About this mod
A Vampire Lord mod Pack that Adds and Groups existing features. Works with Vanilla and Humanoid Vampire Lords. Mod is fully ESL - Flagged
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

* Multiform Compatible
(Actors are able to transform into either Vanilla or Humanoid form. Vanilla Vampire Lord replacers are compatible.)
Some Vanilla VL replacers: Vampire Lord Overhaul 1.4b ; Vampire Lord Wings Remade SSE
Unfortunately if you are playing as multi form(vanilla and humanoid) , there is gonna be a sacrifice:
If you install an HVL based animation, the wings on the Vanilla Vampire lord will not work.
If you install a Vanilla based animation, your HVL will have a long neck and distorted hands.
*This is a issue with multi form, until someone experienced in animations can create a better one.

* Retain Facial Features as a Humanoid Vampire Lord
(The player will retain their Humanoid appearance in VL form if configured correctly. No Potato face!)
If you want a perfect face on your VL, then ensure that these steps are taken.
To get Vampiric features on a VL, you would have to change your head in the Racemenu (not in VL form) to the vampiric one.

* Any Gender Compatible
(The Vampire Lord body is referenced to the default body mesh location. This means that the Body will be identical to the Characters body specs, no matter the Gender.)
* Physics Compatible
(This mod adds modified skeletons for the Vampire Lord. The skeletons are basically the XPMSSE character skeletons, with a few additional Vampire Lord bones and thus the Vampire Lord becomes Physics Compatible.)
* Integrated wings from [Optional]
(Wings have been integrated into the Vampire Lord transformation. You are able to pick which wings you want through the mcm.)
Supported Wings : Animated Wings Ultimate (now fully compatible) ; Vampire Lord Wings Remade SSE ; Vampire Lord Overhaul 1.4b
If the flying version of Animated Wings Ultimate is installed, then you will have flight access regardless of the VL(Vanilla or HVL). Flight Tutorial Video

* Normal Inventory and Spell Menu access
(The transformation script has been modified to allow access to these menus. The armor race for the Vampire Lord has been set to default, therefore you can equip normal armor. [Requires Keyboard] [I = inventory, etc..] [Controller users - see recommended])
With Inventory access comes the possibility of New Vanilla VL armors that can be equipped in game!
* Outfit Patch for a Humanoid Vampire Lord Player
(This patch will equip the armor that you set in the mcm upon Vampire Lord transformation(Player). Upon reverting, your original outfit will be restored.
Credits to LazyGirl for the Script Source)
* Various Patches included to combine different features together
(This mod has various patches, that adds features or makes other mods compatible. Example: The activation blocker patch, will enable you to loot chests and dead bodies while in Vampire Lord form.)
* Patches are ESL Flagged
(All plugins are ESL Flagged)
* Vampire Overhaul Support for:
Better Vampires
Better Vampire Lords
Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim
Scion - A Vampire Overhaul
Sacrilege - Minimalistic Vampires of Skyrim
Immortal Blood - Vampirism Overhaul
Vampiric Thirst Rework
* Humanoid Vampire Lord Support for these NPCs: (Serana - Harkon - Valerica)
(They will retain their humanoid form only if the VLrn Pack 02 is installed.)

