Just to let everyone be aware if you have too many Curators Companion patches it can get a bit messy. Just keep things to a limit and everything should be fine.
Hello Author, thanks for updating this patch! Recently i got an error while going to generate Textgen. any ideas to fix this? (or should i just disable this esp for generating textgen?)
[Main Instruction] Record [QUST:FE0E0BDA] in file FAAC.esp is being overridden by record [COBJ:FE0E0BDA] in file DBM_HUB_FAAC_Patch.esp.
[Content] These errors can cause CTD and other serious issues and need to be fixed.
I've reinstalled Skyrim and HOF after a year or so of not using it, but it seems like Relics of Hyrule isn't in the version, and I do remember it being before. I just wanted to know if this is an issue with this version, or is there another patch for RoH? It's been so long I don't remember. RoH and everything is installed properly, and LotD sees the RoH items, but I'm not getting TCC icons to show what has or hasn't been collected.
I slected PSboss statuette in your fomod but it gives me a missing master. I checked the main hall of forgotten and curator mods but i don't see psboss statuette in their fomods. What master is it fromfor your psboss statuette patch?
Recently i got an error while going to generate Textgen. any ideas to fix this? (or should i just disable this esp for generating textgen?)
[Main Instruction]
Record [QUST:FE0E0BDA] in file FAAC.esp is being overridden by record [COBJ:FE0E0BDA] in file DBM_HUB_FAAC_Patch.esp.
These errors can cause CTD and other serious issues and need to be fixed.
Thank You!
However the FOMOD is not working for me, MO displays error "unsupported group type selectatmostone" and aborts installation.
Everyone, DOWNLOAD THIS MOD MANUALLY, you do not need the FOMOD for anything. Just select the patches you want.
Missing master is DBM_HUB_PSSTATUE_PATCH.esp