Stunning road textures. The parallax does not seem to be correctly applying to all streets in Whiterun. I would say around only half of the streets have a working parallax texture. Not sure if its an issue on my end. Its a shame, they look so good.
Unfortunately its not on nexus anymore. It was a mod called Whiterun Select HD. The roofing textures are what I added though. Maybe I'll upload them if anyone takes interest.
They're my favorite whiterun textures. I wish I could re-upload them for everyone but the author never got back to me. Think they just quit nexus all together
I want so much to be there in VR. MystiriousDawn, since the author is disappeared for so long time, could you post Whiterun Select HD giving him the credits? What are the rules of Nexus regarding that?
I don't know if the author is on nexus anymore, I asked for perms back when they were first removed... a few years ago. Maybe if I can get in contact with a moderator or something. I cannot remember the name of the author anymore. Seems like a grey area in the rules and I have no desire to take credit for someone else's work. I will contact nexus support and see where that goes. It didn't cover all of Whiterun mainly just the walls (which are my fav) and I think some wood work. I used a combination of mods for my whiterun.
Check out Boreal Whiterun (no parallax) or Illustrious Whiterun (parallax). Then just have this mod overwrite the loose files of Boreal/Illustrious to get the new streets.
MystiriousDawn , the Whiterun shown in these screenshots of this mod is the most beautiful whiterun I've ever seen. Pitty you can't create a mod with your Whiterun. Thank you for your great mods!
Chlamydia1, thank you for the suggestion. I will pick the wall textures from Boreal and combine with Whiterun Cobblestone to simulate the MystiriousDawn´s Whiterun of those screenshots :))
I'm not sure if this applies to the latest enb488 , I haven't played games in a while , and I've been idle these days, re playing and updating the enb. This mod seems to have failed, and it has no parallax effect. And I checked my subseries.ini and found that parallax is turned on.
Only thing I would say is a darker or dirter option
I got it working, lux orbis was overwriting parallax meshes.