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  1. danghidini
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    If you like Bjorn, please endorse this mod so that more people can get to know him!
    Please consider supporting me on Ko-fi so I can generate more voice files. 

    A small notice:  All the mod's quests have been extensively tested and work perfectly on different saves, computers, and consoles. If you're having trouble progressing, please consider these two solutions:
    • It might be an issue with your game struggling to read the scripts due to being overloaded. In this case, reload the save, revert a few stages, or reduce the number of active mods.  
    • It could be a conflict with your mods. In this case, disable any mods that alter locations where Bjorn’s quests take place and never import any follower from the mod into any framework.

    Thank you for the kindness! 🥰
  2. danghidini
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    Bjorn is being kindly ported to Xbox by Kynkaid, with my full permission and my gratitude! 🐻❤️
  3. SpookySalamander
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Having a great time with this mod. Bjorn has become one of my favorite followers in a while. I have this issue with Barni currently where I can't get him to stop following me/dismiss him and its triggered a glitch with my main quest to where I can't progress after beating the dragon in Kynesgrove. Any idea how I can dismiss him so I can continue?
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thank you! <3
      Barni doesn't have a dismiss command yet, only a wait command because he's your son now =)
    2. Yunanesca
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      he wil however he will stay at a home if you own one though to have him wait he will just wait outside for mom or dad aka you, till you come home. I'm a overprotective vampire mama on mine and let his uncles aunties and new daddy (bjorn on mine) take care of business lol for me at times. :)
  4. Arawna2
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! First of all, congratulations on this great mod! I'm really enjoying having Bjorn as a partner!

    Unfortunately I have a BIG PROBLEM. In the quest Bloodline's Secrets, when I have to leave the mine, Little Shadow is on the other side and the bandits attack her, but she does not fight and therefore does not kill them nor can she free me. Can you help me? Thank you!
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Hello there! Thank you so much! Please check the compatibility with your mods. I think a solution for this would be to disable the cell door via console and kill them =)
    2. Arawna2
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the fast answer! I've tried yet and killed them all, but I can't talk with Little Shadow. I've tried with recycleactor too, but then she dissapears... I'm playing with Nolvus v6.
  5. destinyraven
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I utterly love Bjorn! I have not had any issue until now... I dont think it is bug... but my sweet darlin doesn't sing for me now and that makes me sad..... all he does is just stands there after he puts his shield away and this is a fresh play through, I have also noticed that he doesnt seem to be interacting with other NPCs like Lydia or Sven.. and I have the latest version but I installed via the creation club, that is where I first found this lovely mod. Any does he have to wear light armor or can he wear heavy? 
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Hey! Thank you so much! And also for reporting it, I replied to you in the bug report. As for the songs, I’m not sure what might have happened, it’s not tied to any quest, it’s just a regular dialogue with an animation… but I’ll check it out!
  6. DarkUrgeDiaries
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    Spoilers ahead!
    Just dropping by, since I finished soul chains, to say how much I absolutely love and adore adielle and really hope to see more content made for her if you ever have the time and desire! My dragonborn is a vampire and in the Dark Brotherhood, so they are a perfect duo! Thank you for making her a permanent follower <3

