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About this mod

A mod that fixes incorrect magazine capacities(On both base and extended magazines) to match their real-life counter-parts.

Permissions and credits
This modifies the base(and extended attachment) magazines to match their real life counter-parts.

Place .pak file in STALKER2\Stalker2\Content\Paks\~mods
Create ~mods folder for easier mod management if it doesn't exist.

Changes made:
- USP .45
Base Mag: 15 -> 12
- APB 9x18
Base Mag: 18 -> 20
- Integral(Vector)
Base Mag: 20 -> 17 (Flush fit Glock 17 mag)
Extended: 30 -> 40 (Loose mag texture is clearly the official Kriss MagEx2 +23rd extension for the G17 mags).
- Zubr-19 (Bizon-2 9x19)
Base Mag: 50 -> 53
- Rat Killer (Unique Bizon)
Base Mag: 50 -> 53
- Viper(MP5)
Extended: 40 -> 50 (Drum mag)
- GP37(G36)
Extended: 90 -> 100 (Beta C-Mag drum)
- AR416(HK416)
Extended: 50 -> 60 (PMAG D-60 drum)
- RPM-74(PKP Pecheneg)
Base Box: 150 -> 100 (No such thing as 150rd boxes, Extended remains 250 - Also incorrect caliber in game...)

CALIBER-SWAPS(OPTIONAL FILE - ProperMagCaps_CaliberSwaps):
- Gambit(USP9)
Base Mag: 12 -> 15 (Now a completely different/new magazine than the above used for the USP45

More caliber swaps and re-chambered weapons coming soon. If any of these weapons(Gambit for now) have already been found in the game world, you must remove the old base magazine before the new base magazine will function. To do this, simply right click and remove the *_MagDefault magazine, the new one will automatically fill the weapon afterwards.

This mod modifies the following file: Stalker2\Content\GameLite\GameData\ItemPrototypes\AttachPrototypes.cfg

OPTIONAL FILE(CALIBER-SWAPS) file also modifies:
  • A good chunk of useful mods edit WeaponGeneralSetupPrototypes.cfg, thus it has been included separately. To avoid conflicts it is recommended to use the optional caliber-swap file and merge with the rest of your mods. Thankfully this process is easier than ever with this wonderful open source tool created by Zweite93 that will automatically do this for you.

While searching for other realism mods, this is one of the few things that wasn't covered yet. While I haven't seen many mods that conflict with AttachPrototypes.cfg, feel free to merge this if your mod modifies the same file or if you're making a full realism overhaul(Credit appreciated).

If you are looking for a complete overhaul style mod and do not want to merge your own collection, this mod has been merged into the following absolutely wonderful collections/overhauls that cover much more than just realistic mag caps:

  • Currently doesn't account for rebarreling/caliber-swaps, as these would use different magazines in real life. Working on creating new templates and testing to see if I can achieve this via just cfg files with refkey to new template. Working on it, only Gambit base mag supported atm.