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About this mod

A retexture for the eyes of humanoid races (humans, elves, orcs) and khajiit. Also a bunch of new options.

Permissions and credits
So here's yet another eye replacer. It retextures all eyes for humanoid races: humans, high elves, dark elves, wood elves, orcs. Also vampires, demon eyes, and the snow elf eye. Now in 2.0 - includes Khajiit!

Close to vanilla in terms of color/brightness but with a more photorealistic look. Elves still have cool funky sclera, though I did rework the colors a bit as I wanted a more natural (though still otherworldly) look.

Resolution is twice the size of vanilla, with BC7 compression and mipmaps so they're performance friendly.

While I was at it I made a bunch of new eyes for the player to use in chargen. 84 new colors for humans, 16 each for the elven races, 12 new colors for orcs and khajiit. All unique, not just re-colored versions of each other.

Feel free to include these in your standalone NPC/companion mods. No need to ask, just check the permissions in the included readme. I don't take requests. If you want to edit these and release them, go for it. Again, just check the permissions.

Koralina for the Mystic Eyes mod, from where I got the eyelashes.

Other mods shown in screens:
SUEMR - updated eye meshes with improved shaders. Highly recommended!
Eye Normal Map Fix - I use the 'no contact lens' version. 
SC's cubemaps - just use the '' texture if you want it to affect only eyes
Expressive Facegen Morphs - alternatively, you can use Eyes AO Clipping Fix if you prefer vanilla morphs but want the eye fix.

For argonians, which are not covered in this mod (yet?), I personally use Improved Eyes. Just let my files overwrite theirs.

XB1 ports by Lexifer452:
Replacer Only
Replacer + New Eyes

COTR Patch by Meirimi available here (be sure to read the install instructions on that page - you'll need to download my "More Eyes" file for the textures)