On this mod page in files you can find the version to use if you have all three: Midwood Isle, Mysticism and Wyrmstooth. It's in the "Optional Files" and it's called "Merged Patch".
ye sorry i didn't read fully this bit: Basically, this mod replaces every "Spell Tome: Cure Poison" so i still need the other mods for mysticism consistency. thanks!
Hey so would it possible to make a patch of this compatible with the mysticism patch? I use both, and I haven't yet started midwood isle on my current playthrough.
by using this mod , Midwood Isle - Mysticism Spell Consistency Patch at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) makes this one obsolete by having all three right? thanks
so i still need the other mods for mysticism consistency. thanks!