Can someone help please? I installed and put the mod into my MO2 but when i go to the chest and find the armor, the items are in the chest but they are invisible, on both the display of the item and when I put the armor on. Do I have to manually put the files in a folder somewhere? Thanks in advance!
help why can't I found the chest for the armor, all I had is the chest and weapon for the samurai and blades mods, do I need to remove that mods first in order for this chest to pop up?
for me, the chest was under the floor right beside where its supposed to be located. try the console command 'tcl' to turn off collisions and search under the floor of the building its supposed to be next to. hope this helps!
+1 Once I'm done with my classes this semester at uni, I'm actually going to be making conversions of this to 3BA and himbo for my myself, (or at least attempting to anyway lol), from watching the tutorials I'm going through right now. If it's decent, I'll be sure to post it here on Nexus and link back to this comment. This and some of my racemenu presets will probably be my first mods.
do you think you can make the mask take up slot 44 or something? I want to wear it with Akaviri straw hats mod recently released and I can't because your war mask counts as a slot 42 circlet.... and i have tried countless times to convert it successfully to a different slot but NifSkope likes to give me an error when i load up any mesh
What perk do you need for upgrading the sword? I can take the armor to a workbench and upgrade it with Ebony, no problem. But when I am at a grindstone, Dragons Woe does not appear as an option to upgrade.