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Agent Lyoko - original mod by LiveOnSUPERT

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  1. AgentLyoko
    • premium
    • 72 kudos
    Hello everyone! 2.2.0 is out and adds an optional reminder system (suggested by atravita) if you have SpaceCore installed (you'll need version 1.24.0 or later if you have it installed - it is not a requirement for this mod, only for if you want to use the reminder system). If enabled, reminders will be given for:

    • When a date is first available (in cases where the date is available all day, the reminder will be sent upon the first time you are able to access it without using something like the Key to the Town)
    • When a date is no longer available, in instances where the date can be missed (Forest/Beach/Grocery/Haley Unique/Alex Unique)
    • When the Camping and/or Maru dates are available, a modified reminder will show up indicating the date is available and that you should finish your farmwork before heading to the location, as the date will end the day

    This update also adds support for the upcoming Free Love alternative mod "Polyamory" by EnderTedi, as well as fixing a few typos.

    Thanks to the new SpaceCore triggers, I'm also considering adding an optional set of (generic) date responses (and friendship loss) if you miss a date. I'd prefer opinions on whether this is a good idea or not - regardless of whether it is supported or not it will be optional if it is added, so that people aren't forced to have consequences (even though it might be something you should have if you stand up your spouse!). If there are any other good suggestions, let me know and I'll try and implement them when I can.
    1. TravellerKiedra
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'd love friend-dates / platonic housemate dates.
    2. RolledPizzaaa
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I personally think the optional set of responses if you miss a date would be lovely, and would also motivate me to keep track of when dates are so I don't make my spouse sad :p
    3. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      2.2.1 is now out, which should fix some bugs - mainly the reminder system and camping dates previously reported should be fixed!

      As for the two current responses to this pinned post:

      • Friend/Platonic dates for roommates are definitely something I'd like to look into when I have the spare time, but it's a very large ask and would need a similar system to Platonic Partners and Friendships to pull off, so I'd be restricted to only writing those for vanilla romanceables made roommates and generic roommate dates. If you mean dates with normal NPCs... that's probably beyond the scope of this mod.
      • I'll look into that for the next content update. I'm not sure when that will be - depending on inspiration/motivation it could be this week or several weeks out, as I'll be adjusting to a new schedule soon for IRL reasons.
    4. TravellerKiedra
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ohh, thanks for explaining! I'll stick to using the Movie Theatre for friend dates :D
  2. econmedoh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will this mod work in multiplayer if the host and farmhand are married in game? Or does it only work with the player married to an NPC? Thank you!
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Short answer, no. Long answer, this mod works by having repeatable "events" and having the spouse - or "date", if there's multiple spouses involved - be chosen and then put in as the relevant event "actor" (i.e. treat in-game events - even vanilla ones - as a play where everyone is cast in a part. With this mod, the part of the "date" is cast to whomever is your spouse or the chosen date for the day). Unfortunately, a (second) player cannot become an event "actor" outside of festivals (plus it'd break the speaking portions since the farmers don't have the code infrastructure to have portraits normally), so it wouldn't be compatible with player-player marriages - the mod would only have dates for player-NPC marriages.
  3. DiscoSnailz
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! Just curious - is this mod compatible with Never Ending Adventure and Circle of Thorns, and if not, is that something you might consider doing?

    Thank you so much for all your work! I'm super glad you got permission to do this. This was always one of my favs.
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      It is - in fact, I made extra sure it was (by cross-referencing the code with Desty) with regards to the compatibility with NPC Tokens for Content Patcher, as Mateo is nonbinary but the underlying code occasionally would produce that they were female, which would be incorrect and problematic for several reasons! If you find something off with the dates with them, let me know immediately - that is one area in which I could see there being an accidental error that I would need to fix ASAP.

