I ain't wrong) with the vanilla ore_steel
Version 2.0
- Patch for COTN Dawnstar, JK's Skyrim and Arthmoor's Dawnstar (credits to Robert)
- Updated and improved LOD meshes
- Simplified the wood planks and scaffolds collision to prevent too much bumping when walking on it
- Tweaked Whiterun gazeboo embers and fire lighting
- Updated Greymoor patch
- Now includes the Riverwood optional covered bridge fix
- FOMOD structure changes
- Improved and updated all brazier resources. Those resources are now included into the resource plugin so I can relying on them all in the whole Lux series. I'll also remove Orbis own brazier meshes and textures since they won't be needed anymore, it'll prevent people from having duplicates when installing both mods.
- Updated both resource packs accordingly with updated resources and new braziers meshes and textures.
- (ninja update) fixed a LOD mesh with wrong texture path, I uploaded the whole mesh BSA, just replace the existing one with the updated one.
- (ninja update and reupload) Fixed a few LOD meshes mismatched textures including the one from a previous fix. I only replaced Lux Via.BSA (my mesh archive) so you can just drop that one if you don't want to install everything again.
Version 1.7
- Added a patch for JK's Skyrim
- Added a patch for CC content Be a farmer
- Added a patch for Oblivion Gates (credits to Ra2phoenix)
- Added a patch for New Weynon (credits to AgentW)
- Added a patch for Routa
- Added a patch for Greymoor (credits to AgentW)
- Tweaked both Whistling Mine and CRF patches so they're compatible out of the box
- Improved three corpses positions around Nilheim
- Main mod plugins have been Rob's fixed, navmeshes have been cleaned and optimized by Robert himself.
- Added the missing Stonehills patch to the FOMOD
- Fixed a landscape seam
- Fixed a compatibility issue between Via and Orbis with the Katla's Farm vanilla lantern post
- Replaced Whiterun crucified skeletons with a tree as road signs support
- Fixed misplaced candle flame addons in Windhelm lantern second model
- Check Hump Bridges meshes, fixed a gap in a model and improved dirt alph
- Reworked Hump bridges texture UVs and sets
- Updated Ryn's White River Watch patch
- Updated Greymoor patch
- (Reupload) Fixed the FOMOD structure so everything is installed how it should. Sorry for the inconvenience !
Version 1.6
- Patch for Amol (credits to Ra2phoenix)
- Patch for City Entrance Overhaul Windhelm (credits to Robert)
- Patch for Stonehills (credits to AgentW)
- Patch for TGC Winterhold V4
- Patch for Half-moon creek
- Patch for Greymoor
- Patch for JK TGC COTN Dawnstar
- Patch for Riverwood covered bridge (optional variant and manual install only)
- Patch for Riverwood Redeveloped
- Patch for Ryn's Goldenglow Estate
- Renamed and updated the brighter lighting patch
- Removed the old Ryn's Robber Gorge patch from my FOMOD and added the new one instead, plugin name is slightly different (Ryns instead of Ryn's
- Includes Engorged Robber's Gorge patch
- Includes Enhanced Landscape patch
- Fixed a conflicting lantern with Orbis around Solitude
- Fixed obsolete assets on Karthwasten road and replaced them with new ones.
- Patch updated for Ryn's Robber Gorge
- Reworked hump bridges texture sets, meshes and UVs so the default mesh is using the right textures and added LODs to all of them.
- New bridge template for FallForest environment
- Switched Windhelm snow mat from Windhelm's to Object.
- Replaced Whiterun brazier mesh with the way better optimized SMIMM version
- Improved some landscape in a camp near Dunpar Wall
- Updated patch for Amber Guard (credits to Ra2phoenix)
- Fixed Solitude lighthouse wrong lantern lighting
- Fixed a wild edit in some nordic ruin
- Improved normals for the wooden bridge resource asset
- Updated Greymoor patch with injected records for better compatibility
- fixed a misplaced snow drift south of Dawnstar
- Improved and fixed all new bridge meshes, removed most SMIM dependencies and also updated all texture sets
- Removed the blended road bridges, replaced them with really blended roads version instead
- Rob's treatment and massive navmeshes cleaning
- Updated Granite Hille Village patch to 1.2 version (credits to AgentW)
- Fixed road signs overhaul floating signs around Riften
- Removed two misplaced light bulbs that were floating high above the river
- Updated Ryn's Robber Gorge patch and fixed the floating rope and missing wall
- Fixed a few additional conflicts with Enhanced Landscape patch, a ruin in Dragonsbridge, a tree in Robber's Gorge and a tree in the small shrine before Solitude
Version 1.5.1
- Now Includes all recent updates, Dawnstar alternate Khajiit camp, NSUTR and Skyrim Bridges patch.