Serana Vampire Lord Patch (Works with AFT | SFF | VLS[VLSnV])
* Valerica support only currently supported by VLSnV
New Custom Races for applicable NPC's (More details in the fomod under follower frameworks)
[You can use SDA with VLS or VLSnV]
VLSnV and VLS BUG (INVISIBLE armor/body) - Due to these mods being scripted mods, installing midsave may cause this bug.
NPC Replacer Patches Available for:
Seranaholic by rxkx22 - SSE (bchick3 and elrizzo)
ColdSun's Pantheon - NPCs Pack 2
Serana Re-Imagined SE
Serana by Kangmina
Refined Volkihars - Serana Valerica Harkon
Tragedian's Fabulous Followers SSE
NITHI NPC Enhancement - Dawnguard DLC
NITHI NPC Enhancement - Serana
Valerica and Harkon Visual Overhaul
Serana Replacer - Ella's NPC
Serana NPC Overhaul
Pantheon - Serana and Valerica - Dark All Day Versions
Serana and Family - a visual replacer
SR Serana Replace
Selina Mage Follower or Serana Replacer - High Poly Head - 4k FaceTint
Serana High Poly Follower - CBBE 3BA - BHUNP - ESPFE
Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard
Esl Delia 2.0 follower or Serana Lydia Valerica replacer
Pandorable's Serana
Bloodline - Volkihar Family
Anima Nera - SerketHetyt's Serana Overhaul
Seranaholic 1.5 Re-Imagined
Glowing Eyes for Serana Re-Imagined
BB's Dawnguard Revisited and Complete
Pandorable's big overhauls AIO
Valerica And Serana by Milfactory
Pandorable's small replacers AIO
Pandorable's Valerica
ColdSun's World - NPC Replacers Pack 2
Hiraya Vampires - High Poly Visual Replacer
SOGS-NPCs Overhaul
Moolgogi's Serana
Moolgogi's Valerica
Esl Sierra follower or Lydia Serana replacer
Kukielle's Elves - Serana Replacer
LKT_Serana 2.0 se
Trueblood Serana
ColdSun's Visions - NPCs AIO
Furry Age of Skyrim Expanded SE
BLOOD NOT INCLUDED - Serana Visual Overhaul
Serana - High Poly Visual Replacer - Chooey's Choice
Byzantium Serana - Volkihar Family Redone
The Ordinary Women SSE
COTR Fancy Faces - The Dawnguard
Fridam's Serana With Family Overhaul
Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer
Dawnguard CCpatch
A Makeover for Serana
BruvRamm's Vanilla NPC Overhaul
BruvRamm's Serana
A Makeover for Lord Harkon and Lady Valerica
How to create an NPC replacer Patch:
* Custom Race Support for:
The Uchiha Clan
Succubus Race - with horns and SMP tail
The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race SE
The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE
ErinRace by Acro748
Charmers Of the Reach
Half-Khajiit-Race (Ohmes-Raht)
Aedra Race - Powers Once Lost
Dagi-Raht Race
Half Dragon Race for SSE
Daedras Seducers (Succubus Race for SSE)
Play Kratos in Skyrim
The Lungaris - Rabbit Race REDUX SE
Custom Races SE
Ultimate Body Enhancer 2.0 -- UBE 2.0 UBE armor solution link
Kyubi Race
Katia Managan SE
QUEEN OF BLADES - Kerrigan - Follower and playable Race
Furry Age of Skyrim Expanded SE
Daughter Of Coldharbour SSE
Masmer - A World of Their Own
Shinigami (Thief) Race
Daedra Seducers Redux (A Succubus Playstyle Race)
Arachne Race

Request a patch to be created, if not already created.

If you want a 1st person experience, then I recommend Improved Camera. If you are using Better Vampires or Better Vampire Lords, then follow these additional instructions. If you use True Directional Movement, then follow these instructions.
When using Improved Camera with HVL ensure that you follow these steps: Ignore if you choose a completely Vanilla VL setup.
- open the improved camera menu (Lshift + home)
- Enable General in the view tab
- Enable First Person Head Vampire Lord
(This will resolve Lag caused by SMP due to the missing head)
Controller Users should consider Gampad Plus Plus to get full inventory access!!!
If you play as a Beast race and your armor is clipping in Vampire Lord Form then: Follow these instructions, except use your applicable beast race instead of a UBE race.
If you encounter an Animation bug, try to revert your form and transform once more.
Sexiest Female Walk and Run Animation offers an alternate Walk and Run animation than the normal HVL animations.
Animated Wings Ultimate (NO FLY) Slow Flap Glide enables certain wing animations in non-flight mode!!!
(Requires the AWU No Fly Version)

SAE and SSE Requirements:
If you use a Skyrim Version older than 1.6.1130 then install this mod!
- Requires a Mod Manager to install the fomod! Install the Base Requirements listed at the top of the Description Tab
- VLrn Pack 01 – (This is the MAIN Pack and contains All Supported Races and Patches)
- VLrn Pack 02 – (This is an OPTIONAL Pack and is required for NPC Vampire Lords to retain their humanoid form)
Load Order and Overwrite Order: Just drag the VLrn Patches to the bottom of your load order and sort them numerically in an ascending format!!! Sort the VLrn Packs in the same way!!!

Open the MCM and configure the options to initiate the mod.
Installation of HVL animations!!!! This mod is also recommended!
- Just Install this mod file. (you can also install other applicable custom animations from this modpage)[The Humanoid Vampire Lords mod is not required and is not recommended to be installed with my mod, as it may cause conflicts. I do encourage you to endorse the Humanoid Vampire Lords mod for its animations.]

