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A collection of compatibility patches for The Great City of Winterhold V4

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Another episode of the "I want to run with unique architecture everywhere, but that requires SO MANY compatibility patches" series: Winterhold! Archinatic recreated his old mod into magnificent The Great City of Winterhold, and we've cooperated in the creation of compatibility patches for some other mods. All patches are ESP flagged as ESL.

Included Patch Descriptions

AI Overhaul SSE - shifts some placed idle markers to match the new interior/exteriors. Last checked against version 1.8.

Alternate Start: Live Another Life - adjusts markers positions. Last checked against version 4.1.4

Ambriel - The Lost Princess - moves Ambriel's house a little further from the city, shifts the placement of some markers and NPCs to match the new city / inn layout, adjusts and resolves conflicts on navmesh. Based on base mod and Ambriel - The Lost Navmesh plugin replacer. Comes with additional plugin to patch Ambriel The Lost Patches. Last checked against version AQSE1.06.

Amulets of Skyrim - moves a few amulets to their appropriate locations in the new interiors. Last checked against version 4.061

Animated Armoury - DAR Edition - shifts three books positions in the Frozen Hearth Inn. Last checked against version 2.3

Artifacts of Skyrim - Revised Edition - shifts a placed object to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.0.1

Atlas Map Markers - Updated with MCM - adjusts the position of map markers. Last checked against version 3.0

At Your Own Pace: Thieves Guild - shifts three records into new locations. Last checked against version 2.0.1TG

BadGremlin's Collectables - moves a placed fish to its appropriate location in the new interior. Last checked against version SE1

Birds of Skyrim - adjusts birds ground position to match the modified exteriors. Last checked against version 2.7 - the last one available for SE.

Blowing in the Wind - ELFX Exteriors - CR on the moved ELFX Exteriors items so they're the types that blow in the wind. Last checked against version 2.4

The Brotherhood of Old - Shifts an NPC and chest to match the new interior. Last checked against version 1.1.2

Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold - moves the carriage into a different spot. Last checked against version 3.0

Carriage Stops of Skyrim - modifies carriage stop placement. Last checked against version 1.6.

Citizens of Tamriel Complete SSE
 - shifts NPC and idle marker. Last checked against version Redux

Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers - conflict resolution. Last checked against version 2.1

Cheesemod for EVERYONE - shifts a few added pieces of cheese to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.01

Cidhna Mine Expanded - Shifts a placed NPC to spawn on the new navmesh. Last checked against version 2.1

Cities of the North: Winterhold - Jeledity's heresy. It preserves TGC's general city layout and adds Jarl's castle from COTN on top, changing TGC's Wintershus Castle into guards barracks. All other patches are available (if needed) also in the versions dedicated to working with this one. Last checked against version 1.1

Cloaks of Skyrim - moves three placed cloaks to appropriate locations in the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.2.1

Clockwork - Navmesh CR patch. If using a college/city layout mod, load that patch below this one to get the appropriate navmesh for your layout. The chamber won't be tied into the navmesh in those cases, but NPCs don't use the path so that's fine, and it'd be borderline meaningless to make separate patch versions for each permutation. Last checked against version 1.0

College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion - patch by Missile, modifies the wolves' den location to match the changed city layout. Last checked against version 1.10

Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul - reposition new vegetables added by CACO into new interiors. Last checked against version 2.0.12

Cooking Adventures in Skyrim - adjusts some references to match the modified cellar layout. Last checked against version 2.0

Creation Club: Nchuanthumz - adjusts the journal position

Curse of Akavir - Phoe SSE - Shifts an NPC and a few xmarker headings to match the new interior/exterior. Last checked against version 9.11

Dawnguard Sentires Plus - modifies two NPCs spawning points and placement of patrol markers. Last checked against version 1.1c

Distinct Interiors - Combines changes from TGCW and Distinct Interiors for the Inn. Last checked against version 1.82

DootY - moves outhouses to different spots, and modifies their texture sets. Last checked against version 4.

