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  1. katiexmongo
    • premium
    • 201 kudos
    For those of you having problems with the hair file I think I packaged it wrong. I've been on a break from modding and Skyrim for a bit. If anyone knows how to properly package personal bodyslide presets please send me a message.
  2. ZhetTP
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've been scouring the description and the posts here if there has been any fix to the hair issue as I can't seem to make it work either. Like, it is their, but no matter if I Batch build it or where I move the bodyslide file mod after the hair mod it remains misaligned.
    Tried to look into doing it myself in Outfit Studio, but I got no clue where to even begin with it.
    Would love to here if there has been any updates to it, because I love the way you made this preset! <3
  3. icapicaa
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I am trying to get the hair in first picture to show is racemenu but even when i Batch build the hair it wont show.
  4. V0rr1n3205
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I installed all the requirements and everything to get it to look like the images, but the feet are very discolored and have a seam.
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      If using regular feet then yea the feet will be a little iffy. I'm currently trying to figure out a fix for that with all my male textures
  5. Coalsack96
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Big fan of the Jaguar variant, though not so much about the scars :P

    But I really feel the pain between choosing the Lion Textures and the Coverkhajiit ones ;-;

    I love how detailed the Coverkhajiit ones look, but I also like how the lion ones look tho. Sadly, the lion ones seem to be too bright and edit a lot of customized characters I have in an unfavorable way, due the custom fur colors I picked for them before installing it. That said, I may take it for a new playtrough.
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      I completely forgot to make the scars optional lol
  6. DevilShxadow
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This is a awesome preset perfectly made.
  7. Punabooboo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What a incredible bunch of Khajiits god , thank you so much!!!!
  8. qwertyuiop82
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Heads up, the Ragnar armour got locked behind a stupid paywall because it was marked 18+.
  9. Multiverseoftodd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I clicked batch build and everything, but what do I do after that? 
  10. Wesensart
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Love the preset, but idk how to add the hair to show in the game preset, i got the hair pack but idk what to do with this file, and how to add it with bodyslide. if you can give me a hint i will appreciate it.

    PD: love the preset! tyvm
    1. Wesensart
      • supporter
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    2. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      Install the hairpack and make sure my file loads after it. Go into bodyslide and click on batch build. Select the hairs and build. The specific hair is hair 24 standart.
    3. Wesensart
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      OMG TYVM!
    4. corgicrush
      • member
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      idk what im doing wrong, when i go to put the wig on, nothing happens, its invisible
    5. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      make sure it's the male one. it should have an M
    6. Multiverseoftodd
      • member
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      I am really really stuck here. See- I'm trying to get the hairstyle to work on a character what isn't Ra'Jhiin. By the way, can you please help guide me with the steps to making this into a wig with Bodyslide? A quick rundown would be great. Thanks!
    7. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      Is the character a khajiit? If not, just install the hair mod and use bodyslide and don't install my files
    8. Multiverseoftodd
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      He's a male khajiit, sorry forgot to mention that! 
    9. Multiverseoftodd
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Still stuck.. I saw that maybe you have to manually fit it onto your khajiit via bodyslide, but i honestly really do not know how to do that. As well as to port it to the game. What am I supposed to do?
  11. Coalsack96
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Any chance you can make a vampire version of the jaguar preset? Is by far my favorite, but it deforms once my character becomes a vampire :c
    1. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      oof the vampire was always an issue with Khajiit Overhaul since there is no head mesh for it and reverts it to the vanilla Khajiit head mesh. I'm not sure if I can but I'll try.
    2. Coalsack96
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I did a workaround of sorts using the sculpt feature of the racemenu to flatten those ugly tufts on his cheeks and also toyed a bit with the sliders in order to get something closer. Still is not EXACTLY the same as the original :c

      I chould change race to khajiit in racemenu and then load the preset again, but I'd lose vampirism, and would have to do stuff like removing scars and resetting the weapon placements again.
    3. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      The problem stems from the fact that Bethesda made vampires a completely different race which complicates things.
    4. Coalsack96
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Hmm, do you happen to know of any mods that make Khajiit vampires keep their default meshes? Only ones I've seen focus on humans only, or only hide the ugly eyes and fangs.
    5. katiexmongo
      • premium
      • 201 kudos
      Unfortunately I do not. Beast races don't get enough love :(
    6. Coalsack96
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      True, after all this years nobody seems to have fixed the Khajiit neck seam properly. Some mods are very good hiding it, but if you look close enough is easy to notice.