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  1. kevinbd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you make a patch for only odin,mysticism and apocalypse please?
    1. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      You mean without skysunder metamagics?
    2. kevinbd
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes and odin overwrite mysticism of course.
    3. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      You can find patches for them in their pages, check it out
      For instance between odin and apocalypse, then just make odin overwrite mysticism in your load order, and then you're good to go
  2. TheSkeptic98
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Great mod :)
    1. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Gee. Where did this happen? Does this repeat? Is it for any dragon priest?
    2. TheSkeptic98
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Hey sorry for the confusion, I later found out that removing this patch removed the crash for one instance, but later afterwards found the real culprit.

      You can ignore this. Thanks for the response though :)
    3. BaianoNegro
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hi, from what I understand, you had a bug involving dragon priest, I'm having one at the moment and it might be the same, how did you resolve yours?
    4. TheSkeptic98
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Download this :


      If dragons priests are causing crashes to desktop when they spawn from their coffins, its for the reason that you may have spell mods installed that attempt to edit dragon priests multiple times and are incompatible. This mod solves that.
  3. Bartman64
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Am I correct that the Skysundermetamagics features only work for the Vanilla spells and not with those added by Odin and Mysticism?
    1. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Pretty sure is like that, I don't remember adding it to new spells. Maybe I did for some, but certainly not all of them
  4. Erades32
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It appears to maintain a bug with Skysunder Metamagics where flesh alteration spells don't activate.
  5. renatornt2821
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Does this patch eliminate the redundant spells Mysticism brings together with Odin? I also prefer Odin, but Mysticism has a few spells that are only stronger versions of vanilla weaker ones, and such feature does not exist in Odin. 

    So far, your patch is best one that combines both Mods, but I am afraid one redundant spell or two remain in the game
    1. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Dae mano. Fala aí quais spells são redundantes, que eu avalio e faço um update. Vlw
    2. renatornt2821
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      kkkkkkk, boto fé! Vou dar uma olhada no SSEdit e te aviso. Obg

      Por muito tempo eu só usei Odin, porém Sorcerer foi lançado e ele depende de Mysticism, daí baixei esse Mod também, por isso fiquei preocupado com as incompatibilidades. 
    3. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      De boa, tu pode ir jogando e anotando os nomes dos spells. Um dia se pá eu faço isso.
  6. Xalderin
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    So, Looking between them all, I haven't seen anything about a recommended Load order.  What would be a recommended Load Order with Odin, Myticism, Skysunder, and this?  I feel like my load order is the thing causing me issues, and I haven't been able to determine what the load order should be to save my life.
    1. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      I load like:
      - Mysticism
      - Odin
      - SkySunder (anywhere really)
      - This patch

      Anyway, this patch makes most of odin edits overwrite mysticism edits, so load order won't matter that much.
    2. Xalderin
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Thank you!  Helps a bunch. :D
  7. 67ty
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, my English is very bad and I don't understand what this mod does, could you explain me how it works? I don't understand.I would be very grateful.
    1. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Sure. Odin, Mysticism, and SkySunder Metamagics edit the same vanilla spells, and I use 3 them in my modlist. I prioritize odin over mysticism and added SkySunder Metamagics effects to such spells while keeping either odin and/or mysticism edits. Since SkySunder just adds effects to magics.
  8. SimonMagus
    • premium
    • 2,859 kudos
    Howdy, if you could please remove me from being considered an owner or author of this mod page, I would be grateful.
    1. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Had no idea this was happening, sorry, I hope it is fixed now...
    2. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,859 kudos
      Cheers, I believe it’s fixed now.
    3. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Nice, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for the mods.
    4. EnaiSiaion
      • premium
      • 10,408 kudos
      I'm not sure why I was notified of this conversation?
    5. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      I'm not very sure either, it wasn't supposed to happen, I'm sorry, but one day I'll tell my grandkids I've made a super simple patch and somehow Simon Magus and EnaiSiaion appeared in the comments... sorry guys...
    6. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,859 kudos
      It's alright, it happens.
  9. Zenogod
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance of a version for use with Skysunder Metamagics that's had it's formid's compacted to become an ESL?
    1. Ja1zinZamp
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Done, it is all ESPFE now, even the original mod