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  1. Ashkelonde
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    For those that use alternative textures,  you cannot use alternative greenhouse textures on these buildings.  These greenhouses have the building name NewGreenhouse instead of Greenhouse, so there are no matching textures.

    The work-around is to:

    • Go to the mod's building textures directory and clone the Greenhouse folder and name it NewGreenhouse.  I cloned \[AT] Seasonal Japanese Buildings\Textures\Buildings\Greenhouse to \[AT] Seasonal Japanese Buildings\Textures\Buildings\NewGreenhouse.
    • Edit each of the texture.json files in the cloned directory (there may be one for each season).  Alternative Textures allows a few variations.  Replace  "ItemName": "Greenhouse" with "ItemName": "NewGreenhouse".
    • Save the updated texture.json file(s).
    • You can then apply the Greenhouse textures to the More Greenhouses.

    Note that this is the directory structure for my favorite greenhouse texture, other AT mods may differ.  The same work-around would apply.
    1. Celestia87
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      talking with AT to try and fix this for those who need to know as he said just copy the contents of Greenhouse texture in the AT mod folder to NewGreenhouse and it should work
  2. ReaVenLEAD
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    I encountered an itneresting bug, I had the idea of having a Greenhouse only for trees and one for special crops, so I built two of the small Greenhouses, I planted the Trees in the first and started tilling in the second greenhouse while using the smart sprinklers mod. at the end of the day everything looks nice and I go to sleep/advance to the next day.

    On the new day I go into the first Greenhouse and se to my horror that all the Trees are gone and have been replaced with tilled soil, I go to the second and everything is fine there, crops are growing and the soil is moist, go back to the first greenhouse and remove all the tilled soil and leave it empty, advance day and check if it has happened again, lo and behold the intire Greenhouse has been tilled over night.

    I dont know how or why its happening, my guess is smartsprinklers is to blame, will test that out tomorow.
    1. ReaVenLEAD
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      So I got to test it out, its not Smartsprinklers thats at fault, I cant pinpoint it further down, all I get is that the soil tilling is shared between the two Greenhouses once a new day starts, which is iritating, as it overides overything I place down, the Vanilla Greenhouse seems to be unafected by this, im not running compatibility mode, tested it once but same issue
    2. Celestia87
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      i saw the bug report can you send me more info game version smapi version are you using vortex to load the game ?
  3. mikezorz13
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Looks nice, just some configuration questions: if i change the "Buildable Greenhouse" to "false", i will be able to build the Mini version, but not the standard one (i'm mainly interested on the Mini version, i have the Robin Upgrades Greenhouse mod, so i don't need more of them).
    Also, the "Main Greenhouse Type" has options for Normal & Mini. This affects only the mod's buildable Greenhouse, not the vanilla one, right?
    Finally, don't really understand the "Compatibility Mode". By default its at "false", i should only change it to "true" if i have a mod that affects greenhouses (like retexture ones etc)?

    Also, as a side note, as i look the mini's picture, behind the front triangle window has sth that looks like a face.... kinda creepy tbh, any chance of removing it?

    Tnx, was looking for a mini version some time now Great job!
    1. mikezorz13
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      • 5 kudos
      Well, got some answers after testing The main greenhouse type affects the vanilla one too, so i'm not touching this
      Also, the buildable greenhouse, if changed to "false", allows only the mini greenhouse to be built, so... cool with that too
      Was kinda fainted when i saw that the interior of the Mini Greenhouse follows the progress of the vanilla one, so using Robin Upgrades Greenhouse affects the Mini one too. I ended up with a mini greenhouse with a huge (21x21) interior  Good thing that changing to "true" the "Compatibility Mode" fixed it