Drunks of Skyrim - Shifts a marker and an NPC spawn point. Last checked against version

Dwemer Colosseum - Shifts the anchor and teleport location a bit so it doesn't clip through buildings. Also, make sure to load DC before TGCW, otherwise there's tons of navmesh conflict - I didn't want to patch for it because it's all meaningless and that portion of the conflict goes away if you clean DC. Last checked against version 1.7

DX Ursine Armor Pack UNP - shifts book position. Last checked against version 2.0

Elder Scrolls Online Imports - conflict resolution. Last checked against version 9.0

Embers HD - shifts some fires/embers to match new interiors. Last checked against version 1.4.2

Embers XD - shifts some fires/embers to match new interiors. Last checked against version 2.6.1

Enhanced Landscapes - conflict resolution on landscape records, switches a few added elements. Last checked against version 2.0.1

Enhanced Landscapes - Mountains and Cliffs - adjusts a few added elements. Last checked against version 1.0.2

Enhanced Lights and FX - CR on a bunch of stuff, attempting to apply ELFX aesthetics to the new interiors. Last checked against version 3.06

Enhanced Lights and FX Exteriors - CR on a few things, shifts the added lights/lanterns/etc and also snow FX to match new layout. Disabled a couple things, swapped a few bases, etc. I'm weirdly proud of the concept of "lazy people in dying city stick lantern in a brazier instead of paying for the wood to keep the brazier lit." Last checked against version 3.06

Expanded Winterhold Ruins - CR on a ton of stuff, disabled a buuuuuuuuuuunch of things added by Expanded Winterhold Ruins which clashed with the layout/aesthetics of TGCW (but kept a few because I personally thought they looked neat/didn't interfere), tied the navmesh for the two entrances (one at the base of the cliff, one to the hall of the dead) and shifted it slightly to match the new layout. Last checked against 2.25se

ezPG - shifts a book, some NPCs and markers. Designed for the full version of the mod - if you use modular options, there are two patches in Miscellaneous files made by CKDN. Last checked against version 2.1

Farmhouse Chimneys - disables added chimneys, they don't fit with the new architecture. Last checked against version 4.1.1

The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns - disables Winterhold additions from the old Archinatic's mod. Last checked against version 2.01

Gallows of Skyrim - adjusts the gallows placement. Last checked against version 1.1

Guards Armor Replacer - shifts the placement of a few armor pieces to match the new interior. Last checked against version 5.5a

Helgen Reborn - moves on patrol marker. Last checked against version V106.SSE

Here There Be Monsters: The Call of Cthulhu - adjusts book position. Last checked against version 8.49

Holidays - shifted one lantern and a couple banners to match new exterior. Last checked against 2.14

Illustrated Town Panels - shifts town panel placement. Last checked against version 1.2.3

Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul - shifts a few markers, conflict resolution on three beds and markers in two packages. Last checked against version

Immersive College of Winterhold - shifts some markers positions, conflict resolution on navmesh. Last checked against version 6.2

Immersive Laundry - Shifts a couple clothing lines to match new exterior. Last checked against version 1.0d

Immersive Wenches - Shifts a bunch of markers in Jarl's castle and the frozen hearth. Last checked against version 1.6.0SE

iNeed Extended - CR on a tooooooon of snow drifts, swaps the base of added snow drifts to be the type that you can get water from (I think?) in iNeed Extended. Last checked against version 1.83

InnCredible - disables almost all changes in the inn, adjusts some remaining records into the new interior layout. Last checked against version 1.3.1

Interesting NPCs - shifts positions of a bunch of records, modifies one package. Last checked against version 4.51

JK's College of Winterhold - Navmesh CR, last checked against version 1.0.2

JK's Skyrim - disables all JK's changes to Winterhold. Last checked against version 1.7

Keep it Clean - shifts the trapdoor and bathing clutter to match the new interior. Last checked against version 3.15a

Keeper Carcette Surives - moves the NPC spawning point from underground. Last checked against version 1.1

Knights of Thorn - shifts the placement of four books to match the new interior. Last checked against version 1.00

Landscape and Water Fixes - CR on a few refs/landscapes. Technically not needed because LAWF is an ESM, but if you're a crazy person concerned about large references (and why WOULDN'T you be?), TGCW might end up an esm too, so.....just in case. Last checked against version 6.4.1. Yes, I know v7 is out now, I need to check it against all my stuff.

