About this mod
Adds a new shadow person NPC to East Scarp! Always curious to learn more about the surface world, he'll be thrilled to befriend your farmer!
- Requirements
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"Most humans would scream in terror if they saw someone like myself lurking in the dark."

Sen is a shadow guy that came from deep within the valley's mines. He was always told by his elders that the surface world was a brutal and unfriendly place, but he wondered if that was the full truth. Looking for answers, he ventured to the surface.
Upon reaching the surface, Sen met Krobus who helped him find a place to stay. He settled himself at home in the deep dark cave below the East Scarp inn, spending much of his time making costumes out of trash. He would wear these costumes to various events in the town so he could get a closer look at human life. However, his understanding only began to change once he met a certain human face to face.

- A fully fleshed out storyline that takes place across 9 events.
- A randomized schedule to match his sneakiness.
- A secret forage spawn if you complete his 14h event.
- Dynamic randomized dialogue, you won't see many repeats!
- Fun costumes for every festival!
- Can be a roommate or marriage candidate after completing the storyline.

Spoiler:ShowLoves: Crocus, Bug Steak, Cloth, Diamond, Star Shards, Aerinite. Fire Opal, Golden Mask, Golden Pumpkin, Iridium Bar, Obsidian, Rare Disc, Coffee, Triple Shot Expresso, Pumpkin, All sweet foods, All books
Likes: Duck Feather, Ghostfish, Life Elixir, Slime, Snail, Squid Ink, Strange Bun, Void Mayonnaise, Void Salmon, Wool, All flowers, All gemstones
Dislikes: Fish, Cave Carrot, Void Egg, Bat Wing
Hates: Dwarf Scrolls, Dwarvish Helm, Dwarvish Gadget, Garlic, Oil of Garlic, Void Essence, Lemon Stone

Spoiler:ShowIt's randomized, please use Schedule Viewer or NPC Map Locations
*You must unlock Sen's schedule by viewing his intro event in the mines.
*You can disable the randomization in the mod's config options.

- Location: Mine
- Requirements: Must see Marlon's intro event first.
- Location: East Scarp Beach
- Requirements: 8pm-2am, Clear weather
6h p1
- Location: Town
- Requirements: 8pm-2am, Clear weather, Not a Friday
6h p2
- Location: Deep Dark
- Location: Deep Dark
- Requirements: Complete quest and then walk inside the farmhouse
10h p1
- Location: East Scarp Lighthouse
- Requirements: 8pm-2am, Clear weather
10h p2
- Location: Deep Dark
- Location: East Scarp Beach
- Requirements: 8pm-2am, Clear weather
- Location: Bus Stop
- Requirements: 8pm-2am, Clear weather
*All events are a minimum of 3 days apart to prevent event spam.
- Location: East Scarp Lighthouse
- Requirements: 8pm-2am, Clear weather

Spoiler:ShowLoved Movies: Natural Wonders, Miracle at Coldstar Ranch
Liked Movies: Brave Little Sapling, Prairie King, It Howls in the Rain, Zuzu City Express
Hated Movies: Wumbus, Mysterium
Loved Snacks: Sour Slimes, Ice Cream Sandwich, Stardrop Sorbet
Liked Snacks: All sweets unless otherwise specified
Hated Snacks: Black Licorice, Jawbreaker

