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  1. Tenz81
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    wow, that was so good adventure! huge dungeon, very interesting structure, some interesting puzzles and "hidden" (better say I'm blind) triggers. Perfect atmosphere, I really felt in a super old dark tomb dungeon, very nice lighting and clutter.
    In the superb and visually stunning big rooms there are some crazy big pulls of enemies, I had to turn the difficulty way low to pass them... and still it was a challenge.
    Very well done, one of the best dungeons for sure! masterpiece!
  2. mrnexu
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    An enormous, detailed, exploration heavy dungeon.
    At one point I was shouted into some water with no way to climb up, so be sure to save often.
    Some fairly big stacks of Draugr to face, so you might want to bring your A game.
    Vast. The last “cave” area was huge!
    Fantastic achievement, kudos to Neldor258, and endorsed.
  3. Alastair279
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Downloaded and finished. Great mod. A little fun because my character is level 90 though I got some hard fight. Endorsed of course!
    Work fine with anniversary and more than hundred mods.
  4. dmikulec
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Downloaded and ran through it a couple nights ago and the scale of the ruins and the attention to detail blew me away. Would love to see more of Ravengrave! Nicely done!!!
    1. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Thank you very much for the feedback!
      I know the last version is quite old, but the adventure will eventually continue. Stay tuned!
  5. 9Peixes
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! Will this mod ever be ported for the Xbox? 
    1. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      If we manage to finish it, I'll gladly port it over, but I wouldn't do so yet at this stage.
      Unless you'd really like to play it in its current stage...
    2. 9Peixes
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the reply! I prefer to wait, take your time :) Cheers 
  6. fuqdupd
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Fantastic dungeon crawl! The details, heavy/light flow of different battles, the exploration, all of it. Top notch, I hope you make more or release an update someday. 
    1. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Big thanks for your feedback, greatly appreciated!

      Be assured that we will release an update some day... We're still working on other projects, but there already are some to check out here on our Nexus.
  7. Tetrol88
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Can't believe it is a year since I last posted here. Just went through the entire thing with only one hitch - the last door - I opened it - by I don't know what - went to the bottom of the cave and didn't consciously find/pick up anything, but it opened when I returned. 
    Trouble was in that while the door opened I couldn't pass through it. Used tcl and when I went through my followers couldn't.
    That was the only thing "wrong" in the entire trip through :)

    Found one more bug - the "Dilapidated Journal" from the quest cannot be dropped/put into storage after the quest is completed.
    1. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      You mean the iron door in the great cave?
      That's weird... and I also never noticed the sticky journal!
      Thank you for letting know, I'll mark it for the next update to come... somewhen... :D
  8. Tetrol88
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Loot/SSEEdit reports about 19 bad ITM records and a deleted navmesh - any concerns? Navmesh is 1039f8
    1. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      The navmeshes are ok, I deleted and remade it around our changes in the exterior cells; I can assure you they're now better than before (generated DX).
      But I can't find that thing with the items.
      What exactly did you check? Can you send me a screenshot?
    2. Tetrol88
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Sorry - cleaned it so without totally reinstalling and going through the process again wouldn't find it. 
    3. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      ok, but can you explain that "process"? Because my xEdit(/LOOT) doesn't find any issues... ^^
    4. Tetrol88
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      I reinstalled the mod to get it to show up again
      Loot gives a warning
      "SSEEdit v4.0.3 found 9 ITM records and 1 deleted navmesh. Followed by the LOOt explanation of what they are.

      Letting SSEEditQuickAutoClean loose on it removes the ITM records but cannot touch the navmesh
      Removing Angarvunde03 "Angarvunde Catecombs" [CELL:0002D524]
      Removing GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 3
      Rem Valthume00 "Valthume Vestible" [CELL:0008CDEE]
      Rem GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 2
      Rem vampirDreamworld03 "Dreamworld" [CELL:00034B75]
      Rem GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 2
      Rem Ragnvald01 "Ragnvald Temple" [CELL:0001522A]
      Rem GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 7
      Rem GRUP Interior Cell Block 0
    5. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      I found em all I hope...
    6. Tetrol88
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Thanks - still haven't got to it yet - Started a new character again........
    7. Tetrol88
      • premium
      • 48 kudos
      Thanks - still haven't got to it yet - Started a new character again........
    8. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 665 kudos
      deleted navmeshes are problematic because if any other mod references it or tries to change it for any reason, even if it's in an adjacent cell the game will CTD 100% of the time when you get near this navmesh.
    9. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Yeah, I learned that in the meantime... (I learned a loooad to be honest... XD)
      Say, is that still an issue in the latest update? I thought I fixed it already...
      But maybe that's in an update that never made it here?
      Please let me know! :)
    10. Kulharin
      • premium
      • 665 kudos
      Unfortunately not.  based on the most current version

      Skipping: [NAVM:001039F8] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Ravengrotto [CELL:000070A0] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -41,8))
      Skipping: [NAVM:001039F6] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Ravengrotto [CELL:000070A0] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -41,8))
      <Warning: Plugin contains 2 deleted NavMeshes which can not be undeleted>
  9. Tetrol88
    • premium
    • 48 kudos
    Think I have explored most or all but of course can't be sure.
    1) jail area has a barred door
    2) HoR a dead end?
    3) any vanilla-esque loop back to near entrance?
    1. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Hey there!
      1) Look carefully around the barred door, with a radius not greater than 3 meters you'll find a hidden passage.
      2) Yeah, it's only an optional epic massacre. XD
      3) If you continue through the dungeon, you'll enter the final, temporary cell from which you can fast travel out of the cave.
  10. jdsmith2816
    • premium
    • 57 kudos
    Are you still working on expanding this?
    1. Neldor258
      • member
      • 33 kudos
      Of course mate!
      It's just... It's getting WAY bigger, so it's going to take even MORE time...
      But we're never giving up on this!
      The next upload will finally have the last part of our dungeon included (which is gonna be huge), so stay tuned! But you have to stay patient lol