- Some fixes to the new bridges, material allocation, fixed gap and texture sets updated.
- Small tweaks to road chunks in the Reach
- Added sound markers to most dwemer pipes, gears and flames in the Reach.
- Added Facegens for the dead workers, cause dead people also have the right to have nice looking faces.
- Added some plugins to manage the blended roads (including Redone) new bridges texture sets.
- (small update) Added an updated patch for Ryn's Robber Gorge new version in the update section. (credits to Ra2phoenix)
- (pre 1.5.2 resource update) Added a way better optimized version of Whiterun brazier in the update section. Install it and overwrite Via previous one.
- (pre 1.5.2 patch update) I added the updated patch for the new version of Amber Guard in the update section, credits to Ra2phoenix.
- (pre 1.5.2 patch) Added a compatibility patch for Amol Village in the optiona filesl section
Version 1.5
- New optimized LOD meshes
- New meshes for the hump bridges with 3D blended roads as well as Redone version
- Replaced Solitude first lantern model with Mathy's and added a new one for the bandit camps
- Resource packs will be updated too since I'm relying on this new lanterns in most of my mods.
- Manually installed patches for CCTO and Via/Orbis, and for Single pass snow shaders and Animated containers.
- Patch for Windstad Mine
- Patch for Wooden Bridges
- Patch for More Wooden Bridges
- Patch for CFTO compatible with ETaC out of the box
- Patch Granite Hill Village fixed navcut and revert some texture back to vanilla.
- Improved the Granite Hill patch stonewall placement
- Added the missing Winterhold table lantern to the resource plugin
- Fixed conflicts with Orbis and Solitude lanterns
- Added a missing entry to the NSUTR patch
- Added Markarth sparse plank floors to WR bridges.
- Disabled Navcut collision boxes on Dragon Bridge.
- Improved the landscape around Whiterun ruined bridge
- Cleaned a deleted navmesh in Robber's Gorge patch
- Replaced some side bridges with no snow version around Morthal marshes
- New content: Reworked Goldenglow bridges
- Added navcut collision boxes to Largashbur posts
- New content: Reworked Nilheim Bridge area
- New content: Reworked some part of Winterhold road
- Fixed adventurer kit mesh
- Fixed a Weathered signs french typo
- Cleaned navmeshes and edge links, forwarded all necessary refs to the lite plugin
- Removed a post and road signs dupe around Falkreath in Waymark patch
Version 1.4.1
- Both light and master plugins have been updated to fix all large refs. Updated files have been added to the update section.
- (ninja update) Added a small fix for people using both animated containers and single pass snow shader mods and thus crashing. I simply removed the snow from all of my snowy sacks, can't do better cause it wasn't much a bug I'm responsible of to start with.
- (ninja reupload of Morthal quickfix, one static was missing)
Version 1.4
- Includes the snow fix
- Lantern placement fixes
- Oakwood compatibility fix out of the box
- Benorun's patch for Weathered Road Signs
- Fall of Granite Hill patch (credits to Dras)
- Patch for Markarth Farm overhaul
- Vektor9999 Covered bridges patch
- Patch for Arthmoor's Fall of Granite Hill
- Compatibility patch for Expanded Dragon Bridge
- Compatibility patch for Ryn's Standing Stone
- Ryn's Robber Gorge patch
- Ryn's Ritual Stone patch and AiO version
- Updated Amber Guard patch
- New braziers in front of Whiterun (consistency with Orbis)
- Nordic ruin new placement (Elysium Estate)
- Some texture sets edits (rock on wood etc.)
- Dwemer brazier switched from DLC2 to vanilla
- Reworked Halfmoon braziers
- Added full model LODs to most assets (credits to Nicoroshi)
- Collision on Whiterun bridge improvements
- Riften lantern posts rotations
- Whiterun bridge road and planks improvements
- Markarth small side bridge access improvement
- Deer Skull convert to STAT on Whiterun Bridge
- Removed Catapult vanilla mesh
- Braziers WR drawbridge edits removal
- Morthal swamp fog placements and improvements
- Markarth fog placements
- Waymark patch misplaced signs fix
- Riften area Dwemer Ruins steam reduced
Version 1.3.2
- Added a missing brazier mesh in the update section, not useful if using Lux Orbis since it's already included.