Spoiler:ShowShadow Stat Changes: Allows for the changing of Shadow stats after completing Sen's storyline.
Pacifist Mode: Shadows will be invincible to player attacks. (Shadow Stat Changes must be set to true for this to take effect.)
Have Shadow Kids: Determines if you have Shadow children when you are married to Sen and changes dialogue accordingly.
Event Cooldown Length: Adjusts number of days you have to wait between Sen's events. (Default 3 days)
Schedule Type: Whether Sen will visit random locations every day (Dynamic) or follow a set schedule (Simplified)
Romantic Nickname: Sen's romantic nickname for the player
Spouse Room: Allows you to disable Sen's custom spouse room if you want to decorate it yourself. (Requires game restart)
Portrait Style: Sets the mod's portrait style. (Nyapu recommended because Nyapu is amazin. Don't change option during festivals.)
Female Toddler Design: Sets the design of the female toddler if \"Have Shadow Kids\" is set to true.
Male Toddler Design: Sets the design of the male toddler if \"Have Shadow Kids\" is set to true.
UCT Portrait Compatibility: Use custom child portraits when Unique Children Talk is installed. (Requires game restart to disable)
7thAxis Nanu and Opal Portraits: Uses 7thAxis's portraits for the Nanu and Opal designs when UCT Portrait Compatibility is set to true.
Construct Eradication Substitute: Changes the Void Spirit eradication goal in the Adventurer's Guild to Constructs. Replaces Shadowfolk in the mines with Void Constructs. Construct monster list consists of Stone Golems, Wilderness Golems, Iridium Golems, Void Constructs, Dangerous Void Constructs, Void Construct Mages, Void Construct Snipers, Metal Heads and Dwarvish Sentries. Overrides "Shadow Stat Changes" behavior. Disables if you make peace with Shadowfolk in SVE.
Reshade Existing Shadows: Recolors existing Shadowfolk overworld sprites to match Sen's style.

Spoiler:ShowIs this mod compatible with SVE?I can't find Sen!
- Yes! There is built in compatibility for SVE. (SDV 1.5.6)
- Yes! Please report any schedule/festival errors you find! (SDV 1.6)
Sen won't marry/room with me!
- If you just installed him, you need to first visit the mine to unlock him.
- Otherwise he's around... Lurking in the Dark somewhere.
Sen won't marry/room with me - also I'm a farmhand in multiplayer!
- You need to complete his entire story up to the epilogue to unlock that feature.
- If you choose the platonic option in the story he requires a void ghost pendant.
- If he still refuses to room/date, try reloading your save.
I'm experiencing a marriage/roommate issue and I have PolyamorySweet/Free Love installed.
- If you are playing multiplayer and are a farmhand, the host player must finish the story first.
- Be sure the host picks your desired option (romance / platonic)
- This is a game limitation, unfortunately.
Can I translate him?
- PolyamorySweet/Free Love is a mod that fundamentally changes the game's relationship mechanics.
- It provides no configuration options for NPC developers, and it does not appear any will be added.
- As such, if you have this mod installed, troubleshooting regarding relationship bugs will not be provided.
Is this mod mobile compatible?
- Of course! Just don't reupload my mod. He has an i18n file.
Can I make a portrait replacement mod?
- Only in the 1.5.6 legacy version.
- I don't have SDV mobile so I can't provide support.
- I'd prefer if you asked me first, but the answer will typically be yes!
- AI portraits, however, are prohibited.

I want to give a special thanks to LemurKat, the East Scarp community and all of the friends I've made there! Without them, Sen would never have been completed. So I implore you, please go onto East Scarp's main page and check out everyone's projects! I would also like to give an extra special thanks to TheLoreSeeker who was always so kind, supportive and funny. He was a wonderful friend and will be deeply missed.
Special thanks to you too reader, for taking time out of your day to check out my mod! Consider joining the East Scarp Discord server if you want to chat about it! My channel is 7thAxis Studios. While there you can also check out and download in-development East Scarp add-ons!

Generic Mod Config Menu - Allows you to edit config settings for the mod in-game.
NPC Map Locations or Schedule Viewer - Allows you to track Sen's randomized schedule.
Event Lookup - Helps you figure out what conditions you might be missing for an event.
Non-Destructive NPCs - Keeps Sen from breaking objects placed in the mines or bus tunnel. (Unofficial 1.6 Patch)
Nyapu's Portraits - Sen's portraits are now in the mod itself as a config! But please, check out their other work!
PixelPals Plushies - There's an adorable Sen plushie furniture item in this mod!
Immersive Family - Xiaoleiwen wrote some fun lines for Sen about the farmer's children!
Festival of the Mundane - Adds a Shadowfolk festival to the sewers that Sen attends. (Unofficial 1.6 Patch)
Sennibun Plushies - Adds a cute furniture item of Sen based on a fanart. Made by a great friend! (1.5.6 only)

Axell's Alternate Mr.Ginger Portraits
Axell's Alternate Lady Sheba Portraits

There are some random SPACES in my page formatting that I can't seem to get rid of. BBCode, why do you hate me so? 😔