      The face behind the front triangle window still looks creepy though

      Edit: entering the mini greenhouse, the farmer spawns at the middle of the screen, as a result the whole greenhouse is not visible ((you need to walk forward so the upper part of the warehouse to appear) like it is at the vanilla one, where the hero spawns near the bottom of the screen.
    2. Celestia87
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      • 10 kudos
      hi ill sorry for the delay i been working on a project for a bit. ill look into some of these issues and see whats going on is it mainly the mini that has the spawn issue or both mini and large?
    3. mikezorz13
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      I'm using only the mini greenhouse (have "buildable greenhouse" at the config at "false"), so not sure about the big one, but as a copy of the vanilla one, i guess it won't have the same issue.
  4. Cpdncristiano
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    Great mod!  I’ve been using to expand my farm, but I noticed that teleporting inside multiple greenhouses would always send me back to the default one. To fix this, I created Fix Warp Greenhouses, which ensures that each greenhouse maintains its own teleportation. I've only tested it with Oasis Greenhouse, but it should work with other greenhouse mods as well. Feel free to check it out if you're facing the same issue!
  5. norbeckm
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    unable to lo get my game to load with greenhouses already built
    1. BAKA009
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    2. Celestia87
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      did you try with an older version first? 
  6. Abin167
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    This mod support on mobile?
  7. chiachrome
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    Any news on which sprinkler mods can be used with the new greenhouses?
    1. Celestia87
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      • 10 kudos
      if its just a mod that edits sprinklers all should work just fine if it edits map data they will most likely only work on the main greenhouse since mine are a different building.
  8. DeathTr1be
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    If you want to use another custom greenhouse map for your second greenhouse but then you decided that you just needed to directly replace the original "Greenhouse.tmx" with another custom greenhouse Greenhouse.tmx file. Sadly enough, you won't be able to plant off season crops because it follows the outside season for some reason. You can bypass this by adding this line to the custom greenhouse Greenhouse.tmx file in the map properties.

    <property name="IsGreenhouse" value="T"/>

    Example being. I use Super Massive Greenhouse by sameerxxe (

    It normally shows on this mod.

      <property name="AllowGiantCrops" value="T"/>
      <property name="AmbientLight" value="255 255 255"/>
      <property name="AmbientNightLight" value="180 180 0"/>
      <property name="Warp" value="10 24 Farm 28 16"/>

    Just add the line and it should look like this.

      <property name="AllowGiantCrops" value="T"/>
      <property name="AmbientLight" value="255 255 255"/>
      <property name="AmbientNightLight" value="180 180 0"/>
      <property name="Warp" value="10 24 Farm 28 16"/>
      <property name="IsGreenhouse" value="T"/>

    After adding that line, you can now plant crops from all seasons in the greenhouse.

    I'm not sure if there are other ways to fix this problem.
    1. Celestia87
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      custom maps should have IsGreenhouse T in stings to fix this then it follows all greenhouse rules
       i had an injector for all maps to work 
             "Action": "EditMap",
             "Target": "Maps/Greenhouse",
             "MapProperties": { "IsGreenhouse": "T"}
      its already built into the mod to fix most greenhouse replacement mods. is there a specific issue with the mod above?

      ill check this tomorrow it may be loading map after so i could just set a false dependency to force the map fix after it loads its maps
    2. DeathTr1be
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      I used legacy greenhouse as the custom map for the original greenhouse and used super massive greenhouse for the mini green house, I directly replaced the greenhouse.tmx file in the [CP] ZZZ_MoreGreenhouses with the greenhouse.tmx file in [CP]SuperMassiveGreenhouse and started the game, I made a mini greenhouse and tried to plant summer crops (its currently spring) and it tells me out of season.
    3. Celestia87
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      ah then you will need to add with tiled string IsGreenhouse T or add  <property name="IsGreenhouse" value="T"/> with text editor under Properties to the map to get it to allow off season crops sorry with beta and updates didn’t catch what you had posted but you are right the non vanilla map/greenhouse buildings need the maps updated to allow greenhouse functions. I could probably write in a redundant code to insert the function into the second greenhouse map after load for people who overwrite/replace it like you did
  9. Kalmek
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    • 3 kudos
    I've seen several mods that allows you to build greenhouses.
    What makes this one different?
    1. Celestia87
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      its the original lol also adds more options and mod compatibility also more immersion options for less cheaty feel to your game play as well as mini greenhouses 
  10. pretzelina
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    I disabled Grandpa's Farm and my greenhouse is somewhere off the farm. If I use this will the new greenhouse show up on vanilla?
  11. luzgus
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    It's not the ideal solution, but if you're using a mod that adds a warp into your greenhouse, you can use the noclip mod to reach the area the warp is supposed to take you to. Usually, those areas are just off-screen.