This is really good but I was wondering if it would be possible for you to make a version of this where she isn't green? The whole long nosed green witch stereotype has always been an antisemetic caricature and a lot of people don't realize that.
no idea if responding to old posts is allowed or not because im pretty new, but i really want to scratch my itch.
Rasmodius says that the witch was his wife, but then she got really angry at him and turned green. Giving her normal skin would make it weird. -
To reply to your reply even though I'm not the OP, I still think that a version of her that isn't green would be amazing. Rasmodius could be speaking figuratively, as in "green with envy" and it wouldn't be the end of the world.
Save it, title it "witch" and use it to replace the .png "witch" file in the "assets" folder of this mod. -
Thank you very much for making this edit and sharing (:
Also downloading your version! Didn't even know about the stereotype being antisemitic, I just wanted some regular witch representation lol (But now I also know that and oof)
What's your source for your claim of it being antisemitic? All the sources I've read from say it's a recent thing about the green skin, plus in the context of the game it's a metaphor for envy so...
Hello! I would like to apologise about my ignorance and unknowing antisemitism. At the time I didn't look much because I'm lazy, but ever since I've always been thinking about your comment about green witches with a big nose being antisemetic, and have recently looked more into it and you're absolutely right. I'm really, really sorry if I have caused you or any other jewish people any discomfort. I'm trying to learn more about jews and the stereotypes that antisemites have baked into our society without a lot of people knowing. Thank you for changing at least one persons views. I wish you nothing but happiness and hope you have a great week. Thank you again, and sorry. Much love my dude ❤️✨️
Ik all of these comments are a year+ old but I just want to clarify this for anyone who sees this comment thread.
The "green skin" is not antisemitic. There are several are several different antisemitic stereotypes perpetuated in what we have come to know as the classic fairytale/Halloween witch. Such as the long hooked nose and pointy black hat. However, the green skin was first seen on The Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz. It is a comparatively new feature to the classic witch and was made as an artistic decision to make her look more "otherworldly". I found this mod because I was looking for a replacement for the pointy nose witch. I am Jewish and for me personally the hooked nose on witches/goblins/villains in general is what bothers me the most. I obviously don't speak for all Jews lol, but I just wanted to add my personal perspective as well. I hope someone finds this helpful!
Has anyone tested this with 1.6? Does it still work?
still working?
She's so cute! Thank you for uploading this.
Thank you so much for this, your mods are incredibly lovely and detailed (:
It's too sad that we're probably not getting more insight on her as a full-fledged NPC. -
I was looking for something like this! It makes it more convincing when the wizard refers to her as his ex lol. Thanks so much!
I love this mod so much! thank you!
and also thank you for uploading a .zip option! -
Omgoodness, she's so cute! Thank you, I love her!
This is really cool! <3 Thank you for your hard work making this sprite edit :D
Now if only she was an actual NPC in the game, in her house to talk to and hear her side of the story Wizard tells... -
Could you make a version of there where its a zip instead of a rar?
I'm using a Mac and I can't open it as a rar