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  1. Skurkbro
    • premium
    • 472 kudos
    ENB is not required to use the textures, it's a requirement for use with parallax because of new complex parallax and terrain blending. You can still use the textures without the complex parallax, it's optional.
  2. Skurkbro
    • premium
    • 472 kudos
    My Discord server is live, feel free to join and ask questions, look for help with modding or just talk.

    I'm also looking for someone to help me manage / mod it. I'm expecting You to be experienced with Discord, knowing how to setup different channels, bots & rules. 
    I can't offer any monetary return for the work at the given moment, but if things take off, I'll def compensate generously. Please send a DM to me on discord with your experience, Kev #7766
  3. AParticularlyLargeStone
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I installed both the additional parallax mesh and the 4k texture files but the textures are still flat despite setting my ENB settings to allow for complex parallax/parallax shadows. Anyone know how to make it work?
    1. Psytric
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Did you clear your Enbcache?
    2. Freeze435
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      its too much of a headache to get this mod to work
    3. golivie
      • premium
      • 55 kudos
      Freeze435 If this is giving you a headache, then good luck modding at all. 
  4. Barmn89
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    So does the Complex Parallax Work on Community Shaders? I am getting a visual bug when combined with Azurite Weathers that I believe may be tied to that 
  5. Brambleshire
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hello Mr Skurkbro!

    May I ask what does the "SRP Additional Landscape Parallax" do exactly? 

    And a follow up if you have time: what is the differnce between the "Additional Parallax" file and the "Complex Parallax" file and why are they separated?
    1. FirstAstor
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      In my opinion,"SRP Additional Landscape Parallax" add _p textures. Complex Parallax can work well with only .dds and in the ground. However, meshes need _p textures. For example, if an architecture mesh use landscape textures without _p textures ,the mesh will not achieve parallax
    2. Brambleshire
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you stranger. 

      So anything that is not landscape, requires _p textures?
    3. FirstAstor
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
  6. F3AR2013
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    I absolutely LOVE your landscape Skurk, in my opinion one of the best Complex Terrain's out there, but I do have one MAJOR gripe, and it is a lot of water mods like Water for ENB conflicting with your meshes (which is honestly the most popular water mod out there these days, almost a requirement or recommendation for most ENBS).  It seems like any water mod that has the vanilla mesh, FXCreekFlatLong01.nif (Both Water for ENB and Natural Waterfalls use this, doesn't matter which one I try to disable), conflict with your landscape, Omnibus and others I've tried don't do this.

    EDIT: I've also tried loading them after or before to no succession. This is in Bleakfalls right by the pickaxe and iron ore and glowing mushrooms, but I've also seen it in other areas as well.
    1. ItsRainmoon
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      u manage to fix this issue?
  7. picklejaro
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Nice Textures, but you can clearly see the creator's never been on real ice haha reminds me of that guy who said Penguins are fake because they're Black/White color so they musta been made in a lab lmao
  8. provagana69
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do you need the main file for the Majestic Mountains patch or can I use your MM textures by itself?
  9. indigav
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    For those suffering from missing textures resulting in either a white/black rock or mountain texture. This is unlikely to be a bug but a mod load issue/conflict.

    I had this issue and have run several tests isolating various files, with Majestic Mountains, Natural Waterfall, Better Dynamic Snow, NAT ENB III and SRP Landscapes. It is only this mod that causes those missing textures when using the parallax versions.

    Solution: Use 'Auto Parallax'. Place in your mod list above your landscape mods, then your landscape mods, and place the 'SRP Additional Landscape Parallax' and 'SRP Landscapes 4K - Complex Terrain Parallax' late/low in your mod list.
    Run Loot to set the mod order. (For those new to modding the mod list is not the same as your mod order)

    Even if you are using NAT ENB III, as I am, you can use Auto Parallax. NAT ENB III states in its description page that this can cause glitching, but I have yet to experience this.

    If you still have an issue, try deselecting the parallax version and reloading your game. If the missing textures are now visible you know it is down to the parallax version of this mod not loading properly into your game. Check you mod list and mod order. Look for conflicts with your mods.
    1. nopse
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Many thanks ! I had missing textures on the basalt cliffs in Solstheim, but adding Auto-Parallax before SRP Landscapes 4k fixed the problem for me. Some textures in the SRP mod seem to be not ok ("textures/landscape/dirt_02" perhaps ?)
    2. Hazekuro
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      ty so much!
  10. Jaaaytre
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Downloaded the 4k Parallax version and when I load up my save the textures are flat. Am I doing something wrong?
    1. nintai83
      • supporter
      • 62 kudos
      Did you set up your game to use complex terrain? Complex parallax and parallax are differant features. Turn off the regular parallax and activate the complex settings in your enbseries.ini located in the Data folder.

  11. Brambleshire
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi Skurkbro! Thank you! I would like to join your discord but your invite link is down.

    Would you be willing to elaborate more on what the additional meshes file is for? Which meshes are they? and why is it a separate file? Does it have an effect on parallax textures I am using from other authors?

    I was also wondering why the rocky shore textures are so smooth and real looking, but the fall forest dirt and grass is so spikey looking. Your ice is also extremely high quality. Thanks!
  12. hoskope
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Ice is the reason i want to try this, just wow.