Can you make a replacer version of each animation for people who dont want to use other mods? Thank you.
Great mod. Does it work for AE with Open Animation Replacer?
nvm lol
Would this replace pretty sit idles?
Do we have to download both files? Or can I just download the 1.0.1 update file by itself and install just that?
Nice animations but I just can't make it work, for some reason it never triggers new animations for NPC.
I see animations in OAR menu in-game and Behavior Data Injector seems works as expected:[06/26/23 23:08:54][info](DataHandler.cpp:14) Parsing BDI Data In "Data\SKSE\Plugins\BehaviorDataInjector\SSIA_BDI.json"
other animations works with no problem even Modern Female Sitting Animations Overhaul
[06/26/23 23:08:54][info](DataHandler.cpp:35) Stored a BDI variable: name: "SSIAIndex", type: "kFloat", projectPath: "ACTORS\CHARACTER".
Any thoughts?
Is it compatible with Modern Female Sitting Animations Overhaul ?
Thank you
But both animations will play regardless of priority if I set the right values on random conditions right? Sorry I am still learning OAR but I am able by luck play both idle animations from different author doing that
WarAcez how did you do that? the in game interface?
Nice animations as always, gekkou1992!
What does .dll skse file do? -