About this mod
Visual Remake for Durnehviir: Revisited my mod "Even more Undead Durnehviir" completly reworked everything. if you didnt liked the old version you may like this one. It is waay better imo.
- New Undead Summons for Durnehviir
100% More Slime
100% More Bones
1000% More Undead
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Custom Flame Breath Retexture for Durnehviir God of Death
Green Version:
Black Version:
Durnehviirs new Summons
100% More Slime
100%More Bones
No Race Edits
No NPC Edits
Highly compatible - Skypatched
yes, Compatible with any Dragon Combat Mods
It looks so awesome that taking screenshots will become addictive.
If you want the Dementor Slime Effect you need to install Skypatcher and if you are using Skypatcher already but dont like the slime effect for whatever reason you can delete the SKSE Folder.
Unique Summons, Optional New Bossfight mechanic if you pair the mod with Durnehviir God of Death. (which is also fairly compatible with Dragon Combat Mods). Completly build in Integration. Just let my mod overwrite.*
*Details if you are really someone reading description pages:
vanilla Durnehviir dont have the actual undead summon shout during the bossfight. only the version you can summon have the summon shout. During the vanilla bossfight there is a different mechanic summoning the boneman. The Mod Durnehviir God Of Death adds the summoning shout to the bossfight. Why does it matter for this mod you ask? - The Undead army durnehviir can summon as your ally, will now also fight against you during the bossfight, which makes the fight harder. much.
Bonus: If you use Dragon Combat Gameplay Overhaul alongside Durnehviir God of death you may have noticed that the blue fire breath stops working :( this mod will auto fix it if you have Skypathcer installed