If you encountered a bug, please submit a report in the "BUGS" section.
Be sure to add the game log to your report (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\LocalLow\Monomi Park\Slime Rancher\Player.log). You can use privatebin.nexusmods.com or similar service for posting the log.
Also, if this is some visual bug, a screenshot will be really helpful.
Could you copy and paste a command that you used to disable a feature, word for word? I have the console up but i dont actually know what i'm supposed to type lol.
Be sure to add the game log to your report (C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\LocalLow\Monomi Park\Slime Rancher\Player.log).
You can use privatebin.nexusmods.com or similar service for posting the log.
Also, if this is some visual bug, a screenshot will be really helpful.
you have done us all a great service!, and this game.