      If you mean "do they have special dates", they do not. Unfortunately presently it's not likely I'll be adding unique dates for spouses due to IRL time concerns (I'm in week 3 of adjusting to a new schedule IRL... things have been busy, but I should soon be able to start working on a new update to this as well as potentially two RSV-adjacent mods I've had on my list for a while) as well as the general process of "if I make unique dates for X character, I'll get a lot of people asking for a unique date for Y character". However, the generic dates should work perfectly with the characters from those expansions that are datable.
  4. gutzsp1ll
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    • 0 kudos
    does this work with free love
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Yep! It works with Free Love, Polyamory Sweet, and the upcoming mod Polyamory. It even has special functionality: you can choose whether the main spouse or a random spouse asks on a date. (You can't determine which spouse asks with the random spouse, but a random one will ask if a date is rolled that day and Poly Compatibility is set to "random spouse asks for date", or "enabled" if you're setting it in the config.json.)
  5. elityszko
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    Hello! I am wanting to increase the configuration of the chance to get asked on a date. I have only been asked once and would like to do more! How do I increase it though?
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      This can be changed in the config! You're looking for Date Ask Percent Chance, which can be altered via Generic Mod Config Menu in game or changed out of game in the config.json (as "DateAskPercentChance") from "10" to any number from 1 to 100 (100 meaning guaranteed date) with a text editor once the config is generated (e.g. the mod is installed and SMAPI is run once).
  6. artemi7
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This is a great mod! I've noticed a small thing, though I'm not sure if it's intended or not. I've married Claire, and when she invites me to a library date, she says she'll wait all day for you to show up. But I've noticed that unless I show up pretty quickly once it starts (9am) then she just... is never there. So it feels more like a morning date, maybe? Which is weird, because the date event has Gunther kick us out cause we're there all day, but... idk. 
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      You're going to have to clarify what you mean she's "never there". The events never require the date (person) in the same location - that would make 90% of dates impossible if that was required! The library date, in particular, doesn't have a time requirement - the only requirements for it to fire is for the date to be the chosen date for the day ("DateType": "library") and that you've said yes to the date (the exact preconditions are "1116014/n libraryDateAgree", meaning "as long as you have the libraryDateAgree flag", which is acquired by saying yes). In short, that date should trigger as long as you enter the Museum - you could have the date at 7am if you had the Key to the Town, or at midnight in the other direction!

      If you are not getting the date when you think you should be (e.g. you accept the date request in the morning), upload your SMAPI log with "patch summary full" applied. If you are talking about time not advancing during the date, that's unfortunately vanilla singleplayer for you - time does not pass during events, so if you have it at 9:30 AM, it'll still be 9:30 AM when it ends. (In that particular case, time has to "pass" when an event is going on, but the game clock freezes. It's a bit of gameplay and story difference that has to happen.)
    2. artemi7
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      In this case, I'll show up at the library and it simply doesn't trigger after a certain point. I'll try it a few more times and see if I'm maybe doing something wrong, but then if it still happens I'll upload a log! I've only done a few dates so far, so maybe I'll have more to report after a game month or so maybe. 
  7. SillyBlobFish
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi!! I'm so sorry to bother you, but I was wondering there a way to manually set what your spouse refers to you as in the code? I'm using the gender neutral option, but I'd prefer to be referred to as wife instead of partner while keeping the they / them pronouns ;; If not it's 100% okay!! I just figured I'd ask :) I hope you have a nice day!! And thank you for making this available for 1.6, I absolutely adore it :) 
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      So in this scenario you'd have to make personal edits to the relevant lines in the default.json or do an edit in a personal mod of yours if you want to fix that - it should be a simple replacement for "partner" or "spouse" to "wife". It's a bit of a niche ask to program in given the alternative - I'd have to work through all lines, dynamic token all instances of spouse/partner (with separate tokens based on if the word is spouse or partner) and have the token swap what's used based on an entirely separate config (i.e. there'd be a gender neutral option and also a "refer to spouse as" option - and the latter would then determine what is used for every file, whereas the current setup determines what the spouse refers to the player as by the code when using the gendered lines).