Lanterns of Skyrim II - CR on a few things, shifts a bunch of lanterns to match the new city layout. Last checked against version 4.1

Legacy of the Dragonborn - shifts a bunch of references in interiors/exterior, modifies one package, conflict resolution on navmesh. Last checked against version 6.3.0

Legends of Aetherium - adjusts the position of the note to match the modified interior. Last checked against version 1.1.0

Lux Orbis - only for consistency with JK's Skyrim and/or The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns, you also need the appropriate patches from Lux Orbis' main installer. Last checked against version 3.2

Map Markers Complete - adjusts the position of map markers. Last checked against version 2.5

Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim - Shifts added lights to match the new layout. Last checked against version 1.0.5

Meridia's Order - shifts NPC, marker and a bench to the accessible location. Last checked against version 1.2

Midden Expanded - shifts some references, navmesh modification. Last checked against version 1.07

Midwood Isle - Tweaks a bunch of markers and NPCs in the inn. Last checked against version 3.10

Mihail Handicapped Citizens - Shifts NPC spawn and patrol points to match the new layout. Last checked against version 1.1

Mihail House Cats - Shifts a couple of markers. Last checked against version 1.0

Missives - shifts position of the missive board. Last checked against version 2.03

More Carriages - Fast Travel Improvement - last checked against version 1.2.3

More Ferries - Fast Travel Improvement - last checked against version 1.1

More Map Markers - removes duplicated marker. Last checked against version 1.0.0

More Tavern Idles - adjusts markers' position in the inn; designed for regular (compatibility version) esp. Last checked against version 2b.

Morrowloot Miscellania - Item Distribution - adjusts book position. Last checked against version 1.3

Morrowloot Ultimate - adjusts book position. Last checked against version 1.57

The Mystery of Icebound Crypt - Shifts a note and a dagger to match the new exterior. No, the dagger isn't stuck into the wall, it's stuck into the gap between two stones. Deal with it. Do you know how little wood there is to use in this mod? :P Last checked against version 1.0

Mystic Condenser - fixes the placement of the Mystic Condenser. Last checked against version 2.3. 

Mythos - shifts one book to match the modified interior. Last checked against version Redux

Northern Roads - resolves landscape conflicts, and adds some new elements near the entrance to the city. Last checked against version 1.3.1

Notice Board - Shifts the boards and markers to match the new exterior. Last checked against version 1.4

No Snow Under the Roof - disables all NSUTR additions to the city. Additional file provided for users of The Great Cities SSE Edition - No snow under the Roof SE patch. Last checked against version 3.2

Obscure's College of Winterhold - CR on the navmesh. Last checked against version 1.6.1

Off Limits - shifts, resizes and adds trigger boxes to match the new interiors layouts. Last checked against version 1.2

Open Civil War - Redoes all the unused civil war markers that mark buildings/trees/walls/etc to match the new layout. Dunno if it matters, but they're re-done! Also moved/resized the OCW markers to match the new city layout. There's a goddamn ton of CW spawn points in this city, I think they're all good, but I could have missed some. Treat as public beta because not been thoroughly tested. Last checked against version 2.6.3

Outlaws Refuges - moves refuges entrance to a different spot. Uses a modified (changed textures) model from FYX - Smooth Wells and a texture from Assorted Mesh Fixes. Last checked against version 1.2

The People of Skyrim II - RTCWG - CR on a few refs, and also on navmesh. Last checked against version

Point the Way - Shifts the signpost to match the new layout. Last checked against version 2.0.6

Populated Skyrim HELL Edition - shifts markers to match the new interiors/exteriors. Last checked against version 4.1.

Populated Cities and Towns - shifts markers to match the new interiors/exteriors. Last checked against version 4.1.

