Main files
Check install instructions if updating from 1.2. It is very important. If updating from any other version, it's plug and play. Mark mod as disabled in MCM. Personally recommend this over 1.3 if you are not using mods that duplicate vampirism disease
Fixed Sanguinare Vampiris showing up in Active Effects on Game Reload. (Clearing the flag by script is not persistent I theorize. That's a good thing actually)
Optional files
This should be used in conjunction with 1.3+ to future proof this patch
You most probably don't need this if you are playing a modded game I swear. But there's going to be that one guy that asks so. Please watch the video and make your own if it's necessary. It's so easy.
- Now includes Debug Mode to MCM to toggle debug notifications
- Now utilises Formlists (For compat. with mods that use copied versions of the MGEF. Just add it to the list and it works. Check Realm of Lorkhan patch for example)