    Edit: I'm also curious if you will be taking player name requests at any point, I'd love one for my Lumina!
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad you like her—she holds a special place in my heart. I create her with care, and I wish she had even more content, haha. I'll add Lumina to my list, which I implement little by little. 🥰
    2. DarkUrgeDiaries
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      She is wonderful, I love that she is the yin to Bjorn's yang and offers a perfect companion for a player on the darker side of things! She will be in my party permanently. Thank you so very much for all that you do, this mod truly brings so much joy <3 and thank you so much!! For the record, the pronunciation is loo-min-uh :D
    3. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Haha, thank you so much, my dear, I loved the screenshots, they’re so perfect! Your character is adorable!
      Thank you for sharing <3
  7. Baldrakin
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    After many hours of traveling with Bjorn, I noticed something. At first glance, it may seem that he is a simple mercenary with no education, but in fact he knows Skyrim very well. In fact, his level of erudition about the culture of his own country and the deep lore of these lands is much more extensive than that of many other Nords living here. It seems that Bjorn actually visited almost all the places in Skyrim. Among other things, he is a much more experienced warrior than it seems at first glance, he just doesn't like to brag. Bjorn is very smart and perceptive, he has good instincts and he is really inquisitive. He is a true adventurer, and all these noble qualities in him are not immediately noticeable, because he is a chillguy.
    By the way, there is a well-known mod that allows you to play the Molag Bal quest differently than in vanilla - House of Horrors - Quest Expansion. In this add-on, you can save the life of an exorcist and banish the spirit from a cursed house without killing anyone. Try it, it should be great! If you like this mod, maybe you want to make a small expansion for Bjorn in the form of two lines of dialogue, where he would comment on the noble outcome of this quest. Traveling with Bjorn, I sincerely want to be a good guy, he inspires heroic deeds.
    But honestly, Bjorn is perfect, and I don't know how to make him even better.
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Haha I love your analyses! ❤️Ah, I think it's because he's already a seasoned warrior... he's been in this life for 15 years, right? He's traveled everywhere. One day, I'll make patches for the mods here on Nexus... but I can barely finish the vanilla quests, so it's kind of a dream XD
    2. Baldrakin
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      The main thing is that you enjoy working on this project. You've already done a lot for the community by giving us Bjorn, thank you for that! Health and happiness to you and your family for seven generations to come!
    3. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thank you so much, dear friend ❤ I wish the same for you!
  8. zaskar
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Just installed the current mod, I go do the first thing for him, stop and talk with him after. The conversation will not trigger. clicking or hitting 1 on keyboard, he just looks at you. ideas?
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      I didn’t know that pressing 1 on the keyboard triggered conversations... What about the mouse? Does clicking the left button work?
  9. CassieBear9000
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Can I get some help please? 
    I downloaded Bjorn Follower Mod off of Creation Club:I've reached Cold Dread of the quest line for Bjorn follower mod. The problem is, after speaking to Thruzar at Gloomboubd mine in Groshak's Forge, which he doesn't go inside of for some reason I have to exit the forge to talk to him, the quest says to Return to Bjorn's Basement. When I return, Shagra is gone and Thruzar speaks to her like she is there for like a second, but that's it. I can't progress at all. If Shagra is not in the basement, wtf am I supposed to do? I've tried reloading and it didn't work, instead it shows her quest marker at Redwater Den or as soon as I exit the mine Shagra is walking outside leaving the basement and I can't interact with her.. I even went to Redwater Den and tried to speak to her, but nothing happens. I am stuck. Is this mod/quest broken? 
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Hello! Sorry, but as far as I know, this issue has never occurred before, and this quest has been extensively tested. Please check the compatibility with your other mods. For example, I don't recommend importing any of the mod's followers into any framework and advise avoiding mods that modify the areas where the quests take place.
  10. DarkUrgeDiaries
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    I think I've figured out what's got me stuck, in cold dread, I received the letter from little shadow but the quest never updated, and to my understanding, once you get the letter it's meant to progress to soul chains where you are meant to discuss little shadow's letter with bjorn, and then the assassins will come after you. For whatever reason, after I received the letter from little shadow, the quest never updated to tell me to discuss it with bjorn. I ended up manually starting soul chains because simply re-reading her letter wasn't progressing the quest. Maybe this can help?
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      You must have an older version of the mod, where this quest didn’t exist =(
    2. DarkUrgeDiaries
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      fully up to date weirdly enough, I'm guessing something blipped along the way as these things tend to do D: Hopefully back on track now!
  11. Baldrakin
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Bjorn: "The Dark Brotherhood is bad, you've gone down a crooked path! I'm blacklisting you, think about your behavior!"

    Bjorn is a little later, when I kill an innocent victim under a Dark Brotherhood contract right in front of his eyes.: "It's a fine day, isn't it? ^__^ "
    1. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      He lets things slide with the player way too easily, doesn’t he? I think it’s a crush he has on the player hahaha XD
    2. Baldrakin
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      This is literally the sweetest and most beautiful follower among all the existing ones. Thanks for the update!
    3. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Awwww thank you 🥰💕💕
  12. fruityfairyy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! Absolutely love your Bjorn mod! ❤️ just having issues with the quest “soul chains”. When I go to meet Bjorn at New Gnsis Cornerclub, he doesn’t finish the conversation with Ulain and instead just comes and stands next to me? And the quest is stuck on “listen to their conversation”. I’ve tried many different things to fix it but nothing has worked so I hoped you’d have some ideas on how to help. Once again, love this mod so much! Hope I can get it fixed so I can finish Bjorns quest line 
    1. Whiskymaniac
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Soul chains quest is bugged for me too but its when i enter the mine in solstheim. The quest marker inside seems unable to do its thing and im stuck on progression
    2. danghidini
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Thank you so much! 🥰
      Oh, what a shame. I can’t reproduce this error in any of my saves,,. I started a new one, and when I get to that point, I’ll add additional scripts to prevent anything from failing.