Radiance - Radiant Quests Enchancements - Locations - adjusts ledger position, conflict resolution. Last checked against version 1.0.1

Realistic Room Rental - A bunch of CR, disables a bunch of added RRR stuff, but includes the beds/markers/etc for the room selection (I think) and follower beds. More Idle Markers patch also included. Last checked against version

Relics of Hyrule - adjusts the position of two records. Last checked against version

Requiem - CR on a number of refs. Last checked against version 5.2.3

The Second Great War - Shifts a ton of interior Thalmor references, and a TOOOOOON of war references in the exterior to match new layouts. Last checked against version 1.10

Skald's Mail - A Courier Alternative - moves the mailbox to a new spot. Last checked against version 1.4.5

Skyrim 3D Signs - switches Birna's Oddments' sign. Last checked against version 1.2.5

Skyrim Artwork Imports - moves any needed objects placed to match the new interior. Last checked against version 1.0

Skyrim Better Roads - Winterhold - adjusts/removes road additions. Last checked against version 1.4.1

Skyrim Project Optimization - adjusts/disables/adds some occlusion planes to match the changed layout of the interiors. Last checked against version 1.5

Skyrim Underground - Shifted the trapdoor/tied in the navmesh for the new basement. Last checked against version 5.1

Skyrim's Unique Drinks - Shifts drink placement to match interiors. Last checked against version 1.0

Skyrim's Unique Treasures - shifts the location of some placed objects to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 4.4

Skyshards - adjusts the position of the skyshard and two markers. Last checked against version 1.6.0

SkyTEST / SkyTEST 2022 Redux - moves one horker out of the iceberg. Last checked against version 1.65.02 / 1.1

Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul - shifts paintings, forwards SFCO changes to furniture. Last checked against version 2.1.2

Snazzy Interiors - Winterhold Birna's Oddments - applies Snazzy additions/changes to the TGC Winterhold interior. Patch courtesy of gutmaw. Last checked against version 1.0

Snazzy Interiors - Winterhold Kraldar's House - applies Snazzy additions/changes to the TGC Winterhold interior. Additional Lux patch provided by gutmaw. Last checked against version 1.0

Sons of Skyrim - shifts the placement of a few armor pieces to match the new interior. Last checked against version 2.0

Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE - for tonycubed2's version of the mod. Shifts the position of some sound markers, adds a few new ones, and forwards acoustic space changes. Last checked against version 2.0.

Spaghetti Cities AIO - adjusts some, but mostly disables Spaghetti additions in the city. Last checked against version 1.3

Sundials and Moondials - literally CR on two road chunks. Last checked against 1.2

The Tale of the Dwemer - Shifts to markers inside the inn. Will soon have a revision uploaded to remove the forwarding of deleted navmeshes the original mod apparently has D: Last checked against version 1.7

Tel Aschan - Mage Tower Home - adjusted landscape, resolved navmesh conflicts. Last checked against version 1.0.0

Thieves Guild Requirements - shifts one marker. Last checked against version 5.3

Thieves Night on the Town - adjusts the position of a bunch of references to match the new interiors. Last checked against version 1.0.5

Touring Carriages - shifts carriage, horse, NPCs and markers to a different spot. Last checked against version 3.5.2

Training Dummies Provide XP - CR, applies changes to newly added dummies. Last checked against 1.1.i-guess.cant-remember-tbh

Traverse the Ulvenwald - CR, shifts two trees to snow-covered versions. Last checked against version. Last checked against version 3.3.1

Ultimate College of Winterhold - shifts some markers positions, conflict resolution on navmesh. Last checked against version 6.2

Undeath - CR on some navmesh which is largely inconsequential because it's outside the city. Last checked against version 1.7

Waking Nightmare - shifts a marker in the Jarl's keep. Last checked against version 2.0

Waymark - A Road Signs Mod - repositions the roadsign. Last checked against version 1.3

Wheels of Lull - Vertically shifts some stuff so it's not partially embedded in a rock. Last checked against version 5.1.3, but I'd be astonished if this doesn't work on the latest

Winterhold Bathhouse - placement adjustments of a few elements, conflict resolution, navmesh refinalization. Last checked against version 1.3

Winterhold Docks - moves one boat to clear the path to the new "lower city" part of Winterhold, resolves conflicts on landscape and some records. Last checked against version 1.1

WiZkiD Sings - Birna's Oddments Addon - adjusts the sign position. Last checked against version 2.4

Zulfardin - CR on a couple of things/navmesh. Last checked against version 2.2

Use a mod manager/organizer to install, or drop the loose files into your Skyrim data folder.
Patches should have their appropriate masters set and be loaded after any mods they patch. Some of the fixes in question are on persistent objects and may require a new save.

