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Court of the Peacocks TailUploaded by
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Hi, I was wondering if I could use your mod as a template to add calls for other mods. Sort of like an addon mod for specific mods that I use.
Hi, I translated your mod, but I can't reflect my translation...
Where is something wrong with my translated files?
I'd greatly appreciate if you could check my translated file. (Also, if you make an i18n file, it'd be very, very helpful...)
Phone Calls Expanded SVE - JP - link to my Google document
(This time, my translation is for enjoying chatting with villagers, not correcting word-for-word. So don't mind they're not word-for-word translations.)-
Thanks!! I'll upload my translation file converted to i18n when it comes!! :D
Hi, Thank you!! I'm converting my translated file into i18n, but I am concerned about your i18n file.
For example,Spoiler:Show"PhoneCallsExpandedSVE_Haley_DesertRequest": "[...]
#$q 1013/1014 PhoneCallsExpandedSVE_Hangup# [,,,]
#$r 1014 -20 PhoneCallsExpandedSVE_Haley_DesertRequest_No#No, sorry.",
Does it work? Because I saw it for the first time since I've seen many default.json.
I've been translating some mods with selections in the i18n file, they don't use this writing. (for example, Airyn's "A Secret Forest Walk" and Miihau's Shane Event Expansion.)
I don't know if this writing style will work, but I wanted to know if this doesn't cause problems so I'm asking you.
I'll finish converting i18n based on your default.json and send you ja.json.
(If this writing style is not wrong, Sorry to bother you with them...)
Thanks. -
Hi there. Finished.
I'm concerned about George's answer in // REPLIES whether the code appeared like text, but I've converted mine into i18n based on the present default.json.
If anything is updated, I'll send you a new one so feel free to tell me.
ja.json (.zip) -
Thanks for correcting and updating mine!
I think I understood as it's no problem what I saw for the first.
Thank you for being so kind, I'll let you know if I want it!
Hi! Would you give me permission to translate your mod into Spanish, please?^^
Hi! I love this mod! It's really good. And may I get your permission to translate your mod into Chinese after you have made the i18 file? :D
This is probably a dumb question, but will this mod work without SVE? I'd like to use it, but SVE is a bit overwhelming for me.
Hi! I made a Turkish Translation for this mode, I would be grateful if you use it!
👇👇 -
Hello! What languages supports this mod?
Since I downloaded this I have received two phone calls so I *think* they are from your mod but am not 100% positive. Both times instead of dialogue appearing it said something along the lines of "string dialogue..." I didn't actually write it down, sorry!! The first time it was George calling and the second time it was Victor (these happened on different in-game days and also different play sessions). Not sure if my SMAPI log will help since it didn't seem to actually cause any kind of actual error? And who knows, maybe it's actually some other mod causing problems and it's just coincidence haha Thank you!! -
this sounds awesome! *downloads*
Hi would it be possible to add in Ridgeside Village and or East Scarpe NPC's to this?