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About this mod

Allow barn auto-grabbers to collect truffles.

Permissions and credits
Heyo, dropping an overdue 1.6 compatibility update for those who are still interested.

To update from an old version: delete the whole "AutoGrabTruffles" folder in the Mods folder before placing the new version.

Full disclosure: this mod update was only tested on a pre-1.6 save.
  • Truffle crabs are expected to spawn/behave as in vanilla and will not be collected as truffles.
  • No integration/compatibility with other grabber mods at this time, but this mod is not expected to conflict with expansion/content mods.
  • A fourth option "At the start of next day" was added in the config under Collection Frequency. This is mostly for semantic reasons in my head and should not be much different from the "At the end of day" option.


Auto-Grab Truffles will extend vanilla barn auto-grabber functionality to also work on truffles. And only truffles.

Notes on Collection
  • Truffles are collected in the same barn where the pig who found them and the auto-grabber are placed. Truffles will only be collected if they
    are found while the mod is installed AND enabled (first configuration setting).
  • Any truffles found while the mod is enabled will only be collected at the frequency specified in the config.
  • Changes to frequency through GMCM are effective immediately and will trigger collection the next time the event takes place (e.g., all truffles found while using "Every hour" will be collected as soon as another truffle is found when changing to "Instantly"; truffles will not be collected again until the next hour when changing from "Instantly" to "Every hour")
  • Truffles will not be collected if a barn auto-grabber does not have space. If space becomes available by the time of the next collection, all skipped truffles should be collected.
  • The collection frequency is set to "Instantly" by default, but I suggest choosing one of the day options for a more balanced experience.

Configuration (Edit with Generic Mod Config Menu or through the config.json file)
  • Enable Collection [Default: true, false] : Enable automatic collection of truffles
  • Collection Frequency [Default: "Instantly", "Every hour", "At the end of day", "At the start of next day"] : When truffles are collected
    • Instantly (Collect as soon as truffles are found)
    • Every hour (Collect truffles at the next hour)
    • At the end of day (Collect truffles at the end of the day when the player goes to sleep)
    • At the start of next day (Collect truffles from previous day at the start of the next day)
  • Gain Experience [Default: true, false] : Pig owner will gain experience on collection
  • Apply Gatherer Bonus [Default: true, false] : Collected truffles benefit from the Gatherer profession (if picked by the player)
  • Apply Botanist Bonus [Default: true, false] : Collected truffles benefit from the Botanist profession (if picked by the player)

Notes on Multiplayer
This mod has not been tested in multiplayer. In theory, truffles are collected if they are found by pigs owned by any online player, but again, this is not tested outside of single player. Feel free to try this mod in your multiplayer game, but be warned that some things might get borked. (If y'all do try it, let me know how it goes.)