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  1. furexarot
    • premium
    • 430 kudos
  2. Dodoshian
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Amazing. You are truly doing the Lord's work. I really wonder how modders went over a decade without this tool.

    Thank you so much for this!!!
  3. falloutanimation
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Kernalllll please come back to discord

    Much love,

  4. Haladoon
    • premium
    • 565 kudos
    This is the best mod ever created. You sped up my time making mods. Thank you so much.
  5. adelinadragonborn
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    Hi, thanks for this mod! Unfortunately only mouse is working, but gamepad isn't. Are you aware of this?
    1. Magicockerel
      • premium
      • 479 kudos
      I can take a look at adding support for controllers when I have the time.
    2. adelinadragonborn
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      Thanks, but don't bother if this is very time consuming, mouse is working pretty well.
  6. raccoondance
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Amazing mod KernalsEgg

    Takes 2 minutes instead of 2 hours to set up an inventory marker correctly with this :)
  7. Webmetz
    • premium
    • 42 kudos
    Someone make a patch for Dragon Claws so they always are bottom up. Just to save time.
  8. DrMonops
    • premium
    • 374 kudos
    I've always hated figuring the correct rotation, so thank you very much for this!
  9. Gaerzi
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    How about scale/zoom level? There are some items out there (such as this sword) that "stick out" of the regular view area, so clearly there's also a scaling aspect to the inventory view. Is that also found in the BSInv node or is it something more obscure?
    1. Magicockerel
      • premium
      • 479 kudos
      As you can see in the screenshot of the BSInvMarker in NifSkope, it does also allow you to set the level of zoom. However, as far as I'm aware it's only possible to toggle between two levels of zoom in the inventory menu in-game. You aren't given the same granular control as you are when rotating items. So, there's little point to me logging that information.
    2. johnskyrim
      • premium
      • 7,112 kudos
      That sword in particular has a higher zoom value than average, which is why it sticks out of the inventory view. Most one-handed swords have a zoom value of around 1.0, whereas this is set to 2.5. Set it to 1.0 in the BSInvMarker of Bearswordunique1.nif and it will be fixed @Gaerzi
  10. Angahran
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Dumb question, so you can rotate an item in the inventory ? How do you do that ?
    Only been playing this game since it was released and never knew :P
    1. Magicockerel
      • premium
      • 479 kudos
      Click on the item and drag