LockedStickyIf you are using COTN Falkreath’s patch for Bittercup and plan on using the Bittercup file from this, please disable it as it places a note that has been removed back. Thanks!
StickyIt's becoming difficult to figure out the differences between all these CC integration mods. Would you mind adding a note or two comparing your implementation to other modders' or at least go into a little technical detail? I have Ooreoo's staves integration and Andrealphus' Bittercup mod installed currently.
So do you plan on adding more reintegrations? With Sentinel 3 getting released and Netch Leather and Dead Man's Dread getting their quests removed, I would really like a way to get stuff like the Boots of Blinding Speed again. If you ever get time to consider it then I would really enjoy it :D
Neloth does not giving arm of the moon when the related quest finishes.
Man at this rate I would just put Chrysamere next to the Notched Pickaxe and call it day lol
Dig the reworked modules and fishing module. Shame that not all of the fishing items got proper placements but at least it actually did something with the axes which most artifact mods forget.
Are you happy with the Chrysamere integration? I don't want to put words in mouths but it seems like figuring out what to do with it has been hard to decide on it. -
how should i handle the conflict between bow of shadows Reduced cut and this mod?
Does 1c902 need two imperial shields?
What about the bug reports, real bugs or user error?
Really appreciate the work you've done with this! Adds creation club items in ways that make them feel like they're actually part of the game.
"Creation Cave - Arms of Chaos - Artificer Patch" could do with some masters for LOOT