I used npc attack variety guide and through condition of his mod this animation is used by dremoras and the dremoras lucky enough to be equipped with greatsword are crazy fast, way faster than the images shown in here and way faster than other dremoras without the greatsword. if it wasn't for this issue I would have kept the mod.
Hi, I've managed to convert your mod to use Open Animation Replacer instead and to activate Gael's Moveset using Dtry's Key Utils, W+Power Attack, do you want the files?
been using your OAR replacer, was looking in the conditions... what is bbds.esp? i don't have it so it shows as (not found) in right hand. is it the fullinu bloodborne/darksouls pack?
Also, I love this mod. It's byfar my favorite two handed animations out there.
I don't know if it's allowed (if not I will remove my message), but would you be ok to share it with me please ?
Here you go, got permission from the author on the 19th
Actually I succeded to do it myself with some YT tutorials but your link is still useful ;)
Can Npc's use the Weapon art too?