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Morrowind Nord Houses Pack (Remodeled) by Tesak1243 xVASynth 2 - SKVA Synth by DanRuta
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Author:Schlitzohr - translated by chrisredfield2012
Neugrad - Deutsche Sprachausgabe
Version 1.00.6
Fixed a bug that made Icilia attack while meditating.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed Signos not attacking on sight on the first encounter.
Fixed some ground texture issues at Neugrad.
Fixed Emestic not having innkeeper dialogue after he has repaired the inn.
Version 1.00.5
Fixed missing quest target for the repeatable fighters guild quest and redid another alias
Version 1.00.4
Fixed some tipos
Added description to the Amulet of Emperor Zero
Version 1.00.3
Added missing voice line for Ossela
Rworked the shrine of Emperor Zero again. Now there are definitely no more moving parts...
Version 1.00.2
Fixed a havok issue at the inn
The blessing of Emperor Zero now removes other blessings correctly
Reworked shrine of Emperor Zero to avoid havok issues
Version 1.00.1
Fixed a bug that made the courier not appear
Fixed a bug that made the Signos not appear
Adds a village next to Fort Neugrad.
There is an inn, a general goods store, a blacksmith, a player house a shrine to Emperor Zero and a Fighters Guild guildhall. Also adds 18 quests. 14 are available at Neugrad. 7 of these are part of the Fighters Guild.
Part of the quests are also 5 new minor locations. Dragontail Inn near the border to Hammerfell (destroyed at game start, get's repaired through a quest). Brighthorn Farm and Bonechill Camp (inhabited by orcs) west of Helgen. The imperial ruin of Tormol northeast of Bloodlet Throne. A unmarked cave in the mountains behind Fort Neugrad.
The shrine of Emperor Zero also gives a new blessing and there are some unique rewards from the quests. For example a new spell, some new armor and weapons, new powers and a player house at Neugrad Watch.
In addition this mod overhauls Southfringe Sanctum and adds a mountain path leading to it from Neugrad Watch. You can get access through a short quest in a peaceful way and get a additional merchant there, a few more interactions with Bashnag, who can also be convinced to let Selveni go. I also fixed some issues with Selveni's quest that made her get stuck often. Afterwards she doesn't just despawn but travels to the inn at Neugrad Watch and you can get another quest from her.
All quests and additional dialogue is voice with xVASynth.