About this mod
Signs adds 5 unique witcher inspired magical signs that you cast at the cost of stamina each with their unique animations and with lore and world integration.
- Requirements
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the idea is to give warrior characters access to some sort of magic without forcing them to invest into magicka, this could enable warrior characters to occasionally use a spell to aid them in battle or allow battlemages/spell swords/enchanted knights to double down on levelling their stamina instead of splitting stats between magicka and stamina.
These signs come in the form of runes you equip that each hold a sign and then you can cast the equipped sign through a spell in your voice slot, this means it will be exceptionally useful for warriors wielding two handed weapons who cant spare a hand to cast spells.
Each sign has its own unique casting animation and in some cases vfx if needed.
disclaimer: while these are witcher inspired signs and in many cases take direct reference and play the exact same, they are in no way meant to be direct replicas and instead a version of the mechanic added to the elder scrolls universe therefore there might be differences from their witcher universe counterparts.
Lore:(you can skip this or read it in game)

all of that is cool and all but how does it play in practice, well after acquiring them(see next section) you can equip any of the runes and cast its sign by casting the 'cast sign' spell from your voice slot, they are powerful early but cost 100 stamina to cast so pretty much your whole bar, you are going to have to think when its worth it to use them and spamming them is pretty much not an option, later when you have more stamina you can cast them alot more like 3-4 times per stamina bar but they don't scale so you will be getting less value from each cast to keep things balanced.
Yrden: creates a circular field around you that slows those caught within it
Igni: burst of flame in front of the caster
Aard: telekinetic blast in front of the caster staggering and knocking back those hit
Axii: calms target for a short while
Quen: protective field around the caster increasing armor rating temporarily
How to acquire them:
simply visit the sleeping giant inn in riverwood and rent a room, it seems the person who had it rented before you might've left something there
hint if it wasn't obvious: https://imgur.com/D9dPNFO
there is only 2 hard requirements (I think?)
Dynamic Animation Replacer
Payload Interpreter
and their requirements of course, make sure to follow their install instructions correctly as thats where any problem would likely be coming from as there isnt much that can go wrong with this mod, make sure to have the correct version for your game version.
for the most part this mod doesn't touch anything else in the game so it should be compatible with everything else, the only exception to this is the one simple cell edit to add the items to the sleeping giant inn room which I have tested and confirmed is compatible with JK's, you will need to load this plugin before Lux or other lighting mods that use their own lighting templates to retain those changes, other than that everything else should be compatible, I doubt there will be dar priority issues but if there are just boost the prio on whatever needs it
compatibility and versions for hdt, cbbe, SoS, unp, and many other mods can be found at this Link :D
this mod is using assets from multiple authors that have open permissions on their files and wouldnt have been possible without them
Adri for Thu'um which is where all the animations for casting the signs are from
Siempre for Nordic Runestones which is where all the models for the runes are from
Po3 for Strange Runes which is where the yrden circle vfx on the ground is from