Custom Sliders Support
If your Vampire Lord Form doesn't have your VAMPIRIC features, then open the RACEMENU in VAMPIRE form and SAVE. The next time you transform, your issue will be resolved.
Long Neck and Hand distortion is caused by the Vanilla Vampire Lord Animations. Resolved with HVL animations!!!
(Look at the installation instructions!)
Possible Face related issues:
Issue 1: Whenever I reverted my VL form, my human form would get a distorted face. I determined the cause to be due to the character reverting to the incorrect race. This issue was present with Better Vampires. Race Compatibility should resolve it.
Issue 2: Once I realized issue 1, then I manually changed my race into the vampire version of the woodelf race. When I transformed with the vamp version of the wood elf race, my characters hair disappeared. This is likely due to slider options being restricted. The solution is to open the racemenu after REVERTING FORM and to correct your hair. Then save the changes and close the racemenu and save the game. The issue will then be resolved.
(Never open the racemenu in VL form as it may damage your characters design upon reverting!)
After solving both issues, the test was a success. Note that the long neck in VL form is caused by the vanilla animations. This mod has custom HVL animations and you do not require the HVL main mod if you use mine.
Vamp FormConsole Confirm
VL Form Console Confirm
Incompatible with certain Vampire Overhauls. (Report Bugs and Request Patches!!)

- Revert to normal form, if you are in Vampire Lord form
- Open the mod mcm and head to the Debug section, the toggle uninstall.
- Save your game(backup save)
- Store all important items that are with these NPCs (Harkon, Serana and Valerica) [Only if you installed VLrn Pack 02]
- Save your game again
- Open your latest save with ReSaver
- Delete the "changeforms" and "script instances" (Purge) in all relevant VLrn plugins, which is located in the Plugins Full Folder and Plugins Lite Folder
> (Pack 02 Steps)Only if you installed Pack 02
(Follow these steps if either Harkon or Serana or Valerica has a Frozen face or Dark Face Bug, if this step was ignored)
- Locate the ChangeForms of Harkon, Serana and Valerica
- You can enter Dawnguard in the filter, then navigate the filtered ChangeForms/NPC/refid.
- Right click those IDs and delete those elements
(If the Serana element is deleted, her progression may reset)
- Save the modified Save and close ReSaver
- Delete my mod packs
- All Done!!!

