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  1. 6480
    • member
    • 159 kudos
    If you're having weird issues with any of your vanilla cooking recipes:

    Try turning off the option Enable Flexible Recipes. There seems to be some bugs caused by the Spacecore feature we used for that option, but it's not something we can fix.
  2. 6480
    • member
    • 159 kudos
    Thanks for checking out our mod! Before leaving a question or bug report, please take a moment to read the FAQ below:

    Q: How do I make (item)??
    A: See the informational spreadsheet, which has info on all of our mods.

    Q: Submitting bug reports
    A: When reporting an issue with the mod, you must include a copy of your SMAPI log uploaded to You should also describe the issue with as much detail as possible, such as what you were doing, what the issue was exactly, or a screenshot if applicable. Bug reports with no log or description may be ignored.

    Q: Why isn't (item) from PPJA Artisan Valley in this mod? I want it back!
    A: The short answer is that we are not PPJA. The long answer is that we redesigned a ton of parts so that the mod fits into the vanilla gameplay. Some more complicated machines like ice cream and teas are being moved to their own mods. So if you don't see something, it doesn't mean we won't make it.

    Q: Are you going to make (mod)?
    A: Wait and see!

    Q: Is the mod compatible with Stardew Valley Expanded?
    A: Yes.

    There are more questions answered on the mod page, including compatibility questions.

    Known issues:
    - Spacecore - Currently, rewritten recipes don't display their description. If this bothers you, you can turn off Enable Flexible Recipes.
    - Some items, like smoked egg and smoked meat, show the default icon before they are picked from the machine.
    - Automate - Custom mill items don't work with Automate, you'll have to manually place them in the mill. This is an issue on Automate's end.
    - Junimatic - A few machines like the custom mayo machine items and yogurt jar seem to not be able to be used by the junimos, due to the custom coding from Extra Machine Configs. Most things work fine, though.
    - Lookup Anything - Some Lookup info pages for machines such as the Yogurt Jar may look messy. This is not something I can fix from my end!
    - You may get default-color artisan goods when using custom fruits, veggies, etc if that mod author has not set color data on their items.
  3. jonathonyyyy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When playing multiplayer on 1.6, the host can see specific artisan good names (ex: Potato Essential Oil) but the farmhands can only see a generic artisan good name (ex: Essential Oil, without the specific ingredient). It is the same for host's Dried Cabbage vs farmhand's Dried Vegetable.

    Host's log
    Farmhand's log
    screenshots on imgur
    1. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      Weird. I'll look into it, thanks for the report.
    2. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      Hi. Could you try testing with Goat Cheese in the Deluxe Smoker, and see if it makes Smoked Goat Cheese (that both of you can see the name of?) Edit: Nevermind! It seems to be a shortcoming in the current method for creating custom flavored items. Will likely have to be addressed in a game update. Thanks again for reporting!
  4. ManaTheSacrifice
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can you explain me a little how to get beeswax? Im little confused where to get it, thank you!
  5. hsuzy1987
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, thanks for the mod, the PPJA mods added so much in pre-1.6 Stardew and I was gutted to know it hasn't been updated for 1.6. The three Cornucopia mods really scratches that itch.

    Out of curiosity, given you're using a lot of the original assets from the PPJA series and this is a spiritual successor to it, is there any reason why the scope of the Cornucopia Artisan Machines was scaled back compared to PPJA? I recall the PPJA artisan valley having significantly more machines and recipes. Is it due to mod author permissions (or lack thereof)?
    1. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      It's not. Mizu designed or created almost all the machines in Artisan Valley, so if something was not ported, it was by design. We wanted every machine to have a useful purpose and specific niche, so we took 1.6 as the opportunity to redesign the scope of the mod in order to fit the vanilla gameplay feel. This is also answered in the FAQ above you.
    2. hsuzy1987
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Derp, it is indeed in the FAQ, not sure how I missed that. Thanks for the reply (and the work you've all put into the mod) all the same
  6. orgcool
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, it suddenly says "item error," and some of the fruits, vegetables, and fruit juice machines are showing up with an X mark. How can I fix it?
    SMAPI log parser -
    1. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      Hi, please double check your mod config settings. I don't know if you were playing with it before, but you don't have Cornucopia More Crops either.

      You should not have PPJA Fruits & Veggies, Mizu's Flowers, or More Trees while playing with Cornucopia mods. I cannot help with item errors related to those mods.

      For further help, I need to know what items exactly are showing up as an error, preferably with a clear screenshot showing the error name. They are most likely from PPJA items.
  7. VegasOctober
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It looks like there's a conflict between YACS - Yet Another Cooking Skill and Cornucopia - Artisan Goods. Artisan Goods has an option to change some vanilla recipes and make some recipes flexible in the types of ingredients they take. When cooking those new/flexible recipes with YACS, they don't benefit from the cooking skill, and the UI doesn't reflect that you've actually cooked the recipe. (I'm guessing that may reflect on Perfection as well, but am not far enough in the game yet to confirm.)

    To anyone seeing the same thing: Disabling the config option in Cornucopia's Artisan Goods to change recipes resolves the problem. It'd be cool to be able to use both of these together, but for now, just disabling the recipe changes results in correct, expected behavior across the board.

    Note: I'm leaving this same comment across both mods for visibility.