Version 1.3.1
- Quick update with snow fix for some meshes when using some Markarth overhauls and snow mods. Updated main plugin and mesh archives are available in the update section
- (ninja addition) Small experimental patch with increased lighting for non-ENB or ENBs with really low pointlighting users.
Version 1.3
- Now includes all missing textures, rope and bridge dirt.
- A floating icicle has been fixed
- Whiterun bridge planks have been adjusted to prevent clipping.
- A light bulb has been adjusted in Riften Stables
- Added a patch for Riverside Lodge.
- Added two patches for Dark's Whiterun Market (one is for the mod only, the other is for CRF & Fortified Whiterun users only)
- Added a patch for Solitude Docks, moving a farmhouse.
- (Last minute ninja update) Added fire no smoke meshes I'm using in Lux so that dwemer lanterns will be actually burning for everyone now.
Version 1.2
- Installed files now include Rudy's glow map for all ENB light compatible lanterns.
- Added Owlmon's patch for Sojourn Over Signposts. (full credits and thanks to him)
- Added a He-Man patch to get rid of Civil War and Battlefield Skeletors around Windhelm.
- Removed more lanterns in the "less lantern" optional plugin, on the Rorikstead road and around the volcanic area.
- Fixed all stonewall placements so that vanilla mesh works just fine (I would advice everyone to use Skyrim Landscape overhaul from Skyrim LE though, vanilla meshes are way too bad)
- Fixed Whiterun Gazebo collision.
- Fixed Whiterun bridge lantern and moved it away from all roadsigns.
- Moved the roadsign post next to Solitude small altar so that it hides the stonewall seam since vanilla stonewalls basically prevent curved placements.
- Now includes resource packs only in the misc section since Via lanterns will now be a hard requirement for Lux Orbis and my next projects. I won't force people to use Via though so this resource packs will be available as separate downloads.
Version 1.1
- Includes all fixed lanterns. Crucified skeleton with lantern is now ENB light compatible.
- Materials have been fixed in some meshes.
- Now inludes a small optional patch with some deactivated lanterns in less populated areas around Whiterun mostly.
- BDS patch has been removed until the issue is being fixed.
- Old Hroldan patch now has correct install path and infos, hence Great Village of Old Hroldan dependency rules.
- A few things have been tweaked and improved in the main plugin.
- Missing brazier mesh and textures have been added. Orbis users shouldn' have noticed it but other people definitely did.
- Keld Nar and CRF floor patches have been updated with missing changes.
- Includes the fixed Oakwood plugin.
- I've added a new mesh for Talos greatsword altar activator and changed the plugin path.
- (Quick update) I've added Rudy's ENB light glow map I'm using for all lanterns in the update section since I forgot to add it. People already using any Rudy's ENB light mod should have it already though.
- (Ninja update) Reuploaded the FOMOD without Old Hroldan patch cause it's not needed anymore and was pretty much WIP material.

Lux Via is the final opus of my Skyrim lighting project. Since vanilla roads are quite lackluster I've tried to bring some life to all main ones. Via main purpose is to add consistent lighting between towns and villages, depending on hold's climate, lore or town proximity lightsources may be different and more or less sustained.
Most bridges have also been improved or completely reworked from scratch, many crossroads now have better lighting and have been reworked too depending on locations and situations. Most changes have been made with consistency in mind, vanilla assets I'm using depend on vanilla locations (basically I'm using imperial fort assets when near an Imperial fort etc.).
Compatibility is also important, Via should be compatible out of the box with many mods, I didn't edit inner cities and tried to only edit town and village surroundings without being too close. Most conflicting areas are around some bridges since navigation needed to be redone.
Patches for popular mods editing this locations are included into Lux Via patch hub FOMOD in its own mod page. Check the banner below for the link

- Additional lightsources and lighting along main roads. Lightsource type may depend on holds lore, town proximity and/or events.
- New lightsource assets are ENB light compatible, some of them have been improved with better environmental mapping or even created from scratch such as new magical lanterns near Winterhold.
