as i understand, you can create squads of 4 follower npc groups and have them wander around and explore, probably best used to explore side dungeon caves and loot for you.
is there anyway to make them take bounty quests like "follower goes on a trip' ? only reason i couldn't use that mod is because it doesnt work with mhiyh from what i read.
Will someone please explain what this mod is, what it does, whether or not it works, whether or not it is compatible with AFT or iAFT? We really do need a better description for this mod and it's compatibility.
I'm still unsure about what the hell this does- and why won't they go out on Sunday? Are they going to church on Sunday or something?? LOL. Surely we have someone that can speak & write both Japanese and English, so poor non-Japanese speaking people like myself can understand what this mod does and how it works? Pretty please?
I would love to see all vanilla hirelings, adventurers, and even mod followers adventuring before you even meet them? For example, having a chance to meet Marcurio in a Draugr dungeon.
Curious about this too, but AFT is kinda sensitive and I don't want to mess with it too much.