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Version 1.15
Added male Wedding outfit (included in fine clothes fomod option)
Version 1.14
Added Emperor clothes (under Jarl option in fomod)
Version 1.13
Added Patch for Female Hands Redone - Please report any bug or gloves I might've missed
Female base armors are built with the cbbe - vanilla preset which should make them very close to the female vanilla body.
Version 1.6
Added Steel Plate and Executioner armors
Version 1.5.1
Fixed female leather armor clipping
Version 1.5
Added guard gloves, boots and leather armor
Version 1.4
Reworked some armors Added Wolf, Imperial and stormcloak officer armors
Version 1.3.1
Fixed steel boots texture
Version 1.3
Added fine clothes, yarl clothes and steel armor
Version 1.2
Added Hide and iron Armor
Version 1.1
Added Forsworn Armor
Version 1.0
This effect works by putting several meshes on top of the fur areas with a variety of size and transparency to create the illusion of fur. So naturally these armors have a higher triangle count over the vanilla ones but nothing too crazy. The non fur areas of the armors are unchanged so texture replacers will still apply
This mod covers: - Fur Armor variants - Forsworn Armor - Hide Armor - Iron Armor - Steel Armor - Fine Clothes - Yarl Clothes - Wolf Armor - Imperial Armor - Stormcloak Officer Armor
The body shapes included are vanilla male (HIMBO bodyslide files optional) and cbbe female body (bodyslide files included)