1. dizzumd
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I really hope the mod author takes this feedback with grace. This mod is great and well done, like many others for a free mod this is incredible, HOWEVER, i really wish there was a version where it was scaled ALL THE WAY BACK, like maybe 5%. Even the reduced options have way too many enemy spawns. I know its more for end game content and made to be more like dark souls etc but its not  very immersive for a playthrough and kind of doesn't allow one to take in the scenery, which is a big part of Skyrims appeal imo. This is a bit frustrating since I can't find any other mods like this and it seems like it'd be something easy to implement for the mod author. I'd love a mod where there were random boss battles but way more spread out, like one or two per level. Sometimes I fast travel to Hjelchen Farm or something and am insta killed by a swarm of enemies. Or am trying to run and escape an enemy only to run into 3 more. The only other mod I've found that does what I want somewhat is Sinister Seven but as title suggests, there are only 7 encounters and after one playthrough its predictable, I def want random boss  encounters just way less than this mod currently gives you on its reduced option, that would be a perfect mod imo. But thanks for creating this, I'm sure it'll be fun for more end game action when I've completed my play through. 
  2. Ofeliah
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    how can i reduce even more the spawns? i love the mod but i would like have like -90% less spawn, and have them as very rares mini bosses around there
    1. ChessPirate
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Unless it is something one of the Mod Managers can do, it will require edits on an "esp" file. If you can do this, call up either "MoreDangerousEnemiesSE3_3(75%LessSpawns).esp" (if you still want to see "Netherworld Anomalies") or "MoreDangerousEnemiesSE3_3(NoAnomaliesOrAmbushes).esp" (if you do *not* want to see any Anomalies), in "SSEEdit". Expand the "Non-Player Character (Actor)" Tab. All of the lines highlighted in yellow (example: "LvlAnimalForestPredator"), are how the "Enemies" from MDE get into the game. Select those you do not want to spawn MDE Enemies and delete them. Note: You are *only* deleting the *changes* that MDE makes, nothing "Vanilla". I would suggest deleting all the ones with the word "Prey" in them, and see how that plays. Do it this way and there should remain some spawns in pretty much all areas, but the *number* of spawns will be greatly reduced.
    2. Ofeliah
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      thanks, i'll try it
  3. irratu
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I rarely endorse mods (i should do it more often tbh) but I had to for this one. The mod makes such a drastic difference with how skyrim combat plays for me that it's once again engaging. You really get that zero to hero feel doing a playthrough with it. From getting 1 shot by giant perma cloaked fireball chucking spiders to plowing through fields of them if you play smartly. 
  4. StarliaOwO
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    This is pure CHAOS and I fucking LOVE IT, amazing work. I mixed this in with shadow of skyrim, skyrim unlevelled, and ultimate combat, and this is wayyyy more brutal than Elden Ring to me. Great stuff
  5. Taxittt
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    man I wish there was a version of this mod that just added the creatures later on instead of all at once even at level one, I head out of a bandit cave and get savelocked by a gargoyle brute 
    1. ChessPirate
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      If you really want to play it, download a "Buff" batch file and level up to where you can handle it.
  6. CrimsonCaligula
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this compatible with mihails creatures and increased spawn rates?
    1. ChessPirate
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      From what I know of Mihail's Creature Mods, the Creatures are "hand-placed" in the World, so yes, it should be compatible. As to "increased spawn rates", I don't know, but if you play the Main Version of MDE, I don't think you'll *need* increased spawn rates! ☺
  7. shinjosho
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I think this mod is fun, but It's pop still too often even with 75 percent less. It's also pop just very close to us. I think i often encounter new one while one just down. This mod aim the fight like boss fight, so boss fight must not pop too often else it's become more trouble than fun =/. It's will be nice if you make MCM to control setting such as pop chance, enemy, ect than separate version of mod. Will keep eye on your update. Thank for modding =)
    1. lu1suriel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I totally agree with u
    2. dizzumd
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      agree with this, is there any other mod like this out there? this would be perfect if the enemies spawned like 95% less lol 
  8. Kiberalex1975
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    • 0 kudos

    Сделайте ссылку на уровень героя. Чтобы враги были максимум на пару уровней сильнее. Тогда вы можете играть с самого начала.
  9. RyanBradford08
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Could definitely do with a much lower spawn option to make it more rare and a bigger surprise 
  10. baelfirefowl
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    This mod is great but like many others. The enemies spawning right next to me isn't favorable. Sometimes I like to hear the music as I walk around. These enemies spawning next to me kill the whole vibe after a while TBH. I saw Shinjosho's comment, and I am voting for their suggestion, a MCM for the settings would be so helpful lol