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File credits
slavicpotato1 PK0
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Version 2.0
Removed Frostfall support since i don't use it anymore.
Reworked all positions.
Added support for Seasoned Traveller Armor with more accurate positions.
Added more accurate positions for Vitrium.
Removed support for cloaks since they barely need adjustments most of the time.
Version 1.3
Updated for IED 1.4.
Added Frostfall support.
Small adjustments.
Version 1.2
Merged with defaults of IED.
Added SWP and axes.
Lots of adjustments.
Version 1.1
Added single handed weapons on the back.
Removed meta file i packed unintentionally.
Adjusted shield position with a backpack equipped.
Description Since the original Weapons Repositioner is replaced by IED, this preset will replicate the functionality of Repositioner by applying offsets to various types of equipment when certain backpacks are equipped or generally the backpack slot.
More accurate positions are available for the backpacks from Seasoned Traveller Armor (Including the walking stick) and Vitrium.
Supported Equipment (Cup and full are just the names i gave to the backpacks in Vitrium)
Shield on the back using Simple Dual Sheath (Make sure to enable this option in the SDS configuration file)
How to use 1) Open the IED menu (Backspace by default) 2) Click "View" on the far top left 3) Select "Gear Positioning" 4) Open the preset drop-down list and select "IED - Weapons Repositioner" 5) Hit "Apply"
Credits slavicpotato1 for IED and SDS. PK0 for the original Weapons Repositioner.