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  1. dbs156
    • premium
    • 66 kudos
    Has a perpetual faint lens flare on third person and I didn't turn it on in the ENB menu
  2. bigbandm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This ENB looks and runs great, but there seems to be something off with the postprocessing. I'm not aware of any conflicts with other lighting mods like ELFX or NAT, but there's this strange dark tint that is present. It's like my monitor's brightness settings are low -- which they're not. So I was wondering if anyone knew a setting, slider, or .ini edit that could be related to or causing this issue?

    Here are two images that illustrate my issue:

    Edit: The best way I can describe the effect is that it's as if my character/camera put on a pair of sunglasses. I know the Dragonborn would be thankful for a pair of sunglasses, but that's not the look I'm going for here.
    1. opekpnc
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      have you disable your ambient occlusion?
    2. FadingShadovv
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm not sure if this will fix it but just in case it does... I had an issue in Whiterun of not being able to see the gate at the entrance in the city because of the shadow so i pressed Shift+Enter and went to the middle pannel and set the shadow setting with the value of 0.07 to 0.04 (u can do 0.05) and that makes the shadows less darker. You could also change the shadow highlight thing (where u see a black color box) and change it's lightness to a higher value (or change the values of R G B to more than 0 but all of them to the same value because this way u pretty much work with shades of gray)
  3. kitotdu60
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, regarding the installation, I only need the DLL and not the enb host? I downloaded and installed the minimum version but I do not see any difference in game. So I started with the dll alone as indicated in the installation then seeing no effect I added the enb host but again nothing changed. No effects at all i don't understand 
  4. dex83666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Best ENB performance
  5. Arkos9
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Hi, what idle animation are you using in the last screenshot?
  6. DancraftMX
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    that's really good, I didn't lose fps with a 3050 laptop, at no time did I manage to pass 90% of the graphics, the only thing is the night and darkness
  7. TheManaVault
    • premium
    • 417 kudos
    Running this ENB on a laptop, Ryzen 5 4800H with a GTX 1650 Ti and 16 gigs of RAM, NVMe SSD.

    Although I have to tweak a mix between this, ReShade and Cathedral to not go under 35 fps in more "crowded" areas (if I go with choice Reshade tweaks and CW it stabilises at 55/57 fps although graphics lose crispness), until now it is the lightest preset I have used for SSE. So thanks for this!
  8. demlier
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey how do i fix night vision ?
  9. Xdgalaxy2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How to add Letterbox? 
  10. dragonloooner
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Very good job on this. I am using NAT with this and it looks amazing. Thank you for your work, I love it!!