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Created by

Jared Alexander Johnson

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  1. Xaliber13
    • premium
    • 85 kudos
    Hi Jared, thank you for your fantastic track. I made a compilation using a patchless framework that includes your music.

    Soule-like Music - Vanilla Plus Music Type Distributor
  2. Norman73Spear
    • premium
    • 91 kudos
    I have Bon Vons Celtic music and Witcher 3 music with the Music Merger mod. Will this add to the list or is it a replacer?
  3. hoangdai94
    • member
    • 168 kudos
    @JaredAlexanderJohnson Thanks a bunch for this, plz keep up the good work !!!
  4. doggexbay
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    Apologies for the very elementary-level question, but would a patch be required to use this alongside The Northerner Diaries? My modding experience with audio is pretty limited.
    1. JaredAlexanderJohnson
      • premium
      • 229 kudos
      I believe so since I'm assuming they edit the same playlists!

      Anyone who would like to make a patch is more than welcome to. 
  5. Yoni664
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Hi! I love ur mods, i really use the Songs to eat and explore and are truly amazing, i´m gonna try this collection instead this time.
    By the way, i would love if u will do a mod to add combat music, i know that if u do that it would be an amazing work
    Sorry for my english :B
    1. JaredAlexanderJohnson
      • premium
      • 229 kudos
      Thanks! Glad to hear it! 

      Combat music is currently in progress. Its taking a bit since I'm not great at it, but it should be done within the next couple of months. Sorry for the delays. Will be uploaded to this mod once its done :)
    2. Yoni664
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
    3. JaredAlexanderJohnson
      • premium
      • 229 kudos

      It'll happen eventually... I've been swamped with irl writing projects unfortunately + slowly getting my Starfield mod ready for when creation kit drops. 
  6. Meriweather1812
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Absolutely beautiful and totally seamless.  Thank you so very much for offering this music to us.  It's perfect for Skyrim, and it's just really beautiful.
  7. Avyzzvaith
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Thank you for your music.

    I almost never cry, but your "aurora" made me have glittering eyes. 

    Its so easy to hear that music is actually made by someone with passion and knowledge in sound design.

    your music blends so well with Jeremy Soule pieces.  

    I tried other music mods before, like soulmancer music merge with your files included, but overall it was too much of different music types and quality jumps. 
  8. Dinerty
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Your music sounds great and is suited to the game, I just wanted to know whether it will be compatible with this?

    SSE High Quality Music

    Edit: Yes it works fine, your music is so good!
  9. AveryAttack
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Your music is absolutely beautiful!  Maybe it's because the original Skyrim soundtrack is one I've heard over and over again the past ten years, but yours stand out so much to me and sound so much better.  Audio is a big thing for me (sensitive ears, lol), and your music and the other immersive sound mods I've been using have made Skyrim one of the most relaxing things I can do these days.
  10. scoutthespirit11
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I loved your Music to Explore to tracks. I just came back to modding skyrim and I'm really happy to have found this mod. I love your music it fits perfectly for Skyrim, thank you!