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Edmond Noir

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  1. NobodyH3re
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I know you said that Hearthfire Extended is compatible with this mod, but both add similar things, with butter, brewing, and milking the cows. does yours add something that would work with it installed or am i thinking of a different hearthfire extended?
    1. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      Yes in the installer of this mod there is a compatibility patch specifically for Hearthfire Extended that addresses the areas we overlap in.
  2. EdmondNoir
    • premium
    • 990 kudos
    I want to say this everywhere in my mod page so here it is again. Now that this mod has enhanced wall and floor meshes of the Hearthfire home you will need to overwrite all when prompted. This includes Embers HD and XD. My meshes are optimized and in this case are better - and they work perfectly with any other mod including Embers HD and XD so overwrite get the improvements and see no difference otherwise.
  3. SpringKing90
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    • 0 kudos

    Xbox user here. So I have been using this mod for a while without any issues then after updating USSEP via bethnet about a week ago, I noticed that the north wing Armory in Lakeview Manor doesn't work. The workbench is in the wrong spot (west side of the room instead of just inside the room left of the doors). And when I craft the weapon racks, mannequins and other decor, it consumes resources but it doesn't actually build them. Basically I'm just left with an empty room. Also when building the decor, the decor items don't get removed from the workbench list. They just persist (not sure how to describe it).

    Being on xbox, there's literally no other mod like this one for the Hearthfire Homes. This is truly a unique, one of a kind mod. But it unfortunately doesn't work with the north wing. However, all the other changes still work flawlessly, like the lighting, the brewing, etc. Everything but the armory works.

    I know this is a really long comment but I tried to include all the information I have with as much detail as possible.

    If the OMA reads this, thank you for your time! 
    1. EdmondNoir
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      • 990 kudos
      this mod page has no affiliation to or is a part of the xbox port. you would have to reach out to the porter. I am unsure of the issue. off the cuff what you are descibing sounds like what happens when you install the mod for a new game on a existing game. Meaning you installed the wrong version. I would recommend you try to test the mod on a fully new game and see if the problem still exists. If  not then your good and thats the issue if it does exist however that means the port is missing a script or something.
    2. SpringKing90
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh okay I gotcha. My apologies. I'll get ahold of the porter and see if I can figure it out! I think it might be missing a script or maybe when USSEP got updated on xbox or may have messed with something. I was using it prior to the update (USSEP update) and it worked flawlessly. I tested it on a new game and had the issue. I have a feeling it's another mod messing with it. 

      Honestly I may switch over to PC soon so I have a few more options when it comes to troubleshooting mods. I just wanna say thank you for the amazing mod btw! And sorry, I hope I didn't waste too much of your time!
    3. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      you didnt bother at all its all good :)
  4. toshiro87
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Sorry for bad grammar in advance, not a native speaker.^^
    Something seems to be broken.
    Bookshelfs and desk dont appear after building them causing items that would be on top of them to float and shortly after fall to the ground. The roundtable isnt placed correctly so that one chair is clipping in it and the other stands far of from it, the items on the table also float in the air.

    Tried it on a new safe with alternitave start and a safe where i havent build lakeview yet. Disabled for testing all mods who modify the area.

    Would be nice if you could look into it. The pictures look just like what i am looking for, for these homes.
    1. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      you didnt install the right version. you need to install the version for an existing game. 
  5. TheBone98
    • supporter
    • 33 kudos
    Honestly, this mod would be perfect if it wasn't for those dwemer-ish weapon racks, they feel so out of place :(
    May you add a patch to remove them or replace them with normal weapon racks? Great job, anyway!
    1. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      I think that will depend on the texture mods you use. in my game they look like they fit in really well and it makes it look more like a adventurers armory.
    2. TheBone98
      • supporter
      • 33 kudos
      That's for sure, but it's a bit subjective and - only my opinion, of course - I don't think they are really needed, since vanilla weapon racks already exist and do their job. If you can make an optional patch that would be great, if not no worries, I still enjoy the mod :D
  6. QlH9ovVcxCwEx9S4
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Does this affect all player homes or only those that the player has to build themselves (Lakeview Manor, etc.)? I'm using Simple Player Homes Improvements, which only affects player homes in cities, and I wanted to make sure this mod doesn't conflict. Thanks in advance!
    1. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      This only modifys the player homes that you build, so Hearthfire only. Hearthfire homes are the ones you build as a fyi :)
    2. QlH9ovVcxCwEx9S4
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Today I Re-learned, then :D Thanks!
  7. Sonja
    • member
    • 192 kudos
    I love this; it's perfect and addresses every issue I've always had with the Hearthfire homes in a single mod. The house layout, with the new library (what a gorgeous space you've turned that area into!) is SO MUCH better. Plus, you dealt with the godsawful vanilla lighting at the same time. Thank you!

