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About this mod

This texture is meant only for the vanilla body mesh of male kahjiits. It gives male khajiits a more panther-esque look to them as opposed to the more common streaks of long fur that are used in other texture replacers. I have not tried it out for other body replacers so it will look terrible with them.

Permissions and credits
This texture is meant only for the vanilla body mesh of male kahjiits. It gives male khajiits a more panther-esque look to them as opposed to the more common streaks of long fur that are used in other texture replacers. I have not tried it out for other body replacers so it will look terrible with them. 

I spent a long time looking for a texture similar to this, but resorted to makiing my own, as others weren't what I wanted.

Anyone is allowed to take my texture and edit, reuse, upload, or implement in into their own work, with no need to ask permission. If you see a seam that needs fixing, and want to upload a fixed version of it, right here on this site, you are welcome to do so. My main reason for this is that I highly doubt that I will add consistent updates to this texture.
