About this mod
Turn hoverboard mode from There Is No Umbra III into flight mode
- Requirements
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It also adds three new functions with the optional file: Speed boost, casting a pre-selected spell while in flight, and slow down flight mode toggle.
Main File(Flying capability in hoverboard mode only only)
You will need to install the following mods, along with the mods/files required by each of those mods:
-Project New Reign - Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine
-There is No Umbra - Chapter III
-Soarin' Over Skyrim - A flying mod
Optional File(Speed boost,casting spell,throttling)
Along with the mods required by the main file, you will also need these additionally
-dTry's Key Utils
-Dynamic Animation Casting - NG
-Behavior Data Injector Universal Support and Behavior Data Injector*
*Which version of those files you'd need are depending to your Skyrim version. AE need BDI-US, SE can works with both BDI & BDI-US.
Look at installation instruction on those mod description carefully.
Optional Functions
Speed boost ability is activated by holding "E" button by default(Unless you're changing the key to something else, you shouldn't be holding it too long as that'd triggers Daumbra javelin throw mode. Around 0.5 second-sh is the longest you'd ever need to hold the button to trigger the boost)
Spell casting ability is activated by holding "Caps Lock" button by default. Spell get cast every 0.5 second while the button is held
Toggle flight speed is activated by holding "G" button for 0.5 sec by default
Activation button for each can be changed via editing "Laser.ini"(Cast spell), "Nos.ini"(Speed boost), and "Brake.ini"(Slow flight)
locate at:
Refer to the DXScanCodes link in the .ini files to see which number correspond to which key
You'd only need to change the bold number like in this example for Brake.ini:
Brake = 34|0x41699|Laser.esp
Setting up Spell
The spell I've set to cast by default is Fireball. It can be changed to cast whatever spell you want, whether a mod or vanilla spell. This is not done in game however, you'll need to edit "Laser.toml" at:
under the first [[event]]
look for:
AnimationEvent = "Floaty"
HasRaceFormID = -1
RaceEspName = ""
HasActorFormID = -1
ActorEspName = ""
IsEquippedRightFormID = "FloatingSwordFollower.esp|0x2FE37"
IsEquippedLeftFormID = -1
HasWeaponType = -1
HasEffectFormID = 0xE697
EffectEspName = "Laser.esp"
HasPerkFormID = -1
PerkEspName = ""
HasKeywordFormID = -1
KeywordEspName = ""
SpellFormIDs = [0x1c789]<--Fire ball's formID
SpellEspName = "Skyrim.esm"<--Esp Name
TargetCaster = false
HealthCost = 0.00
StaminaCost = 0.00
MagickaCost = 100.00
Cooldown = 0.40
You will need the SpellFormID of the spell you want to cast, along with the name of esp it came from.
Form ID of the spell can be found by opening the esp in tools like Creation Kit or SSEEdit. Alternatively, you can look for it from console command in-game using: help "name of spell including the quotation" 0. Esp name can be found looking at the .esp file(s) of the spell mod.
Example on how to set it up:
I typically set mine to cast Cold Fire Ball from Flames of Coldharbour
The esp name of Flames of Coldharbour is: Flames of Coldharbour.esp. While formID of Cold Fire Ball spell is "XX00082A". Two front digits/XX is the load order number and it is going to be different for everyone depending on their modlist. It doesn't have any significant in what we are doing here however, and will always be denoted as 0x inside "Laser.toml" regardless of what the load order number might be for your chosen spell.
With those information, what I need to change the SpellFormIDs and SpellEspName lines to be are as follow:
SpellFormIDs = [0x00082A]
SpellEspName = "Flames of Coldharbour.esp"
Any zeros between 0x and the first number or letter aren't important and can be omitted. Hence, it would still works when written as follow:
SpellFormIDs = [0x82A]
SpellEspName = "Flames of Coldharbour.esp"
Setting up spell from ESL mods
It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you know whether the spell mod you trying to borrow a spell from is an ESL aka light plugin or not. To input a spell's formID number from an ESL mod correctly, it's a bit different from how you'd set up a spell from an ESP. You'll be tearing your hair out wondering why your spell won't fired if you aren't aware of how it is different.
When setting up a spell from an ESL, you must omits the three digits after 0x entirely regardless of what value they are.
For example:
In my case, Flames of Coldharbour, is actually loaded as light plugin. Setting it up earlier, I was just lucky that Cold Fire Ball's FormID is 0x00082A. So when I omitted the zeroes before 82A like I normally would, leaving me with 0x82A, It still works.. However, If the formID was something different such as: 0x02082A.
If I were to do it like I do for an ESP spell, I would ended up with either:
SpellFormIDs = [0x2082A]
SpellEspName = "Flames of Coldharbour.esp"
SpellFormIDs = [0x02082A]
SpellEspName = "Flames of Coldharbour.esp"
Which should works either way. However, Since Flames of Coldharbour is an ESL plugin.
Neither of these would work. The correct way to set it up would be:
SpellFormIDs = [0x82A]
SpellEspName = "Flames of Coldharbour.esp"
Note that the correct way missing "020" after 0x. You must always omit the three digits after 0x for spell from ESL mods for Dynamic Animation Casting - NG to be able to know what spell to casts
-The best way to fly around from my experience is to toggle autowalk and tap sprint once. You only need to control where you're going with your mouse.
-I strongly recommend True Directional Movement - Modernized Third Person Gameplay as it have an option you can set in MCM menu to make your spell's projectile behaves like a homing missile toward locked on target
-While it doesn't looks nor feels like it, especially now with flight added. Hoverboard mode is essentially a custom sprinting animation that plays while holding Daumbra with magic effect being applied. This is important to keep in mind since the levitation effect is tied to this animation. If you stop sprinting for any reason (ie. ran out of stamina, turn the camera toward the ground at too steep of an angle mid-flight triggering falling animation). You will plummet and possibly die hitting the floor.
-Because, of the issue mentioned above. I recommend Skyrim's Paraglider or its AE counterpart
-For whatever unknown reason, if you open map mid-flight, it will stop the hoverboard animation and you will start to fall. After you've close the map screen, you have about half of a second window to tap sprint button to recover before levitation effect faded out completely causing you to fall
-Speed boost and slow flight mode is moderately finicky. When you successfully trigger them, player character's speedmult value got changed; however, sometime there will be delay window of random duration before the changed actor value to causing our character to actually move faster/slower. This is an expected behavior and an issue I couldn't work around yet