- I don't believe this should introduce any incompatibilities beyond anything which may be present between base mods. All moved objects should have been moved to non-overlapping locations. Let us know if you hit anything.
- COTN versions of the patches aren't compatible with corresponding ones from Cities of the North - Winterhold Patch Collection. Do not install any of them with TGC / COTN Winterhold combination.
- If you use Cities of the North Optimized Meshes, load it BEFORE this patch collection.

Load order
1) Main patch for Cities of the North: Winterhold (TGCotN Winterhold)
2) Most of the patches
3) Snazzy Interiors and/or Keep It Clean patches
4) Outlaw Refuges patch (if used with JK's Skyrim, TGC - Outlaw Refuges patch must be loaded after the JK's Skyrim - Outlaw Refuges patch from JK's Skyrim page)
5) Sounds of Skyrim patches

Bethesda for Skyrim Special Edition and the Creation Kit
ElminsterAU for SSEEdit
Archinatic for The Great City of Winterhold SSE and The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns
robertgk2017 for fixes on the TGC Winterhold - The Great Cities and TGCotN Winterhold patches
Missile for the CoW - Quest Expansion patch
Agentw for the More Carriages, More Ferries and Skyshards patch
CKDN for optional modular ezPG patches (available in Old files)
ra2phoenix for the Farmhouse Chimneys, JK's Skyrim and Northern Roads patches
milyx for permissions to include Cities of the North Optimized Meshes in TGCotN patch
Kuczaja for optional castle bridge addon
Yuril for the FYX - Smooth Wells, used and modified based on CC BY-SA 4.0 ( licensed permissions
wSkeever for Assorted Mesh Fixes and open permissions to use his assets
Excelsior for Ambriel - The Lost Princess and Daermonster for Ambriel - The Lost Navmesh and Ambriel The Lost Patches
mnikjom and SpiderAkiraC for AI Overhaul
Arthmoor for Alternate Start: Live Another Life
UNI00SL for Amulets of Skyrim
Nickanack for Animated Armoury
HeiroftheSeptims for Artifacts of Skyrim - Revised Edition
agd25 for At Your Own Pace: Thieves Guild
Kronixx and kryptopyr for Atlas Map Markers - Updated with MCM
BadGremlin for BadGremlin's Collection
Steve40 for Birds of Skyrim
sialivi for Blowing in the Wind's ELFX Exteriors patch
TomTesoro for The Brotherhood of Old
ViktoriaLanders for Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul - Fixes and Winterhold and Kinaga for Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul
AngryGlock for Carriage Stops of Skyrim
DrJacopo for Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers
aviform, EpicCrab, DoubtSuspended, PhysicsFish, and Daniel Hodge for Cheesemod for EVERYONE
antistar for Clockwork
nerdofprey for Cidhna Mine Expanded
JPSteel2 for Cities of the North - Winterhold and Northern Roads
Craftian for Citizens of Tamriel Complete SSEezPG and Mythos 
Nazenn for Cloaks of Skyrim
JaySerpa for College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion
kryptoptyr and DrMonops for Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul and Thieves Guild Requirements
Northward Mods for Cooking Adventures in Skyrim and The Tale of the Dwemer
Sengetsu for Curse of Akavir - Phoe SSE
rms827 for Dawnguard Sentires Plus
Sokkvabekk for Distinct Interiors
Taylorsd for DootY
Korodic for Dwemer Colosseum
DeserterX for DX Ursine Armor Pack UNP
SartheisArai for Elder Scrolls Online Imports and Radiance Locations
AceeQ for Enhanced Landscapes
AceeQ and Asedael for Enhanced Landscapes - Mountains and Cliffs