To these mod and tool creators:
- Bethesda
- Face Discoloration Fix
- Address Library for SKSE Plugins
- SkyUI
- Flying Mod Beta by porroone and Flying Mod Overhaul by Indefiance (Converted for SSE)
- Animated Wings Ultimate
- Better Vampires
- XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE
- Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE
- The Uchiha Clan
- SSEEdit
- Mod Organizer 2
- Better Vampire Lord Transformation
- NifSkope
- Succubus Race - with horns and SMP tail
- Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim
- Scion - A Vampire Overhaul
- DX Fetish Fashion Volume 1 SE CBBE - 3BA - BHUNP
- Tempered Skins for Males - Vanilla and SOS versions
- Another Vampire Leather Armor - CBBE SSE BodySlide
- Yumi Follower ESL (CBBE 3BA)(Preset for Racemenu and ECE)
- FOMOD Creation Tool
- JS Emissive Eyes SE
- High Poly Head 1.4
- Enable 1st Person For Werewolf and Vampire Lord SSE
- BodySlide and Outfit Studio
- Seranaholic by rxkx22 - SSE (bchick3 | elrizzo)
- Serana Follower Framework
- Amazing Follower Tweaks SE
- KS Hairdos SSE
- The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race SE
- FallrimTools - Script cleaner and more
- 100 Percent Clean Save for Skyrim SE
- The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE
- ErinRace by Acro748
- Charmers Of the Reach
- ColdSun's Pantheon - NPCs Pack 2
- Serana Re-Imagined SE
- Sacrilege - Minimalistic Vampires of Skyrim
- Champollion a PEX to Papyrus decompiler
- Better Vampire Weapons 1.4 SE
- Serana by Kangmina
- Half-Khajiit-Race (Ohmes-Raht)
- Aedra Race - Powers Once Lost
- Humanoid Vampire Lords
- Dagi-Raht Race
- Better Vampire Lords
- RaceCompatibility for Skyrim Special Edition
- Refined Volkihars - Serana Valerica Harkon
- GIMP {SinusoidDelta for plugin tutorial}
- NotePad++
- Bijin Skin UNP and CBBE SE (Shiva182 | rxkx22)
- BnP - Female/Male Skin (Khisartin | swefrida)
- Tempered Skins for Males (traa108)
- Tragedian's Fabulous Followers SSE
- NITHI NPC Enhancement - Dawnguard DLC
- NITHI NPC Enhancement - Serana
- Valerica and Harkon Visual Overhaul
- Serana Replacer - Ella's NPC
- Serana NPC Overhaul
- Queen of the Damned - Deadlier Serana
- Race-Based Textures (RBT)
- Half Dragon Race for SSE
- Pantheon - Serana and Valerica - Dark All Day Versions
- Serana and Family - a visual replacer
- SR Serana Replace
- Selina Mage Follower or Serana Replacer - High Poly Head - 4k FaceTint
- Serana High Poly Follower - CBBE 3BA - BHUNP - ESPFE
- Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard
- LOVERGIRL Skin - HD Complexion for Women (Hornophobic)
- Esl Delia 2.0 follower or Serana Lydia Valerica replacer
- Vampire Lord Serana
- Simple Dual Sheath
- Daedras Seducers (Succubus Race for SSE)
- Twilight Princess Armor Mashup
- Immersive Armors
- Pandorable's Serana
- Bloodline - Volkihar Family
- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
- Play Kratos in Skyrim
- Anima Nera - SerketHetyt's Serana Overhaul
- Seranaholic 1.5 Re-Imagined
- Glowing Eyes for Serana Re-Imagined
- BB's Dawnguard Revisited and Complete
- The Lungaris - Rabbit Race REDUX SE
- Custom Races SE
- Improved Camera - Patch Collection
- Ultimate Body Enhancer 2.0 -- UBE 2.0
- Pandorable's big overhauls AIO
- Vampire Lord Serana and Valerica -With Vampire Lord Spells and Melee Combat
- Expressive Facegen Morphs SE
- Mannaz - Integrated Races of Skyrim
- Imperious - Races of Skyrim
- Valerica And Serana by Milfactory
- Pandorable's small replacers AIO
- Pandorable's Valerica
- Hood Plus Hair for Serana Re-Imagined
- Kyubi Race
- ColdSun's World - NPC Replacers Pack 2
- Katia Managan SE
- Hiraya Vampires - High Poly Visual Replacer
- SOGS-NPCs Overhaul
- QUEEN OF BLADES - Kerrigan - Follower and playable Race
- Moolgogi's Serana (TheManaVault | proarmine)
- Moolgogi's Valerica (TheManaVault | proarmine)
- Esl Sierra follower or Lydia Serana replacer
- Kukielle's Elves - Serana Replacer
- Flawn's Argonians
- Daedra Seducers (Succubus Race) - Official Patch Hub
- Immortal Blood - Vampirism Overhaul
- Aetherius - A Race Overhaul
- Serana Re-Imagined - Eyes Re-Visited
- LKT_Serana 2.0 se
- Trueblood Serana
- Vampiric Thirst Rework
- ColdSun's Visions - NPCs AIO
- Daughter of Coldharbor
- Furry Age of Skyrim Expanded SE
- Daughter Of Coldharbour SSE
- Vampire Lord Wings Remade SSE
- BLOOD NOT INCLUDED - Serana Visual Overhaul
- Serana - High Poly Visual Replacer - Chooey's Choice
- Masmer - A World of Their Own
- Shinigami (Thief) Race
- Daedra Seducers Redux (A Succubus Playstyle Race)
- ECE Sliders Addon for Racemenu
- Daughter of Coldharbour - Serana Valerica Combat Overhaul (MCO ADXP)
- Byzantium Serana - Volkihar Family Redone
- The Ordinary Women SSE
- COTR Fancy Faces - The Dawnguard
- Fridam's Serana With Family Overhaul
- Arachne Race
- Vampire Lord Overhaul 1.4b
- Simply Serana - A Visual Replacer
- Dawnguard CCpatch
- A Makeover for Serana
- Vera's Female Skeleton
- LazyOutfits
- Racial Skin Variance - SPID
- MCM Helper
- PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
- powerofthree's Papyrus Extender
- BruvRamm's Vanilla NPC Overhaul
- BruvRamm's Serana
- A Makeover for Lord Harkon and Lady Valerica
- Unique Player 3.0
If my PERMISSIONS are lacking, then please inform me via pm