Since Bethesda decided to update their game with Anniversary Edition, the community has been divided across diferent game versions, and that is mostly because SKSE plugins only work for the version of the game they were compiled for, so now many users refuse to update their game and some even downgrade it to a previous version (before Anniversary Edition) to keep using their favorite SKSE mods. So CharmedBaryon made his own fork of CommonLibSSE, named CommonLibSSE-NG (NG stands for Next Generation), which allows compilling DLLs that work across all versions of the game (including VR in some ocasions). This does not make it any easier for mod author's apart for not needing to create a FOMOD with multiple DLLs in it, but it does for users (specially new ones) which won't have to bother looking for compatibilities or installing wrong versions.
The plugin is meant to fix the problems in the quote that might be caused by modded ingredients or changes to the base game's ingredients. In vanilla everything seems to work fine already.
Since Apothecary gives all ingredients the same base magnitude for a given effect, this fix is technically unnecessary if all of your ingredients are properly patched for it. But if you're using an alchemy overhaul under which some ingredients are more potent than others, like CACO, you'll want this fix.
Did you planning to update your mod in nearly time? I'm returing to Skyrim's modding and set "tracking" on few mods by nexus.
Or would it be unneeded with a full alchemy overhaul like Apothecary?
Since it's an SKSE mod, it will probably TRY to work, but may have problems with potions and ingredients added by mods
Edit: Worked like a charm, super clutch fix.