anamorfus for Enhanced Lights and FX
mindflux for Embers HD and Embers XD
SolarTails for Expanded Winterhold Ruins
TechAngel85 for Farmhouse Chimneys
MisterBanana17 for Gallows of Skyrim
NordwarUA and DanielUA for Guards Armor Replacer and Sons of Skyrim
Mike Hancho for Helgen Reborn
araanim for Here There Be Monsters - Cthulhu
isoku for Holidays and iNeed Extended
Yuril and PRieST47 for Illustrated Town Panels
Grantyboy050 for Immersive College of Winterhold
shurah for Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul
nerdofprey for Immersive Laundry
lordkoz for Immersive Wenches
NeverlessWonder for InnCredible
Kris Takahashi for Interesting NPCs
JKrojmal for JK's Skyrim and JK's College of Winterhold
Sthaag for Keep it Clean - A Bathing Mod
Ruhadre for Keeper Carcette Surives
mmccarthy4 squishybananaproductions for Knights of Thorn
WiZkiD for Landscape and Water Fixes, Lanterns of Skyrim II and WiZkiD Sings
icecreamassassin, SirJesto, and the LOTD team for Legacy of the Dragonborn and Skyrim's Unique Drinks
The Lootist and Archon for Legends of Aetherium
GGUNIT for Lux Orbis
SarthesArai and hishutup for Map Markers Complete
mathy79 for Medieval Lanterns of Skyrim
TheOscar0 for Meridia's Order
EasierRider for Midden Expanded
DdsLedg for Midwood Isle
mihailmods for Mihail Handicapped Citizens and Mihail House Cats
IronDusk33 for Missives
Edryu for More Carriages - Fast Travel Improvement and More Ferries - Fast Travel Improvement
TMLB for More Map Markers
RJinthematrix and mrjentipede for More Tavern Idles
evenshadefalling for Morrowloot Miscellania
ChocolateNoodle for Morrowloot Ultimate
Jokerine for The Mystery of Icebound Crypt
Dave0523 for Mystic Condenser
Prometheus for No Snow Under the Roof and Spawnkiller for The Great Cities SSE Edition - No snow under the Roof SE
mannygt for Notice Board
somethingObscure for Obscure's College of Winterhold
korodic for Off Limits
simtam for Open Civil War
Sokkvabekk for Outlaws Refuges
Arthmoor for Point the Way
the Sands of Time team for Populated Cities and Towns and Populated Skyrim HELL Edition
GSA2011 for Realistic Room Rental
JKalenad for Relics of Hyrule
The Requiem Dungeon Masters for Requiem
Reath for The Second Great War
Alistair Rodryk for Skald's Mail - A Courier Alternative
mathy79 for Skyrim 3D Signs
SenterPat for Skyrim Artwork Imports
SilentResident for Skyrim Better Roads
prister5 for Skyrim Project Optimization
AncientKane for Skyrim Underground
clintmich and icecreamassassin for Skyrims Unique Treasures
Deadmano for Skyshards
EtaYorius for SkyTEST 
XilaMonstrr and Xtudo for SkyTEST 2022 Redux
gutmaw for Snazzy Furniture and Clutter OverhaulSnazzy Interiors - Winterhold Birna's Oddments (and a patch for it) and Snazzy Interiors - Winterhold Kraldar's House (and the additional Lux patch for the combo)
tonycubed2, Cliffworms, SirJesto and SOT Team for Sounds of Skyrim Complete
RubberSpaghetti for Spaghetti Cities AIO
Akimboswords for Sundials and Moondials
watcherzero for Tamrielic Culture
nesbit098 for The People of Skyrim 2
Elianora for Tel Aschan - Mage Tower Home
megapotato for Thieves Night on the Town
DayDreamer for Touring Carriages
bmthrooh for Training Dummies XP
Wigfrid for Traverse the Ulvenwald
themayor897 for Ultimate College of Winterhold
antioch008 for Undeath
SlimeSire for Waking Nightmare and Zulfardin
lordkenyonkmp for Waymark - A Road Signs Mod
trainwiz and team for Wheels of Lull
DanielKelly1978 for Winterhold Bathhouse
CarpeNihil for Winterhold Docks