      If you have suggestions on how best to implement this, I'm always willing to take feedback on board! Unfortunately at this stage I think it would complicate things immensely to try and program this, when the alternative is generally incredibly simple to do from a personal edit standpoint. (And if you need further instructions on how to edit the default.json to get what you're seeking, let me know and I'll do my best to instruct you!)
    2. SillyBlobFish
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much for the reply!! I was able to edit it easily :) Thank you so much for telling me where to find it!!
  8. QuilnVexxy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it possible to make a toggle for the ending of the dates because those of us that are asexual are made uncomfortable but we still want sweet dates. it shouldn't always end in implied bedroom stuff.
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      That's already a toggle, actually! The toggle is "SuggestiveEndings" and was in the original mod. You can disable it to remove said "implied bedroom stuff".

      The original Date Night mod had Suggestive Endings enabled by default, so I matched that behavior here. You are the second person to have brought it up, though, so depending on how people feel I can swap the default to "disabled".
    2. QuilnVexxy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ahh okie my bad thank you i think that would be good to be default decide if you want it rather than decide if you don't want it.
    3. Nahlbrii
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I agree. just like sites with adult content ask you to verify you want to see said content, players should be required to opt-in to suggestive endings rather than opting-out. (SVE does this with their Mature Themed events)
    4. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Slipped this into the latest hotfix. It's a change I'm personally willing to make even though it is a departure from the original Date Night, if only because users can easily swap it back. Let me know if you encounter any particular issues.
  9. skippitydodah
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ok here we go. I am back however things are a bit different than my previous post. My Farmer hasn't been on a date with Penny since the original Forest date and I had shut the reminders off as that is the easiest fix. So, I will explain...

    My farmer went on the Beach date with Haley, 2 game days ago. (Different play-through) The date went off just fine. Kind of. Since that date, every time my farmer goes to the beach on his horse, the game bumps him off the horse when he enters the beach. Just like it would for a date (or event of some kind). I don't know if this is related to this mod or not but it didn't do this before.

    So here is SMAPI with "patch summary full" command enabled, and it's a big one. I've got a lot of mods :)
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Thank you for the report! The short version is it looks like this is actually a bug leftover from the original Date Night (or a bug in my conversion to not use Event Repeater!). I correctly have the event reset like the original mod, but the mail flag isn't being reset, so you will always run event 1116022 upon entering the beach. It's a simple fix, so it'll be included in tomorrow's update.

      Can you also please turn the reminders back on, play a day or two with the repeating reminders and submit a log with the same patch summary full applied as well? I'd like to be able to fix that bug for tomorrow, and that log would really help out.
    2. skippitydodah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok. Here ya go. Different play-through than the other post. This one is with Penny and the reminders were turned on and showed up. The second game day there actually was a date (the grocery shopping date) but it still gave reminder for the Cindersap Forest date. :)
    3. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      The log you gave says DateReminders is disabled? If you had it enabled and then disabled it, I need you to give a log from when it's enabled before disabling it again.
      [X] | [ ] | [ ] | Default| Event Repeater Replacement (Allow Dates to Repeat) > data/Triggers.json > Date Reminders (Needs SpaceCore installed) (EditData Data/TriggerActions) // conditions don't match: DateReminders[X] | [X] | [X] | Default| Event Repeater Replacement (Allow Dates to Repeat) > data/Triggers.json > Event Repeater Replacements (EditData Data/TriggerActions)
      [X] | [ ] | [ ] | Default| Event Repeater Replacement (Allow Dates to Repeat) > data/Triggers.json > SpaceCore Time Triggers for Above Reminders (EditData spacechase0.SpaceCore/TriggerActionExtensionData) // conditions don't match: DateReminders
    4. skippitydodah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Trying it again. I think I had run the patch summary full command on the other one before I turned on the reminders. The reminders are on this time I double checked. Hopefully this will work.
    5. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Thank you. It's possible it got fixed by accident via one of my other fixes, but I checked your log thoroughly and attempted to replicate the issue on my end and I'm not getting repeated reminders by missing the date and then proceeding to the next day. That being said, thank you for the log regardless, as your log actually uncovered a bug that meant that the camping date would only happen once (which looks to be the reason why people below were getting constant camping reminders!). I've fixed it and will be putting out a bugfix shortly.
    6. skippitydodah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well I do not see how it could've gotten fixed. The report I sent you was for 2 game days and I got the Forest date reminder both days. The second game day my farmer and Penny had the grocery date and it went off just fine. That evening around 8 pm I got the reminder for the forest date even though they had the grocery shopping date earlier in the day successfully.
    7. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      You've actually just made it clear that all of the reminder issues were due to the camping date issue. The "Forest" Date is the Picnic date (which is 11am to 3pm - you would not have gotten a reminder at 8pm for it), but the one you're describing is the camping date (which does start at 8pm and is located in the Forest), which I just mentioned was marked as complete in your log and hadn't gotten reset. It'll take a day to fix itself once you install 2.2.1, but after a day it should work normally.

