About this mod
Voice overhaul of the Night Mother. Provided by 2 voice actresses to compliment PSBOSS & Mandragorasprouts' replacers (but will work for all). 6 options total. Lore friendly or not, the choice is yours.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

I hired 2 voice actresses to revoice the Night Mother since the original files are too quiet. New audio is clearer and more ethereal. Now she sounds like the bride of the void.
Isabel v1 - Lore-friendly version, good to match with any SFW (or default) model. Will compliment the female version of my The Black Door Revoiced mod.
Isabel v2 - Same as v1, but with an evil twist.
Molly v1 - Another lore-friendly version, good to match with any SFW (or default) model.
Molly v2 - Same as v1, but with an evil twist.
Molly v3 - Not a lore-friendly version, sultry and seductive. Ideal to pair with a NSFW model.
Molly v4 - Not a lore-friendly version, sultry and seductive with an evil twist. Ideal to pair with a NSFW model.
--See below for the Female Cicero Patch.--

Each replacer has 25 audio files x6 versions totaling 150 files. You'll only install 1 version (25 files) unless you want to try more.
No ESP, loose audio files only.
Safe to add or remove at any time.
Install with any mod manager or manually by adding to data folder.
Will conflict with other mods that change the same audio files. If you want this version to win, place it lower in your mod list.
Should be compatible with all versions of Skyrim.

Female Cicero Patch
Instructions: Install the main file of your choosing then install the corresponding Fem Cicero Patch with the same VA and version from the miscellaneous files section. Merge files in MO or manually replace with the new lines.

3 versions spliced together in each track.

If you showcased this mod please let me know so I can add your video to the video tab and this description page!
Timecodes have been added to the video so you know which voice is playing since I forgot to label the sections before uploading.

Molly Oblivion
Creating two excellent versions of the Night Mother!
Nexus Profile
Fiverr Page
Website (currently under construction) 😕
Isabel Salazar
Creating a superb lore-friendly version of the Night Mother!
@PSBOSS & @Mandragorasprouts for being cool with me linking and referring to their respective Night Mother replacers on the same page. They have very different audiences and design styles in mind so it's cool of them to not care about that. 😎
@nightmarezone & @Playboy Sonic for images used in the Female Cicero patch.