- Reworked or improved bridges. Most vanilla bridges have been improved or completely reworked from scratch and now also have proper lighting.
- Improved crossroads and roadsigns. Many crossroads and roadsigns have been improved or even completely redesigned.
- Lots of points of interest and small improvements have been added along most roads. Most of them have lighting purpose, some are only about consistency but all of them are about bringing some life to quite desolated vanilla roads.
- I've designed the whole mod with compatibility in mind, most mods should be compatible out of the box or not conflicting at all. Most changes have been done around cities only without messing much with the city itself. Bridges may conflict a lot though since I may have edited navigation meshes or landscape but some patches are provided to ensure everything works as well as possible, especially new towns such as Amber Guard or Lainalten since they have been added right next to bridges.

Just install the FOMOD like any other mod. all current patches and an optional no-ENB light version are available upon install.
Lantern and posts resources are separated from Via main resources and will most certainly be used as a master for upcoming mods or even Orbis when I'll have enough time to replace most vanilla lanterns with better ones. Hence why Via is relying on two master plugins, one for all lantern assets and one for Via.
I'm also adding a light plugin so that people can manage conflicts more easily. Via light plugin is basically forwarding most important vanilla changes such as navmesh or landscape edits.
Running DyndOLOD is highly recommended.
Since Via main plugin is editing vanilla assets, I would recommend to load it as low as possible especially below mods editing landscapes. As far as I'm concerned I'm loading it last right after all other master plugins. Light plugin should be loaded near the bottom of your load order too, Orbis should win most conflicts though since both mods are editing Solitude vanilla lanterns.
Lighting has been designed with the same assets as Lux or Orbis so if you need to increase global lighting, check Lux page sticky message, I've explained how to do that with a small video. Running the ENB Light or synthesis patcher on Via plugins with the right factor (by default it's using a 2.0 factor to cut in half fade values, anything lower than 1.0 will increase my own lighting fade values - usually 0.7 works well for people not using any ENB).

Assets with or without ENB light.
Master plugins for all lantern resources and main Via plugin.
An additional light plugin (ESPFE) with forwarded navmesh and ladscape edits to help with load order and compatibility.

Some compatibility patches are already done and included into Via FOMOD.
Via isn't compatible with mods serving the same purpose. Bridge, roadsign or crossroad overhauls may conflict a lot, some have been patched though. All mods editing roadsign texture or design are fully compatible though, I'm only editing their placements.
All mods adding lighting along roads aren't compatible at all though, at best they would stack and thus create a lot of dupes, at worse they would break landscape with too much lighting or even cause shadowcasting light conflicts. Thus all lantern mods aren't compatible with Via.
Lux Via is fully compatible with Orbis and Lux, since all of them have been designed to work together and used at the same time.

All my patreons for their really helpful support.
InstantKor for his incredible help with most assets improvements and fixes.
AgentW for helping with textures and beheading testing.
Ra2Phoenix for his always valuable expertise and help with many compatibility patches.
WeldingMan and Noah for the incredible amount of bug reports I got while testing the beta version.
wSkeever for indirectly helping with most lanterns ENB lighting.
Antique Statue for Skyrim SE by 3dregenerator uploaded by Tamira:
Oaristys for Modder's resource packs:
Hallgarth for Skyrim Bridges Plus:
sa547 for The Wood Bridge Project:
CDRedProject and Winedave for Witcher Decor HD:
Hrodeberht1 for Windhelm Braziers HD:
EvilEyedKyo for EEK's Resource Repository:
Qwafee Lantern by Qwafee:
SaevaVeritas for HPP Improved Whiterun braziers:
T4gtr34um3r for Happy Little Trees:
MM - Real Lantern by MassiveMaster and zhoulia:
Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim and vanilla lantern replacer by mathy79:
Old n Dusty Lantern Replacer by SDlutz:
Skyrim Posts Replacer by SDlutz:
Nordic Lantern - Replacer by css0101:
Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous by rudy102:
Static Mesh Improvement Mod by Brumbek:
Jets Resources by jet4571:
Ruins Clutter Improved by raiserfx:
Skeleton Replacer HD by PraedythXVI:
Glass fix for Wearable lanterns SMIM patch by Sthaagg:
Blended Roads by T4gtr34um3r:
Blended Roads Redone by winedave:
Brumbek for SMIM
Novelyst for SMIM improvements
Bethesda, of course.