      (Later edit: Just for the record, since I am looking at your comment again - patches aren't automatically applied to mods. To update mods you have to delete the old file and put in the new. If you didn't update the mod, then it couldn't have gotten fixed. Since you said "the report I sent you", that means you were going off of 2.2.0, which has the bug and should not be used.)
    8. skippitydodah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yep it seems to be fixed. Thank you. Question? Any chance that you might add more different dates in the future?
    9. skippitydodah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I hate to be the "problem" child, but I'm still having an issue with the mod. This not the reminder issue but different. My farmer is still getting bumped off his horse everytime he enters the beach ever since the "beach" date with Haley. Not a big deal but I wanted to let you know.
    10. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Have you gone forward a day since installation? The beach event (that caused the dismount horse) can only trigger as long as you have the "swimmingDateFix" flag, which is forcibly removed overnight with the edit to the trigger action - it will still occur until DayEnd occurs. If you have gone forward a day, upload your SMAPI log again, ideally with patch summary full.

      Edit: I am incorrect. The reason why you're still having this issue is because I added it as an action to remove the flag if you saw the fix, but not due to seeing the original event. Fixing this will require a small amount of effort on your part as well as a patch on my part - I'll put out 2.2.2 in a moment, but the fix on your end once you download it will be to input the following in the SMAPI console when you're in your file:
      debug seenmail swimmingDateFix false

      You can also wait for a beach date to have it automatically fixed, but I am guessing you don't want to wait that long. 
    11. skippitydodah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I appreciate your quick response. Thanks. It looks like you already uploaded the update, so I will just download that and give it a whirl. Thanks again. (And I hope maybe we'll see some new dates at some point) :)
  10. jade3721
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, SMAPI informs me that:[SpaceCore] Failed to find trigger action "agentlyoko.datenightredux_LibraryReminder" with "Manual" trigger typeThere are many similar error reports. I attempted to delete the old version of 'Date Night Redux' and install the new version to resolve the issue, but the error reports persist. I'm unsure of how to fix this problem, so I'm reaching out to you for assistance.
    Here is my SMAPI log:
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Hi! RavenBlackwood below gave the log that gave me the fix for this - it'll be in a hotfix tomorrow if no one is able to come forward with a similar log for the other current issue with reminders.
    2. jade3721
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Okay, I'm glad to hear that you will fix this issue soon. Due to my lack of knowledge in coding, I did not understand other people's comments. After receiving your reply, I realized that many people had already raised this question. I apologize for this and hope that my repeated questioning did not cause any inconvenience to you.
    3. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      No worries! I'm fine with repeated comments if the issue isn't fixed, which until tomorrow this one isn't.
  11. 777PamPam777
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    Die deutsche Übersetzung habe ich mir wie bei anderen Mods selbst erstellt. Allerdings funktioniert das trotz korrekter json Datei nicht. Kann mir jemand helfen der mit Übersetzungen arbeitet? Oder muss ich in einer Hauptdatei noch was hinzufügen damit diese meine Datei akzeptiert? Ich habe eigentlich nie Probleme mit Übersetzungen
    1. AgentLyoko
      • premium
      • 72 kudos
      Translating the mod, if for personal use, is as simple as making the file de.json (since it's German - other languages have other file names) in the i18n folder and putting the translations of the correct keys, then setting the game language to German. If it doesn't work, it's likely a programmatic issue (e.g. you missed a comma while programming) that the JSON validator will probably catch.