    Additional note: I see your first sticky references something very similar to this, and if it's not something to be fixed it's all good. Thought I'd still mention it to anyone that has noticed the same thing and wants the confirmation that disabling Enable Flexible Recipes as you've suggested does fix the issue :) 
  8. hassan94935
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I usually don't enjoy mods that add too much to the game, but Cornucopia blends so well with vanilla that I decided to download and I'm having a very good time. Thanks for all the work and kudos to you!
    1. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      Thank you!
  9. grassepi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there! This mod is fantastic and I'm really enjoying it. Thank you for making it, alongside your other mods!

    I just wanted to let you know I'm experiencing some kind of issue with Olive Oil in the Collection Tab; I've tried to ship it 3 times and it has yet to fill in the Shipping Collection entry for it. The game is still showing the shadowy outline of the item and displays ??? when I hover over it. Haven't encountered the same issue for anything else. Here's my SMAPI log:
    Thank you again for making and sharing the mod :) The care put into it shows in every item.
    1. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      Have you used Lookup Anything or something to make sure that the item is olive oil? We have a few oils with similar shape.
    2. grassepi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Unfortunately I'm positive it's Olive Oil. I've already shipped every other kind of Oil so their shadowed forms are filled in, and I've made Olive Oil enough times to recognize the shape. Would include a screenshot if I could.
    3. grassepi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am EMBARASSED and redacting all of this. It was Avocado Oil. So sorry for the waste of time >_<
    4. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      Thanks for confirming. By the way, Lookup Anything will tell you what item belongs to a hidden item on the shipping collection, which is why I suggested using it.
  10. PossumGoesToPrague
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I need help, please!

    I'm not sure whether this is a problem with this mod, Artisan Goods Keep Quality, or something else as I use a crapton of mods, but I cannot put roe into preserves jar and age it. Smapi gives me some lines about this mod and some about AGKQ, so I'm also cross-posting this there.

    Theseare the lines in question:
    [21:07:52 WARN Content Patcher] Can't move record "Cornucopia - Artisan Machines > Include machines/preservesjar.json > EditData Data/Machines" > MoveEntries > "Cornucopia_Sauerkraut" BeforeID "Default_Pickled": no entry with ID 'Default_Pickled' exists.[21:07:52 WARN Content Patcher] Can't apply data patch "Cornucopia - Artisan Machines > Include machines-essentialcrops/preservesjar.json > EditData Data/Machines #1" to Data/Machines: the field '(BC)15' > 'OutputRules' > 'Default_Pickled' doesn't match an existing target
    [21:07:52 WARN Content Patcher] Can't move record "Cornucopia - Artisan Machines > Include machines-essentialcrops/preservesjar.json > EditData Data/Machines #2" > MoveEntries > "Cornucopia_BrinedOlives" BeforeID "Default_Pickled": no entry with ID 'Default_Pickled' exists.
    [21:07:52 WARN Content Patcher] Can't move record "Cornucopia - Artisan Machines > Include machines-essentialcrops/preservesjar.json > EditData Data/Machines #2" > MoveEntries > "Cornucopia_PickleSpears" BeforeID "Default_Pickled": no entry with ID 'Default_Pickled' exists.
    [21:07:52 WARN Content Patcher] Can't move record "Cornucopia - Artisan Machines > Include machines-essentialcrops/preservesjar.json > EditData Data/Machines #2" > MoveEntries > "Cornucopia_SoySauce" BeforeID "Default_Pickled": no entry with ID 'Default_Pickled' exists.
    [21:07:52 TRACE SMAPI] Content Patcher edited Data/Machines (for the 'Cornucopia - Artisan Machines' content pack).

    And here's the complete log.
    (Ther's a bunch of unupdated mods in the log, but most are actually updated and either give false alarm, the update is for a different version or only a new translation, or they're old AT packs that shouldn't affect any machines. The only mod I don't update on purpose is Item Extensions due to a bug that breaks custom nodes.)
    1. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      Hi! Some people previously commented that this was caused by Pine Spruce Items as it messes with too much machine data it shouldnt. I think the author is aware of it. Try without that mod, and thanks for providing the log with your comment!
    2. PossumGoesToPrague
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      OK, thank you very much for the reply!

      Update: It was indeed a problem with Pine Spruce. Removing it fixed the issue.

      Thanks again for your help, eventhough it wasn't your mod causing the problem!
  11. kirbydude556
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Should we Deactivate Artisan Valley after installing this mod?
    1. DraconisLeonidas
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      PPJA and Cornucopia are not the same mod. You can use both if you really want to.
  12. poaskkiliaks
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I'm getting this output with the last version

    [Content Patcher] Can't apply data patch "Cornucopia - Artisan Machines > Include machines-extendedcrops/keg.json > EditData Data/Machines #3" to Data/Machines: the field '(BC)12' > 'OutputRules' > 'Default_Juice' doesn't match an existing target
    I don't know if it's related, but I can't make wine with Salmoberry using the Kegs.
    1. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      Hey there, please follow the instructions for submitting bug reports which is in the sticky post above. Additionally, I need to know if you can think of any mods you have that are supposed to edit keg functions (such as mods which make juice keep the quality, remove juice from the keg, etc)
    2. poaskkiliaks
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry about that, I didn't submit the bug reports as I assumed it was not a bug.
      And it isn't, I hadn't realized I needed to create the Juice before using the Keg to make Wine.
    3. 6480
      • member
      • 159 kudos
      I don't understand what your comment means. We don't change wine or juice production methods in that way. Please do double check what mods you have influencing your game--it sounds like you might be using More Sensible Juices.