    Also, in case anyone is wondering, this mod seems to work flawlessly with Alternate Start: Live Another life's property-owner start.
    1. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      thank you <3 I need a little positivity today so I appreciated this.
  8. gramplolo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Looks great! Idk how easy it is to add to it, but could you possibly add a few more bookshelves in the library (the back wall is kinda bare..) and if you could make the round table optional or just remove it? No problem if you can't, just thought I'd ask:)
    1. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      it wouldnt be easy and would be a lot of work yea sorry mate!
  9. abelyo
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Is this compatible with modded version of the houses?
    1. EdmondNoir
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      • 990 kudos
      Thats pretty vauge and broad but i mean as long as the barrels in the basement are still there in the same spot, and as long as you can build the north wing and falkreath, and as long as the kitchen is more or less untouched then yea it should be fine. I would say play test it quick to be sure though. I created a batch file to test the mod pretty much in seconds. I use it myself for testing. Its in the downloads section.
  10. deanofsteel
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    While I was escaping Helgen I noticed mead with juniper berries bottles in the inn roof look different with this mod. They have a different texture that looks like argonian bloodwine bottles. I dunno if this was intentional
    1. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      Sort of - because they are a unique one of a kind item that was made not from a brewery but locally in someones house I thought it fitting that the bottle look like a normal bottle someone re-used from their home. This also makes it look more or less unique. That said I found that there were some bottle in the vanilla game adding in the Hearthfire DLC that looked like that was their exact purpose. Their path is _BYOH\Clutter\Wine\WineBottle04.nif actually and its supposed to be used for unmarked bootleg alcohol. I had to edit the alcohol anyway to edit a drunk visual effect so that said I went ahead and made it look unique since in the vanilla game only 4 bottles exist period and they are created only in 1 persons home aka bootleg alcohol. That said with my mod the player can now also make bootleg alcohol as well though so you can make this one of a kind item yourself and I made its effects a little more unique compared to other strong alcohols.
  11. WholesomeEvil
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    MO2 is giving me an error for the immersive needs patch because it need the old mod. Will you be updating this?
    1. EdmondNoir
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      • 990 kudos
      Yea! I updated the patch in version 6.5 which I think you just downlaoded. The patch is now for the latest new version of Immersive Needs. *That was the only update to the latest version of this mod nothing else was changed that said if you are not using the latest version of Immersive Needs aka Immersive Needs ESL then you dont need to update this mod. The update was only and exclusively for that patch thats all.

      So if your rocking version 6.4 of this mod and Old Immersive Needs your all good! Only update to version 6.5 if you are using the latest version of Immersive Needs.
    2. WholesomeEvil
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Ah I was missing the update for immersive needs! Totally my bad! Thank you, love all the work, keep it up <3
  12. kiwifruitxx
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    This is exactly what I was looking for.  Thank you so much!  Will you be visiting the kitchen area and the greenhouse for improvements as well?
    1. EdmondNoir
      • premium
      • 990 kudos
      I think the next major update would be to offer a ESL version thats about it. I think the existing kitchen is pretty cool personally ALSO I do actually already alter it via making the butter churn in the kitchen allow you to make butter out of it so thats cool too. I really appreciate the encouragement though btw*
    2. kiwifruitxx
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Thanks for pointing out the butter churn.  It's so stupid in vanilla I just ignored it. :)  BTW the Greenhouse does need your love - what about the beautiful bug jars?  Some of us don't use LoTD and we need a sexy bug jar display (trophy area) in our Greenhouse.  ;)  Totally separate topic - your friggin' BIRD series ROCKS!  It adds so much to the game. Thank you.
    3. EdmondNoir
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      • 990 kudos
      I hate that I dont get notification when i get really cool positive comments like this. You idea is brilliant 100% when I can ESL the mod ill do that. Butterflys would be a lot of fun there. Thanks again for the positivity I really needed it :)